Bring Back The Drive-In

There aren’t many signs of the Mustang Drive-in that exist today. The berms are still there for the cars to park on, and the roads still exist, but that’s about it.

There aren’t many signs of the Mustang Drive-in that exist today. The berms are still there for the cars to park on, and the roads still exist, but that’s about it.

Maybe it’s one part nostalgia, and one part perfect timing, but we’d love to see the Mustang Drive-In return.

What better time than during physical distancing to enjoy movies from the comfort of your own vehicle? Unfortunately, the drive-in closed back in 2012, the structures have since been demolished and now the land sits vacant. (Here is a post we did from a woman whose father managed it back in the day.)

Would you enjoy going to the drive-in or did you have fond memories of going? Thankfully we still have two semi-local Drive-ins that are considering opening this year: the Lindsay Drive-In and the Port Hope Drive-In.



One of our readers was kind enough to dig some photos out of his archives to share with us…

“Back in the day, Peterborough had TWO drive-ins for us to choose from... 

The Mustang, and up on the Lakefield highway where Giant Tiger now stands was the Peterboro Drive-in.

Here’s also a photo of my ‘66 Impala parked on a hump at the Mustang Drive-In site.”

- Frank B.

“It would be the ultimate in nostalgia to go to the drive-in in my ‘66 Chevy Impala... second only to going up to Armour Hill in my ‘66 Impala... accompanied in either case, of course, with a fine companion. - Frank B.”

“It would be the ultimate in nostalgia to go to the drive-in in my ‘66 Chevy Impala... second only to going up to Armour Hill in my ‘66 Impala... accompanied in either case, of course, with a fine companion. - Frank B.”

—by Evan Holt,

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PTBO Pics & Coverage: The Peterborough Mustang Drive-In Is No More?

Last weekend (Victoria Day weekend) usually marks the opening weekend for the Mustang Drive-In. Checking the website left us with unanswered questions as there was no sign of what was to come for their 2013 season. After calling the hotline phone number, we were left stumped when it was no longer in service. According to The Starlite, it is apparently closed for this year. Sad news for outdoor movie theatre fans who love to watch movies under the stars. Hopefully it will open up again next year.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris and Evan Holt]

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The Peterborough Drive-In Opens This Weekend!

The Mustang Drive-In (2134 Preston Rd) opens for the season this weekend. The box office opens at 8:15 and is cash-only. This weekend, The Lorax starts at 9:00 p.m., Battleship plays second at 10:30 p.m. and playing third on Sunday is American Reunion.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Movies For Boobies At Mustang Drive-In Raises Money For Breast Cancer Research

Movies for Boobies returns again this year to the Mustang Drive-In this Saturday, September 24th, with screenings of Sex and the City and Pretty in Pink.

Proceeds raised go to Breast Cancer Research. There will be a prize for Best Decorated Pink Car, and everyone is encouraged to wear pink. Tickets are $12 per person, and gates open at 5:45 p.m.

For more information, call 705-742-3823.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

Tip us at Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Movies for Boobies kicks off Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A charitable event will be held at the Mustang Drive-in this Saturday which will launch Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At 6:30 P.M., the Canadian Cancer Society of Peterborough and District Unit, will host the first ever Movies for Boobies event, showing Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman.

The best decorated car (in pink) will win a prize. There will be raffle tickets and "Pink Ribbon" bracelets and scarves available for purchase.

Tickets are $12 a person and the Mustang is located at 2134 Preston Rd. 

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Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend

Artsweek wraps up this weekendLooking for something to do in Peterborough this weekend?


- Artsweek: Various events (Throughout the day - Free)

Noises Off (8PM - Adults $18, Seniors $16, Students $10) Peterborough Theater Guild

- The Last Concert of Patsy Cline (8PM - $32) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Galaxy Cinemas 10th Anniversary (9AM - Free)

- Doors Open (10AM to 4PM - Free) Full city map

- Artsweek: Various events (Throughout the day - Free)

- Bike and Gear Swap (10AM to 4PM) Wild Rock

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- Meet & Greet with Lorne Elliott (3 PM to 4PM - Free) Showplace

Noises Off (8 p.m. - Adults $18, Seniors $16, Students $10) Peterborough Theater Guild

- Lorne Elliott: The Upside of the Downturn (8 p.m. - $35) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

- Art of Dying with Crash Karma (9 P.M.) Historic Red Dog



Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- Music Workshop with the Marigolds (3 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Free) Showplace

Noises Off (2 p.m. - Adults $18, Seniors $16, Students $10) Peterborough Theater Guild

The Marigolds (8 p.m. - $27) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

Have a GREAT weekend Peterborough!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend", email Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend...

