61 Awesome Things About Peterborough In 2012

There was so much awesome about this city this year. In no particular order really, here's 61 of them (we had to cut if off somewhere)...

1. Peterborough Lakers winning the Mann Cup. Best in Canada baby!

2. Red Pashminas, which empower women locally and globally.

3. Trent's LipDub video, a great showcase for the university.

4. Doug Tilley's comedy, whether it's his "singing" or tweeting or... what's next Tilley?

5. Bandwagon episodes. Now in its 2nd season, which launched with Sloan.

6. Wild Rock celebrating 20 years in the downtown. And making the decision to stay in the downtown when they could have moved.

7. PMZ, Peterborough's TMZ celebrating local "celebrities".

8. I'd Rather Be In Peterborough tees. Community spirit.

9. Spanky's annual ping pong tourney for Movember. Spanky's offering a place to play ping pong in town.

"Call Me Maybe" 10. The city rallying behind a teenager's right to play basketball on his own driveway.

11. Philanthropy month in Peterborough showcasing all the people doing good in the community. #bethechangeptbo

12. The new downtown nightclub ARIA, which rivals Toronto's finest.

13. St. Peter's high school students dressing as superheroes during Head of the Trent regatta.

14. Peterborough Cycling Summit. Bike this city. Let's make it as bike friendly as possible.

15. Elton John concert, the one where he actually played Peterborough—not his cancelled one.

GPA EDC's Dan Taylor at Creative Cocktail16. The Peterborough Calendar Girls naked truth campaign raising awareness about the affordable housing shortage here.

17. Breakfast Television broadcasting live from Peterborough. Great coup for our city.

18. Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher at Gerti's. (We don't believe they had the polo sandwich, but it's excellent.)

19. Carly Rae Jepsen at Musicfest. Peterborough singing "Call Me Maybe".

20. Final photo of PCVS students and staff together. This city will never forget the impact this school had, and its legacy.

21. A canoe portage in downtown Peterborough.

22. The Taste of Downtown. So much great food down there. And great folk.

23. The Dragon Boat festival.

24. The Hootenanny on Hunter. It's a hoot.Mike Watt

25. The Gilmour Street Garage Sale. Epic as always.

26. Hunter Street, one of the best streets anywhere for food, drink, shops, live music, theatre, festivals, hot dogs, great vibe.

Rick Mercer at PCVS27. Maryam's Monsef's story about how a city and school saved her life.

28. Peterborough dog pictures.

29. Rick Mercer's Rant on PCVS.

30. Rick Mercer's visit to PCVS, in video and pictures.

31. Noah Leslie—aka @pennyboynoah, who raises money for the Salvation Army Toy Drive each year.

32. Pete Dalliday's unbelievable shot. Believe it.

33. Someone canoeing on a Peterborough street. Canoe Peterborough.

34. Koski.

35. The PeterTweeter awards. Twitter's where it's at. Amazing Twitter community in town. (Follow us here.)

36. Mike Watt's how-to plaid video. Hilarious.

37. Creative Cocktails—here's the one from Market Hall.

St. Peter's superheroes38. Jonny Trash DJing at Spanky's. Best DJ around.

39. The Peterborough web series Grimwell.

40. Petes Insider, giving us the inside goods on the Petes organization.

41. The excellent Canadian Canoe Museum. We're lucky to have it. And let's move it downtown by the waterfront.

42. Electric City Live, which covers the local music scene in Peterborough. Great name, great site.

43. The Art School of Peterborough. Creativity. Imagination.

44. Mike Judson, who went homeless on the streets of Peterborough for 48 hours to raise awareness about the problem here.

Silver Bean45. Peterborough Police for serving and protecting this community, and embracing social media by joining Twitter this year.

46. Rachel Seaman and Ashley Brzozowicz, who competed in the Olympics this summer (Ashley won a silver in her sport, rowing). The tees

47. Downtown Peterborough. Embrace it. Vital. Make it sustainable. Build a city from its core.

48. Silver Bean Café, beauty spot on the river.

49. Our friends at The Wolf and Kruz FM, huge supporters of Peterborough and us. And the always smiling Carol Edwards there, who lets us in through the out door.

50. Three Loonies, for Kawartha Food Share.

51. The return of the Wire Awards. Special night at Market Hall putting spotlight on amazing music scene in Peterborough—one of the best anywhere in Canada.

52. Gallery in the truck. A moving gallery. Great concept. Love it.

53. PtboFinds and PtboProps.

54. Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre.

55. The DBIA's new website by BrandHealth. Excellent.

56. Lois Tuffin, the news diva of Peterborough and the Kawarthas. Never shy about expressing her opinion.

57. Fleming's Student Volunteering Club, students with a sense of community pride.

58. Funny hashtags. E.g. 6,000 people went without power for a couple hours, and #ptboblackout began trending on Twitter in Peterborough. Sample tweet: "I wonder how many babies will be conceived during this blackout #ptboblackout" 

59. John Leacy's mural art around town. Gabby's wall, Spanky's wall and more.

60. Natas Cafe, the epicentre for Peterborough's amazing people.

61. All our readers and followers on Twitter and Facebook. You rock.

Here's to a great 2013!


