Photo Series of Unbelievable Dave Ellis Captures Prove Otter and Smallmouth Bass Are Not Photoshopped

A ‘Good Morning PTBO’ picture by Dave Ellis posted to our social media platforms Thursday morning stirred up some speculation.

photo by dave ellis.

The one of a kind capture shows a local otter eating a smallmouth bass on the Otonabee River.

“When you shoot at a fast shutter speed the camera freezes the action and it sometimes looks unnatural,” Ellis explains. “I can assure you that the otter did catch this fish and the picture is not photoshopped.”

The series of captures below shows the otter catching the bass.

“Thank you for all of the nice comments on my photo. I really appreciate them and I am glad you enjoyed the photo. It was phenomenal to watch the otter catch this fish,” Ellis adds.

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Photos: High School Students Stage Protest For Climate Action

Students from Peterborough Alternative & Continuing Education (PACE) staged a walkout from school and protested to spread awareness about climate change as part of a movement named “Fridays for Future” at Confederation Park on Friday.

Photo by Luke Best.

The students were part of the Youth Leadership in Sustainability program held in partnership with Trent University.

Aisling MacQuarrie,16, is a Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School student who is taking Youth Leadership in Sustainability. A program that prepares grade 11 and 12 students for leadership roles in sustainability initiatives at the local and global levels. Photo by Luke Best.

“In 2019, the city announced a climate crisis and they also committed to reducing greenhouse gases by 40 per cent by 2031. We're here to remind them of that promise and make sure they're upholding and making actions to get there,” said Aisling MacQuarrie, grade 11 student. “We wanted to try to make more of a difference in our community.”

Fridays for Future is a youth-led global climate strike movement that started in August 2018 when then 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a school strike for the climate.

For three weeks leading up to the election, she sat outside Swedish Parliament every school day, demanding action on the climate crisis.

Mayor Diane Therrien encouraged the students in their protest and movement before heading to the Peterborough Environmental and Climate Action Expo (EnviroX). Photo by Luke Best.

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Local Photographer Has Nature Come Alive In Spring Wildlife Gallery

A big black bear digging for grubs along the edge of the water. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

A big black bear digging for grubs along the edge of the water. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

A family of young raccoons out explore their new world. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

A family of young raccoons out explore their new world. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

As soon as the great blue herons return they go to the rookeries and start their nesting season. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

As soon as the great blue herons return they go to the rookeries and start their nesting season. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

As the loons come back to the north, they are quite hungry and catch whatever fish they can. This one swallowed this fish whole. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

As the loons come back to the north, they are quite hungry and catch whatever fish they can. This one swallowed this fish whole. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Bald Eagles are caring for the young eagles by now. They began nesting earlier in the year. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Bald Eagles are caring for the young eagles by now. They began nesting earlier in the year. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Beautiful young fox kits are out exploring. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Beautiful young fox kits are out exploring. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

By late spring, the young eagles have gotten quite large. It will not be long before they are ready for their first flight. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

By late spring, the young eagles have gotten quite large. It will not be long before they are ready for their first flight. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Common mergansers play around as they catch fish under the last of the ice remaining in the coves of the lakes. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Common mergansers play around as they catch fish under the last of the ice remaining in the coves of the lakes. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Eagles began nesting earlier in the winter but now they are bringing fresh straw to insulate the newly born young ones. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Eagles began nesting earlier in the winter but now they are bringing fresh straw to insulate the newly born young ones. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Fritillary butterflies are busy feeding on fresh flowers. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Fritillary butterflies are busy feeding on fresh flowers. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Great horned owls are spectacular raptors that are fiercely protective of their nests. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Great horned owls are spectacular raptors that are fiercely protective of their nests. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Great numbers of swans pass through southern Ontario as they head north this time of year. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Great numbers of swans pass through southern Ontario as they head north this time of year. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Mom is returning from a day of hunting and greets her young ones. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Mom is returning from a day of hunting and greets her young ones. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

The Ospreys get right to work rebuilding and repairing their nests as soon as they return from the south. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

The Ospreys get right to work rebuilding and repairing their nests as soon as they return from the south. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

The young Canada geese are always a beautiful heartwarming sight. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

The young Canada geese are always a beautiful heartwarming sight. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

The young herons grow fast. In a short time they will be ready to leave the nest. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

The young herons grow fast. In a short time they will be ready to leave the nest. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

There are as many as 21 turtles on one log here in the Kawarthas. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

There are as many as 21 turtles on one log here in the Kawarthas. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Wild turkeys are going into their mating season and the toms are strutting their stuff. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Wild turkeys are going into their mating season and the toms are strutting their stuff. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Wood ducks are pairing up and looking for nesting spots. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Wood ducks are pairing up and looking for nesting spots. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Young fox kits playing in the sunshine. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

Young fox kits playing in the sunshine. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.

