Peterborough Police Seek Suspects in Shooting

Peterborough Police say it is looking for two, possibly three, suspects after a shooting Wednesday evening that’s being investigated as an attempted murder.

File photo

The shooting took place in the area of George Street North and Parkhill Road just before 7 p.m. Wednesday evening.

Police say witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots.

With the help of the K-9 Unit, police searched the area but were unable to find the suspects.

A Scarborough male, 17, was found suffering from multiple gunshot wounds and was taken to Peterborough Regional Health Centre.

He was then taken to a Toronto-area hospital and is now listed in stable condition with non-life threatening injuries.

Police add the connection between the suspects and victim is not fully clear, however it is believed to be related to the drug subculture.

"At this time, we are actively following up on investigative leads and searching for the suspects. We are asking anyone with information to come forward, and if not comfortable speaking directly to the police, then to do so anonymously through Crime Stoppers,” said Chief Stuart Betts.

“These events are absolutely concerning and strike at the feelings of safety for everyone in our community. Although little comfort, we have information to believe that this was another targeted incident, and once again, we believe the illicit drug trade is at the heart of it. I have said many times, where there are illicit drugs, violence is likely to follow.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Peterborough Police at 705-876-1122 extension 555 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or online at

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Flying Colours Corp. to Paint and Perform Select Maintenance on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Fleet

Flying Colours Corp. has been awarded a contract by Public Services and Procurement Canada on behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Air Services Branch, which requires the corporation to provide exterior aircraft paintwork and refinishing services.

Rendering of the paintwork to be applied to the RCMP Pilatus PC-12. photo courtesy of flying colours corp.

The services will be offered on an as-required basis for an initial period of two years, with the potential to cover a period of up to eight years. Flying Colours has worked with the RCMP previously and were once again successful in winning the public bid for the work. 

The first aircraft, a Pilatus PC-12 turboprop, was inducted at the Flying Colours Peterborough facility at the end of March, with work expected to be completed and the aircraft re-delivered in early May. A second aircraft, another PC-12, is already confirmed to arrive in October 2023. The RCMP aircraft will be painted aviation gray with a three-stripe scheme in navy blue, federal yellow and toreador red, with the organization’s insignia bisecting the red and yellow stripes. The iconic logo, which features a uniformed officer mounted on a horse, will be painted on the tail in navy blue.

“This is a really unique project, and as a family-run Canadian company with its roots in aviation painting, we are proud to support the RCMP as they upgrade their aircraft exteriors. I know our team is looking forward to honouring the force with the highest quality work and are excited to be applying the emblematic logo onto the aircraft,” says Eric Gillespie, executive VP at Flying Colours.  

The RCMP operates a fleet of 25 fixed and rotary-wing aircraft from 19 air service locations in 11 provinces and territories across Canada. Airbus H145, H125 & H120 helicopters, Cessna 206 & 208 turboprops, De Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otters, Quest Kodiak and Pilatus PC-12 fixed-wing aircraft comprise the fleet.

The mixed aircraft will be painted in Flying Colours' state-of-the-art paint hangar by the highly experienced paint team, which has worked in the facility since opening two years ago. The state-of-the-art facility is fully computerized and climate controlled. It features a pressurized cross-draft paint booth equipped with 168 energy-efficient lights that simulate natural daylight to optimize paint colour matches and visibility for technicians. The sanding, paint, purge, and cure application sequence reduces environmental impact through intelligently designed air recirculation and exhaust systems, decreasing the heat needed to operate while reducing paint emissions released into the air.

Flying Colours will be exhibiting at the Canadian Business Aviation Association meeting in Calgary 11- 13 July 2023 on booth 508.

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Oshawa Couple's Viral TikTok Shows Stolen Camping Trailer Allegedly Fleeing OPP Pursuit On Hwy. 401 in Northumberland

Oshawa residents Mike Sidey and his girlfriend Elizabeth Williams were driving westbound on Hwy. 401 in Northumberland Sunday morning when they encountered an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) operation to stop a fleeing truck towing an allegedly stolen camping trailer.

mike sidey and girlfriend elizabeth williams. photo courtesy of mike sidey.

“It was definitely different that’s for sure. It was entertaining, something that you wouldn’t really see unless you were watching it on T.V. or at the movies or something like that,” said Sidey. “It was like Grand Theft Auto in real life.”

On that Sunday morning, he recalls merging onto the 401 from Trenton at the same time as the OPP officer.