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You Have 2 Hours Free Parking During Holiday Season Downtown

Thanks to the DBIA and the City of Peterborough, our little annual holiday treat of 2 hours of free parking is now in effect downtown. Any money that is put in the meters will be donated to local charities. Be sure to shop local this holiday season in our amazing downtown.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Why Moving The Canadian Canoe Museum To A Waterfront Location Downtown Would Rock

The Canadian Canoe Museum announced today (November 21st) that a feasibility study is being undertaken starting in January to determine in part what it would take to move to a waterfront location downtown from their current location for the past 15 years at 910 Monaghan Road.

It's never made much sense to be where it is (more than one person has remarked as such), and moving this excellent museum right down by the water in the core of Peterborough seems like an entirely logical thing to do. It would drive many more tourists and cottagers—and even locals—into the downtown area to visit the museum.

Imagine touring the Canoe Museum, then stepping outside it and going canoeing and kayaking on the Otonabee River and Little Lake. And afterwards, tourists and the like can eat and shop and take in some theatre downtown. Brilliant.

"During the years that we've been operating on Monaghan Road, it has become apparent to us that we will need to redevelop the Museum in order to achieve these goals, and so we are commissioning a feasibility study as the first step," says the museum's director James Raffan in a PR release.

Funding for the study comes from private donors and a grant from the Peterborough Community Futures Development Corporation.

Where do you think a great place for a new site would be for construction of a facility near the downtown?


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PTBOCanada Pictures & Coverage: Peterborough Cycling Summit 2012 At Market Hall

The Peterborough Cycling Summit was at the beautiful Market Hall last night. There were about 150 people in attendance from a diverse group to listen to some excellent speakers.

Read More

Public Invited To Peterborough Transit Operations Review This Wednesday At Evinrude Centre

This Wednesday is the Peterborough Transit Operations Review, where you can provide feedback on the draft review of our transit. You can read the publication here, and on Wednesday head over to the Evinrude Centre (911 Monaghan Road) at 6 p.m. for the public meet.

Some of the proposed changes are...


  • The Nichols Park route will be combined with the Trent East Bank Route
  • All routes on Saturdays will start at 7:20 a.m. (currently start at 6:40)
  • Major Bennett route will be reduced to peak times only and the elimination of the first run on all routes for Saturday mornings
  • Elimination of the semi-annual and annual seniors passes
  • Cash fare increase of 0.25c to a total fare of $2.50


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada (hashtag #bethechangeptbo) or Like us on Facebook.

2nd Annual Peterborough And The Kawartha Cycling Summit This Thursday At Market Hall

This Thursday (September 20th) at Market Hall, the Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee (P-BAC) will be hosting the second annual Peterborough and the Kawartha Cycling Summit, an event that brings together cycling enthusiasts, City and County officials, and representatives from community organizations in order to support the development and prioritization of cycling strategies in our region.

"This is an opportunity for community engagement," says P-BAC Chair, Donald Fraser in a media release.

"People often wonder how they can get involved in planning bike lanes, trails, community education programs, bike tourism programs... They often wonder where they can speak up on cycling issues. This conference represents the perfect opportunity," Fraser says.

Planners see the event as a major step in creating a bike-friendly community: one that will focus on an increase in tourism, improved road safety, reduced road repair cost, and increased quality of life for all Peterborough residents.

The keynote speaker for the event will be internationally renowned cycling advocate, Eleanor McMahon, founder of Share the Road. Also speaking are Councillor Len Vass, County Deputy Reeve Barry Rand, City of Peterborough Transportation Demand Management Planner Susan Sauvé, and Director of Public Works Chris Bradley.

The Summit will run from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m Thursday. To reserve your spot, visit P-bac.org or call Susan Sauvé at 705-742-7777 ext. 1485.

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada (hashtag #bethechangeptbo) or Like us on Facebook.

The Wheels On Peterborough Buses Won't Be Going Round & Round On Labour Day

Don't forget the transit buses won't be running on Labour Day Monday. Walk, bike or drive.

[The Wheels On The Bus]

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada (hashtag #bethechangeptbo) or Like us on Facebook.

Here's A Time-Lapse Video From Peterborough Square To Cobourg


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Here's The Top 10 Intersections For Collisions In Peterborough

Peterborough Community Police's Traffic Managment Unit has released stats so far this year for the Top 10 intersections for collisions (and what the Top 10 were last year).

"The one intersection of note," according to the police release, "is that Monaghan and Lansdowne is no longer in the Top 10 for this year. It actually did not make the Top 20. It has been #1 or #2 for the past 5 years."


Here's the breakdown...

2012 So Far

1 Clonsilla and the Parkway
2 Clonsilla and Sherbrooke
3 Parkway and Lansdowne
4 Rubidge and King
5 Fairbairn and Parkhill
6 Parkhill and George
7 Lock and Lansdowne
8 Sherbrooke Rubidge
9 Ashburnham and Lansdowne
10 Clonsilla and Goodfellow
2011 Year End Stats

1 Sherbrooke and Clonsilla
2 Monaghan and Lansdowne
3 Monaghan and Parkhill
4 Clonsilla and Goodfellow
5 Parkway and Lansdowne
6 Clonsilla and Parkway
7 Bellevue and Chemong
8 Wolsely and Chemong
9 Parkhill and Fairbairn
10 Sherbrooke and Monaghan
Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada (hashtag #bethechangeptbo) or Like us on Facebook.

PtboPic: Person Portages Canoe In Downtown Peterborough

[via @aptbopeddler]

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