This Beautiful Sunset Picture Of The County Court House Is Blowing Up On Facebook

This Beautiful Sunset Picture Of The County Court House Is Blowing Up On Facebook

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Postcard Perfect: Rooftop Views Of Downtown Peterborough

Our Scott Arnold spent the day in downtown Peterborough getting a great vantage of the city's architecture and buildings from rooftops.

Have a look at his great pics below (notice the Market Hall Tower stands out in many)...

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Fall In Love With A Peterborough Chipmunk That Will Eat Out Of Your Hand

Our Scott Arnold befriended a chipmunk while he was kicking back on a Friday afternoon with a beer and nuts on the back deck. The chipmunk and Scott became besties. Here are the pictures...


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Our Reporter Scott Arnold Missed 9/11: Here's His Story

I had just moved to a place in Orillia, Ont., on the Saturday (September 8th) with three buddies who were attending Georgian College for the professional golf management program. We didn't have phone or cable yet and we didn't have radio (just our CDs) but we didn't care; we were brash 20 years olds with a sweet place right on Lake Simcoe and that was all we needed.

Our house was in the boonies (a couple minutes from civilization), so there were no neighbours around; it was just us and the lake. We had enough beer and snacks to last us the week so we just sat in the water on the shoreline with a cooler and we didn't move for a week.

On the Friday, September 14th, we finally got our phone hooked up and my first call was my father, Ed Arnold, then Editor of the Peterborough Examiner. After asking how I'm doing, he asked me what my thoughts on the States were. I was confused and thought what a random and strange question. I replied "Why are you asking me that?" He said, "Cause I just wanted to get your opinion on it." I answered, "Ummm, it's a great country." He said, "Can you be serious for a minute; this is serious stuff, you guys might be drafted to go fight."

I said what the hell are you talking about. I could tell he was getting frustrated when he quickly snapped back, "I'm not kidding, this is a serious situation Scott." I again asked him what he was talking about. He took a very serious tone at this point as he said, "the States is what I'm talking about; the situation there is very serious right now!"

For the 3rd time, I told him I had no idea what he was referring to. "You're kidding me," he said before quickly running over the details—but as he told me you could tell he thought I was still just messing around with him. After briefly filling me in (and I mean briefly as I would later find it he skipped on a lot of info), he said "You've got to be kidding me if you really don't know what happened there; if you're serious, you're the only person on the planet who hasn't heard yet."

I laughed and said I highly doubt that. "I'm dead serious," he said, "you are the only one." I then asked my roommates if they'd heard about any planes crashing in New York. "They all looked at me up at me dazed, like I was an idiot, replying "NO" in unison. I said, "See dad, I'm not the only one!" Dad replied: "Sorry, the only FOUR people on the planet who haven't heard yet than!"

After that we got dressed, had our first shower and went to a local pub to find a TV. We watched the repeat coverage in awe over a few pints.....three days after the actual events had occurred.

So when anyone asks me what I was doing the moment the planes crashed into the towers on September 11th, I can honestly reply, I have absolutely no idea.

Scott Arnold

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PTBOCanada Pics: Trent Unveils New Sculpture To Symbolize Past, Present & Future Of Trent Athletics

Trent University unveiled a new sculpture today: "The Excalibur". It symbolizes the past, present and future of Trent Athletics coming together as one. Sara Rettie (business graduate) is the brains behind this new permanent fixture that rests between the Trent athletic complex and Justin Chiu Stadium. She started it as a legacy project while studying at Trent, with the intention of creating something to show how far Trent Athletics has come as well as all the great things that are yet to come. Sara had help from fellow business student Cole Maricotti and it took them a year to complete the project. Sara drew a rough sketch of her vision and then Cole got them in touch with local contractor Todd Riddolls of California Iron (2629 Lakefield Rd, North of Trent) to make the concept a reality. The sculpture was unveiled this evening (September 4th) just before the Trent Excalibur Men's Field lacrosse game versus the Nipissing Lakers—Trent's last exhibition game before their season starts September 7th against the defending National Champions, the McGill Redmen (on the new Thomas A. Stewart turf). Here's pics...

Sara Rettie with the sculpture  

Sara Rettie with the sculpture  

Ceremonial faceoff: Trent president Dr. Steven E. Franklin with Rettie and lacrosse players Brock McGillis (left) from Trent and Brodie Birkhoff (right) from Nipissing (Brodie is a Peterborough native)

Ceremonial faceoff: Trent president Dr. Steven E. Franklin with Rettie and lacrosse players Brock McGillis (left) from Trent and Brodie Birkhoff (right) from Nipissing (Brodie is a Peterborough native)

Big crowd tonight. Wow.  

Big crowd tonight. Wow.  

PTBOCanada's sports reporter Scott Arnold

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Someone Tried The Chat And Cut On Scott Arnold At The LCBO And Then Called Him On

I was at the LCBO today (August 30th) and the lineup was massive for the long weekend. Only two tills open, and the lines went down a couple of aisles. I had been standing behind the same girl the entire time; there was nobody between her and I, ever. She was next in line to pay for her stuff when a dude holding a 6 pack of beer and a mickey of gin approached me and said excuse me. I moved, thinking he just wanted to get by. All of a sudden, he set his stuff on the counter and started talking to the girl, who clearly didn't know him (dubbed a Chat and Cut by Larry David in Season 8 episode 5 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, see clip below). I looked around at the other people in line; a couple of them shrugged their shoulders as if to say, I don't know what he's doing. So I walked in front of him and said, "I'm actually going to go ahead of you here, I only moved out of the way because I thought you needed to get through, I didn't expect you to jump the line." He said. "I was here the whole time, I just went to grab something." I said, "No, actually you weren't—you were pulling a chat and cut." He said, "Go ahead of me then, don't worry about it." I said, "Oh, I'm not worried." So then he says, "You should be!" People in the store were watching at this point so I just said, "Alright man, looks like I'm next, enjoy your day." He stepped in front of me (reeking of booze already) and said, "I'd finish you off right now but I don't want to break any booze in here." (Ya, heaven forbid we waste your dinner.) I ignored him and paid for my purchase and while I paid, he whispered in my ear, "I'll see you outside." He wasn't there.

PTBOCanada's sports reporter Scott Arnold

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Watch: PTBOCanada Has Coffee With... Scott Arnold

We're proud to unveil our new video series "Coffee With...", which features a nice relaxed sit-down chat over coffee at the Silver Bean Café with different folk from the community doing neat stuff. In this first video, we sit down with Scott Arnold—our new sports reporter—to chat about his involvement with (shhhh) Peterborough's version of TMZ, PMZ; the 2013 YWCA Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event and the Peterborough Lakers.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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