Riverview Park and Zoo's Miniature Train Goes Off the Rails From Vandalism; Trademark Bell Stolen

Riverview Park and Zoo’s miniature train was vandalized and had its historic bell stolen announced on Saturday.

Last year, $19,940 was raised from a 308-piece, 11 x 17-inch puzzle of the current 1860 locomotive replica fundraising campaign towards a new train. Photo courtesy of Rivervew Park & Zoo.

Zoo staff discovered the damage on Friday morning during their spring maintenance but is not confirmed if the incident was on two separate occasions or one. No suspects were located during the incident according to the Peterborough Police.

“Some days are more challenging than others. Unfortunately, vandals have broken into the train tunnel, damaged our venerable train locomotive & stolen its signature brass bell,” said Jim Moloney, zoo manager and curator. “If you have info that may lead to the return of the bell, please contact us or Peterborough Police.”

The train was scheduled to run for Victoria Day weekend (May 21-22) according to the Zoo’s Facebook page before discovering the vandalism.

“In addition to the cost of repair/replacement, thoughtless acts like this really have a negative impact on our team of dedicated and passionate staff,” said Maloney on Facebook.

The train‘s parts are no longer manufactured and require an engineer to create according to Paul Hartung, zoo board member in a prior interview.

The miniature train ride is an 1860 locomotive replica. Located under sabre jet, the train track is over two kilometres and the ride is roughly ten minutes long according to the zoo’s website.

The train was built in 1974, costs two dollars to ride and is free for children under two.

The country’s only accredited free-admission zoo has over 55 acres of the zoo on the Otonabee River with over 25 exhibits and 40 animal species.

The zoo’s goal is to still have the train operable for Victoria Day weekend.

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Jigsaw Puzzles of Peterborough Zoo's Miniature Train Sold To Fundraise New Locomotive

The Riverview Park & Zoo is selling jigsaw puzzles of its iconic James Hamilton miniature train in a fundraising effort for a new locomotive that launched on Friday.

The train travels on a bridge through a forest of artificial and natural attractions but does not run through the zoo. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Roughly 750 copies of the 308-piece puzzle have been made to help fund the required $650,000 — along with other fundraisers — for a new train projected for 2023 according to Paul Hartung, zoo board member.

The puzzle is sold for $20 at the zoo’s gift shop and stores such as Brant Basics, Griffins Greenhouses, Fork in the Road Country Market and Ennismore Pharmacy. Other stores could soon follow suit.

Calyptic Creations, a commercial printer based out of Calgary created the puzzle where Hartung knew through the Rotary Club of Peterborough.

The train needs to be replaced since its parts are no longer manufactured and getting new parts would be costly says Hartung.

“We would have to hire an engineer to make a new part for us and it could cost us roughly $200-$300 an hour,” he explained.

The train opens during the summer season from daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Photo Courtesy of Paul Hartung.

Hartung researched the campaign idea in December last year. The zoo’s advisory committee agreed to the idea and began planning the fundraising process.

The train was built in 1974 that costs two dollars to ride and is free for children under two.

The miniature train ride is an 1860 locomotive replica. Located under sabre jet, the train track is over two kilometres and the ride is roughly ten minutes long according to the zoo’s website.

“This is a way that can probably help us prepare for a replacement of the train and hopefully the new train will last us another 50 years and another three or four generations,” reflected Hartung. “The fun of it is to go for the ride.”

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

This Facebook Clip Of Baby Meerkats Playing At Riverview Park & Zoo Is Going Viral

A short clip of the baby meerkats at the Riverview Zoo playing in the animal health clinic is going viral, with nearly 15,000 views since being uploaded earlier this week to the zoo's Facebook page—even Time.com picked it up.

Watch the adorable clip below...

Engage with us on social media on TwitterInstagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com

Chalk Talk: Kyla Callan


PtboCanada's Chalk Talk is a snapshot of people's favourite thing about Peterborough. Watch for us downtown as we would like to feature your favourite thing too! Kyla Callan's favourite thing is "I like to go to the zoo."

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Here's Funny Video Of A Emu Shadowing A Kid At The Peterborough Zoo


Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Watch The Otters Play At The Peterborough Zoo (Because Otters Like To Play Too)


Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

PtboPics: Stuff That Happened Around The Patch This Long Weekend


Waiting for their first train ride of the year at the zoo!

Making fishing lures at the Farmers Market

LAWS semi-annual yard sale

Plant Sale at the Hutchison House Museum  Getting the blades sharpened for the gardening season

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend

Looking for something to do in Peterborough this weekend?


- The Fab Four Fathers of Rock & Roll (8 p.m. - $28.50) Showplace

- Halloween Ghost Tour (7 p.m. - $15 for adults, $10 for 12 & under) Call: 705-745-4404

Spooky Halloween (6 p.m. to 9 p.m. - Info & Ticket pricingLang Pioneer Village (Map)



Waste Reduction Drop Off (9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Free) City Hall Parking Lot

- Friends of the Library Book Sale (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) Peterborough Public Library (Map)

- Pumpkin Fest (11 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Free) McLean Berry Farm (Map)

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- New Stages Presents - Baby Boomers: The Show (8 p.m. - Ticket pricingShowplace

Spooky Halloween (6 p.m. to 9 p.m. - Info & Ticket pricingLang Pioneer Village (Map)

Halloween Ghost Tour (7 p.m. - $15 for adults, $10 for 12 & under) Call: 705-745-4404

- Keene Pumpkin Festival (Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Free)


Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo


Have a great weekend Peterborough! Don't stop believin'! And remember to vote!!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend", email evan@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend

Artsweek wraps up this weekendLooking for something to do in Peterborough this weekend?


- Artsweek: Various events (Throughout the day - Free)

Noises Off (8PM - Adults $18, Seniors $16, Students $10) Peterborough Theater Guild

- The Last Concert of Patsy Cline (8PM - $32) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Galaxy Cinemas 10th Anniversary (9AM - Free)

- Doors Open (10AM to 4PM - Free) Full city map

- Artsweek: Various events (Throughout the day - Free)

- Bike and Gear Swap (10AM to 4PM) Wild Rock

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- Meet & Greet with Lorne Elliott (3 PM to 4PM - Free) Showplace

Noises Off (8 p.m. - Adults $18, Seniors $16, Students $10) Peterborough Theater Guild

- Lorne Elliott: The Upside of the Downturn (8 p.m. - $35) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

- Art of Dying with Crash Karma (9 P.M.) Historic Red Dog



Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- Music Workshop with the Marigolds (3 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Free) Showplace

Noises Off (2 p.m. - Adults $18, Seniors $16, Students $10) Peterborough Theater Guild

The Marigolds (8 p.m. - $27) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

Have a GREAT weekend Peterborough!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend", email evan@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.