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Instagram Worthy Alleys & Urban Spaces Of Peterborough Perfect For Photo Shoots

Peterborough has awesome alleys and cool urban spaces downtown that make perfect backdrops for photo shoots for Instagram. Here are just a few great options that Rob “Electric City” James captured on a recent trek around town…

Location: Water & Hunter Street

Location: Water & Hunter Street

Location: Water & Hunter Street

Location: Chambers & Hunter St. W.

Location: Chambers Street at Hunter

Location: Charlotte & George Street

Location: Hunter & Aylmer Street

Location: Hunter & Aylmer Street (reverse angle)

Location: Water & Hunter Street

Location: Water & Hunter Street

Location: Hunter Street facing Simcoe Bus Terminal

Location: Near the corner of George & Hunter Street

Know any other cool urban spaces and hidden alleys? Email here!

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Look At These Vintage Millbrook Pictures

We dug up these gems below from the Vintage Peterborough, Lindsay and the Kawartha Region Facebook page of Millbrook way way back in the day. Check out some of the pictures.

Millbrook Post Office in 1935

W H Byam & Son Dry Goods Store, Millbrook

Millbrook commercial block including newspaper office circa 1910

CNR Station and Commercial Hotel in Millbrook circa 1920

Orange Day Parade Millbrook, 1905

Millbrook circa 1900

Millbrook Armoury circa 1927

King Street/Victoria Hotel Millbrook, 1913

Dr. H.A. Turner and family in his 1912 REO in Millbrook

For more vintage photos of Peterborough and the Kawarthas, go here.

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Peterborough & The Kawarthas From Above In Winter Is Gorgeous

Aaron Harman took these beautiful pictures of Peterborough and the Kawarthas from a plane on the weekend. His buddy Todd Steenburgh is a pilot. Check them out...

Water Street, running along the zoo...

Lift Lock Canal skaters...

Taken of George Street running with Little Lake...

Chemong Lake ice fishers...

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Groovy Retro Fun: Look At These 1970s Pictures From The Peterborough Zoo

The Seventies were groovy in so many ways—and that included all the fun times at the Riverview Park & Zoo in Peterborough where their playground and exhibits—from monkey bars to monkeys—have been a hit for decades. Thanks to the zoo for digging into their archives to provide us with these...

The original totem pole was erected in 1973 (its replacement went up in 2016)...

Love these wheels in the parking lot...

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Incredible Aerial Pictures Of Main Street Bobcaygeon Rocking Out To Tragically Hip

Among the 11.7 million Canadians to watch CBC's three-hour broadcast Saturday night of Tragically Hip's last show were thousands of people on main street Bobcaygeon—the place from the Hip's beloved song "Bobcaygeon".

Bolton Street was shut down so people could watch the show together on a big screen. Kawartha Adventure Rentals took amazing aerial images of the festivities using a drone that they posted to their Twitter account. Here they are below...

Wow, like look at this...

Here's what it looked like from the ground on Bobcaygeon under the constellation...

photo via Kawartha ATV Rentals

Photo via TrentSevern Waterway

Music video by The Tragically Hip performing Bobcaygeon. (C) 1998 Universal Music Canada

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Stunning Ice Mosaic On The Otonabee

Nora Mickee

Nora Mickee

Spring is coming, and the ice is melting on lakes and rivers—and with that, comes some neat formations. Nora Mickee from Studio-N captured this beauty Instagram picture of a "ice mosaic" on the Otonabee. As she also describes of the image, it looks like "floating marble".

"Ice mosaic on the Otonabee. It looks like floating marble #Spring #riverice #breakup @Ptbo_Canada"

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