Video: How The Peterborough Lift Lock Works

Ever wondered how our Lift Lock actually works? Here's a fun segment below from the Discovery Channel explaining all about our world famous Lift Lock.


[The Peterborough Lift Lock Is World Famous Don't You Know (Of Course You Do)]

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Flying In A Cessna Over Peterborough As Part of Women of Aviation Worldwide Week

The recent Women of Aviation Worldwide Week was an opportunity for women to be able to fly in a small aircraft who had never done so before. As soon as I heard that Peterborough was taking part, I knew instantly it was something I wanted to do. So on Saturday morning, I was so excited that I arrived at the Peterborough Airport well ahead of my 9 a.m. scheduled flight time.  

It was a dreary, cloudy day, and at first I wasn't sure whether we would even be able to fly. My nerves were kicking in as I signed the waiver—and pleasantly questioned my pilot, Hubert Wren, on his credentials.

We soon headed out to the tarmac, where Hubert assisted us getting settled and buckled into the four-seater Cessna. Hubert was great at explaining all the steps involved to prepare the aircraft for takeoff, and talking about what all the dials and buttons are for in the cockpit.


It wasn't long before we were zooming down the runway, and up we went. I have been lucky enough to travel quite a bit over the years, but it was surreal to be in the front passenger seat of such a very small aircraft. My nerves began to ease, and I soon began to enjoy the sights below. We flew as far as Rice Lake for about a thirty minute flight in total. I was so grateful to have had this opportunity to see our city from this bird's-eye perspective.

In total, 51 women participated on Saturday in the flights from Peterborough Airport—there were three pilots who volunteered their time—and plans are already in the works for next year's Women of Aviation Worldwide Week, which takes place March 5 to 11.

[Words and Pictures by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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PtboCanada Takes You On A Tour of Peterborough Fire Services

Peterborough Fire Services Recently, we took a tour of Peterborough Fire Services in order to learn more about their operations and how they keep the city safe. Read on for the story...
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Don't Leave Your Car At The Speedy Auto Service On Lansdowne Street

Speedy (708 Lansdowne Street West) took their sign down a little while ago, but only recently a little sign was posted. It reads:

Due to the circumstances beyond our control this location has been closed. To better serve your warranty and needs please visit us at Connelly's Minute Muffler. 93 Rubidge Street. 705-743-5170. Thank you for your patronage at this location. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Here Are The Just-Released Local RIDE Statistics For 2010 (And Compared to 2009)

From a Traffic Media release from Peterborough Lakefield Police today...

The RIDE statistics are in for 2010:

Total vehicles checked - 18,770
Roadside tests - 37
Tests passed - 26
Warns registered - 8
Fails registered - 3
Drivers licences suspended - 19
Impaired/over 80 charges - 9
HTA charges - 58
Other criminal code charges - 5

Total impaired and over 80 charges for 2010 were 80.

This compares to 2009 as follows:

Total vehicles checked - 14,259
Roadside tests - 30
Tests passed - 18
Warns registered - 6
Fails registered - 1
Drivers licences suspended - 8
Impaired/over 80 charges - 2
HTA charges - 24
Other criminal Code charges - 1

Total impaired and over 80 charges for 2009 were 61.


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Peterborough Police Advising Motorists To Stay Off The Roads If Possible

From Peterborough-Lakefield Community Police Service...

Winter Road Conditions:
With the present weather and road conditions, motorists are asked to stay off the roads. If you have to travel, please adjust your driving to the weather conditions. Drive with the utmost care and caution, lower your speeds, drive defensively and always be prepared for the unexpected.


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Video: Amazing Turnout At City Hall Last Night To Oppose Transit Cuts

Many people are pissed about the proposed transit cuts in the Patch. And they showed it loud and clear during a city council meeting last night in a great show of democracy in action.

The next meeting on the proposed cuts is tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Evinrude Centre, a bigger venue to fit everyone in.


[Related: Facebook Page Launched To Raise Awareness About Proposed Cuts To Peterborough Public Transit]

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Facebook Page Launched To Raise Awareness About Proposed Cuts To Peterborough Public Transit

City Council has endorsed cutting $422,000 from the city's $9.8-million budget for public transit, and the implications of these service cuts to bus service if approved are significant. According to a new Facebook page launched to raise awareness about the proposed cuts, the cuts to bus service would include:

-stop at 6:40 pm rather than 11:20 pm on Saturdays
-run between 8:40-5:20 pm on Sundays rather than 8:00 am-7:20 pm
-the Major Bennett bus route on Sundays will be eliminated
-Technology Drive service will be reduced from 6 to 4 trips on weekdays

"Cutting funding to public transit is a regressive action and will affect those who do not have access to private transportation or have disabilities," the Facebook page states. "It is okay to examine routes that are underused but please keep the money in the system to keep it strong."

The Facebook page is encouraging those who care about the future of public transit in Peterborough to come out to council chambers next Tuesday (January 25th, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.) for a public meeting and have their say. The draft budget goes to city council January 31.

What do you think about the proposed cuts?

[photo via Speak up for Peterborough Public Transit Facebook page]

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