Here Are Pictures From The 1980s At The Peterborough Zoo

Did you visit the zoo during the '80s? Then feel the nostalgia as you slide into these pics provided to us by our friends at Riverview Park & Zoo...

PTBOCanada Co-Founder Evan Holt at the zoo in 1983

[Related: 1970s Pictures At Zoo]

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Go Check Out The New Reindeer At Riverview Zoo

Two new reindeer are settling in nicely at the zoo. Take the kids and go see 'em. Santa's helpers are ready.


[pics via Riverview Zoo Facebook page]

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Riverview Zoo Holding Sloth Mania Fundraiser For Calgary Zoo


Riverview Park and Zoo is proud to announce a fundraising event in support of the Calgary Zoo’s 2 By 2 Rebuild the Zoo campaign. In June, Calgary Zoo suffered an estimated $50 million in damage due to a devastating flood when the Bow River overflowed its banks. The flood caused severe damage to most of the zoo and forced 34 animals out of their permanent exhibits. Within days after the flood, a call for help to CAZA (Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums) went out. Riverview Park and Zoo was selected to take Calgary’s two-toed sloths, Porsche and Ferrari.

“Sloth Mania” will be held on Saturday, October 19 from 11:00 am until 6:00 pm and will feature an afternoon schedule of special "Meet the Keeper" activities (including two sessions with the sloths), a barbeque, face painting, etc. There will also be raffles that  include opportunities to win a behind-the-scenes tour of the Park and Zoo as well as an up close and personal feeding encounter with Porsche and Ferrari. Donate online at here.

sloth mania promo_1_1.jpg

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There Is A Band-A-Thon In Support Of Zoo's New Animal Health Centre September 18th

On Sunday, September 18th, the Peterborough New Horizons Bands will be presenting a band-a-thon in support of the Peterborough Riverview Zoo’s Animal Healthcare Centre fundraising campaign.

Eight bands will be playing from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the zoo’s gazebo. Drop by, enjoy the music and make a contribution towards the building of a new Animal Health Centre. Rain date is September 25th.

[photo via Riverview Zoo website]

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Watch The Otters Play At The Peterborough Zoo (Because Otters Like To Play Too)


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Stuff to do in the Patch This Weekend...

Looking for something to do in Peterborough this loooooooong weekend?


Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

Mustang Drive-In  (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing



- Pioneer Corn Roast (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Adults $10, Student/Senior $9, Youth (5-14) $6 Under 5 free, Family $30 (includes 2 adults & 4 youth)) Lang Pioneer Village

Kawartha Arts Festival (10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Free) Fenelon Falls

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing


Monday (Labour Day)

- Here is what is opened and closed.

Otter Feeding (1:30 p.m. - Free) Peterborough Zoo

- GAME 7!!! Peterborough Lakers vs Brampton Excelsiors (7 p.m. - Adults $16, Seniors/Students $10.50, Children $3) Memorial Centre

Mustang Drive-In (Opens at 8:15 p.m. - Ticket Prices) - what's playing

...Looks to be a rainy weekend, better rent a few flicks!

To submit info for "Stuff to do in the Patch this weekend", email Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.