PtboPics: Here's 20 From The 2012 PeterTweeter Awards

140 guests/tweeps had a great time at the Splice Lounge (@SpliceLounge) last night at the 2012 PeterTweeter Awards...

The lovely hosts for the evening, Catherine Hanrahan (@chan_rahan) and Dani Stover (@danigray)

Rick Dolishny (@rdolishny), designer of the PeterTweeter mascot, tries out the official PeterTweeter drink.

The best way to identify each other... by our Twitter "handles".

Jim Truswell (@JimTruswell) helping out at the entrance. Great plaid Jim.

Michael Hurcomb (@michaelhurcomb) running an awesome photobooth. Great plaid guys.

PeterTweeter organizer Donald Fraser (@ptbo_skeptic)

Karen August (@TheMarketHall) "overcome" with emotion for winning her award. Great plaid Karen.

Matt Higgs accepting the award for @ptbogreenup who won Best Not-for-profit organization

Tweeters who came out to support tweeters. And plaid.

Jeffrey Macklin (@jacksoncreek) who was smitten with his award. Great plaid pants Jeff.

Gordon "Batman" Costain (@Gordfather) who even had a special thank you video from Police Chief Murray Rodd who thanked him for using social media for good and not evil.

Best Twitter Couple Doug Tilley (@Doug_Tilley) and Jill Tilley (@jilly_tilley)

Désirée Fawn (@sofawned) whose fortune cookie predicted her win as Best Mommy Tweeter

Catherine Hanrahan (@chan_rahan) reorganizing her queue cards after a funny mishap.

 Kate and Janelle's (@brownmeadowbird) Amazing Performance (which you can see here)

The legend Pete Dalliday (@petedalliday) for best sports.

So cool it hurts, Steve Hancock (@stevehancock) who won the Hipster award

Karen Elcombe accepts the award for the Riverview Zoo (@RiverviewZoo)

Watch out for Doug Tilley (@Doug_Tilley), who won Biggest Twit Disturber

PTBO_Y_U_NO (@PTBO_Y_U_NO) didn't formally accept their award so we still don't know their identity.

Click here to view the complete list of winners (including ours).

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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