“That was at 11:30 a.m. We got on the 401, we merged, (the OPP officer) drove away, no lights, no sirens, no nothing. Just doing his regular, routine patrol.”

About 3 to 5 minutes later, traffic began to slow down. Sidey noticed the officer on the side of the highway.

“I saw the OPP officer sitting on the side of the highway and standing outside his vehicle trying to flag two participants down.”

The participants, two camping trailers in the right lane, were being passed by a tractor trailer in the other lane.

As the trailers passed the officer, Sidey says the officer threw his hands in the air “in disgust.”

“That’s when the back trailer decided to cut over to the left lane, and started driving off. I slowed down and I actually looked at the people in the (vehicle). I tried to get his attention but he wouldn’t even look at us,” said Sidey.

The trailer then began swaying between both the right and left lanes, and Sidey noticed its stairs were still out.

“That’s when I started (recording). I had my phone up on my dash recording, then my girlfriend took the phone to record more and put them on TikTok.”

Sidey’s video currently has over 300,000 TikTok views and over 10,000 likes.

The video shows the officer pursuing the truck towing the camping trailer in an attempt to pull the vehicle over. The trailer takes the Big Apple exit off of Hwy. 401 and into Colborne.

That trailer, according to OPP, was allegedly stolen from Northumberland.

“When we got home, around 12:30 p.m., my buddy had sent me a link saying that they were stolen trailers. I was like, what are the odds we got that on video?!”

An Ottawa man, 59, was charged with a number of offences, including flight from a peace officer, possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000, two drug charges, operating an unsafe vehicle and driving a motor vehicle while under licence suspension.

The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court in Belleville on April 24.

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Peterborough Police Receive 9-1-1 Call From Person Reporting End Of Their Driveway Needs To Be Cleared Of Snow

Peterborough Police Service reports that their communications centre just received a 9-1-1 call from a person reporting that the end of their driveway needs to be cleared after a snowplow went by.

Snow at the end of your driveway is a pain in the butt but not an emergency (PTBOCanada file photo)

Police remind the public to keep their calls to 9-1-1 for emergencies only.

So for example, snow at the end of your driveway doesn’t qualify as an emergency. It sucks but it’s not an emergency. Hashtag #WhenNotToCall911.

“These types of calls tie up the emergency lines. For snowplow issues kindly, contact The City of Peterborough,” the police say.

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Here's The Top 10 Intersections For Collisions In Peterborough

Peterborough Community Police's Traffic Managment Unit has released stats so far this year for the Top 10 intersections for collisions (and what the Top 10 were last year).

"The one intersection of note," according to the police release, "is that Monaghan and Lansdowne is no longer in the Top 10 for this year. It actually did not make the Top 20. It has been #1 or #2 for the past 5 years."


Here's the breakdown...

2012 So Far

1 Clonsilla and the Parkway
2 Clonsilla and Sherbrooke
3 Parkway and Lansdowne
4 Rubidge and King
5 Fairbairn and Parkhill
6 Parkhill and George
7 Lock and Lansdowne
8 Sherbrooke Rubidge
9 Ashburnham and Lansdowne
10 Clonsilla and Goodfellow
2011 Year End Stats

1 Sherbrooke and Clonsilla
2 Monaghan and Lansdowne
3 Monaghan and Parkhill
4 Clonsilla and Goodfellow
5 Parkway and Lansdowne
6 Clonsilla and Parkway
7 Bellevue and Chemong
8 Wolsely and Chemong
9 Parkhill and Fairbairn
10 Sherbrooke and Monaghan
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Woman Drugged At Peterborough Bar Then Sexually Assaulted By Cab Driver

This is just the worst story imaginable. An intoxicated woman who was apparently the victim of a date rape drug at The Junction nightclub Friday night was put in a cab by her friends to get her home safely, and the driver, in what's being called "a crime of opportunity", took her back to his residence and allegedly sexually assaulted her. The cab driver has been charged with sexual assault and abduction. Police say there is an alarming increase in the number of sexual assaults connected to date rape drugs in the city, and that women who go out together have to develop a buddy system and look after each other at all times. Apparently it is no longer safe to put them in a cab alone either. Terrible.

[CHEX TV; The Peterborough Examiner]

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PtboPics: Standoff in the Patch

The man has been captured by police. Here's a couple photos our creative director Evan Holt took at the scene:

[Man, 43, apprehended after standoff at a Hunter St. W. apartment]