Looking for something to do in Peterborough this weekend?


- 2010 Mann Cup - Peterborough Lakers vs New Westminster Salmonbellies (7:45 p.m. - Adults $20, Children $15) Memorial Centre

DBIA Jazz Restaurant Tour (Evening - $20) Call 748-4774 for more info or stop in at the DBIA

- Colin James (8PM - $52) Showplace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Kawartha Lakes Cycling Tour (7 a.m to 5:30 p.m. - Adults - $25 Pre-registration, or $30 same day. 16 & under - $20 Pre-registration or $25 same day) 

Pathway of Fame 13th Annual Induction Ceremony (10 a.m. - Free) Del Crary Park

DBIA Jazz Festival (Noon to Midnight - Free) Millenium Park

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- 2010 Mann Cup - Peterborough Lakers vs New Westminster SalmonBellies (7:45 p.m. - Adults $20, Children $15) Memorial Centre

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

Have a GREAT weekend Peterborough!  Don't Stop Believin'!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend", email Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend...

Looking for something to do in Peterborough this loooooooong weekend?


Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Pioneer Corn Roast (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Adults $10, Student/Senior $9, Youth (5-14) $6 Under 5 free, Family $30 (includes 2 adults & 4 youth)) Lang Pioneer Village

Kawartha Arts Festival (10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Free) Fenelon Falls

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing


Monday (Labour Day)

- Here is what is opened and closed.

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- GAME 7!!! Peterborough Lakers vs Brampton Excelsiors (7 p.m. - Adults $16, Seniors/Students $10.50, Children $3) Memorial Centre

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

...Looks to be a rainy weekend, better rent a few flicks!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend", email Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend

Looking for something to do in Peterborough this weekend?


- Peterborough Folk Festival - Royal Wood Concert (7PM - Sold Out) Canadian Canoe Museum

- Canadian Wakeboard Open (Schedule - $29.95 in advance) Beavermead Park

Wild Rock Outfitters hosts Learn to Paddle (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - $25/person) Beavermead Park

Ghost Walk (9 p.m. - $10 a person) - Corner of Hunter and Driscoll Terrace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



Peterborough Folk Festival - Festival Day (11 a.m. to 11 p.m. - Free) Nicholls Oval & Rotary Park

Canadian Wakeboard Open (Schedule - $29.95 in advanceBeavermead Park

- Poet and Songwriter's Matinee ($5, 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m) The Spill

- Davy Jones at Little Lake Musicfest (8 p.m. - Free (Bring a canned good for Kawartha Food Share) - Del Crary Park

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



Peterborough Folk Festival - Workshops (11 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Free) Sadleir House

Canadian Wakeboard Open (Schedule - $29.95 in advanceBeavermead Park

Peterborough Lakers vs Brampton Excelsiors (7 p.m. - Adults $16, Seniors/Students $10.50, Children $3) Memorial Centre

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

...and, while there's still time, hit the beach. Or... shoot some hoops!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend", email Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

Stuff to do in the Patch this Weekend

Looking for something to do in Peterborough this weekend?


- 21st Havelock Country Jamboree (Day tickets $150, Weekend tickets $300) Havelock

Wild Rock Outfitters hosts Learn to Paddle (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - $25/person) Beavermead Park

- Trent Valley Archives hosts Scandals and Scoundrels Pubcrawl (7 p.m. - $20) 745-4404

Search 4 a Star - Finalist Reveal Show (8 p.m. to 10 p.m. - $10 in advance, $15 at door) Showplace

Ghost Walk (9 p.m. - $10 a person) - Corner of Hunter and Driscoll Terrace

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



21st Havelock Country Jamboree (Day tickets $150, Weekend tickets $300) Havelock

- Runner's Life hosts Dr Shufelt's Kids Triathlon (9 a.m. - 5 and under $35, 6 to 13 $41) - Beavermead Park

- Peterborough DBIA hosts Streetfest (10 a.m. - 3) - Downtown

- Mark Masri (Tenor) at Little Lake Musicfest (8 p.m. - Free) - Del Crary Park

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



21st Havelock Country Jamboree (Day tickets $150, Weekend tickets $300) Havelock

- Peterborough Lakers vs Brampton Excelsiors (7 p.m. - Adults $16, Seniors/Students $10.50, Children $3) Memorial Centre

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

...and, while there's still time, hit the beach!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend", email Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.