Jonathan Bulman is 6 years old and lives in Peterborough's East City. His goal this summer is to help make a difference for those around the world that don't have access to clean water. His journey began after conversations with his parents about helping to save water where he can (like when he's brushing his teeth) because not everyone can simply turn on the tap and have clean, ever flowing water. This was a real eye opener for Jonathan and he wanted to do his part to help, so he connected with Charity Water, a non-profit organization that aids in bringing clean, safe drinking water to developing countries. You'll find him fundraising at 286 Mark Street, serving up lemonade along with apples or freezies. His hours come and go based on weather and such, but he'll be running his fundraising drive until mid-September. Head over to Mark Street and donate to his cause. Be sure to ask him about his story and he'll be more than happy to share it. For more information, you can follow him on Twitter or donate online at Jono's Journey.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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