Local Tiktok Star Making Live Stage Debut As a Motivational Comedian

You may have heard “Good Morning, Assholes!” on TikTok from Wayne Hannah and now is taking his message live and in person as a motivational comedian in a live show in January.

Hannah has been deployed in Bosnia and parts of Africa in 2000 and 2009 respectively during his military career. Photo Courtesy of Wayne Hannah.

“Vulnerable AF: An Evening With Wayne Hannah” is being held at Farmhill Weddings, south of Peterborough, on Jan. 21.

Kickflip Pictures Inc., a Peterborough-based production company, will film the live performance for a project based on Hannah and his story directed by the company’s founder Tyler Boyco.

Hannah is a veteran and firefighter who has been diagnosed with PTSD and ADHD. After spending the majority of his adult life self-sabotaging and making excuses for a negative mindset, he made a conscious decision to change his ways.

“Almost a year ago, I contemplated suicide because I couldn’t get out of that place,” reflected Hannah. “I started using TikTok as a way to share my new mindset and mission. It was also a way to hold myself accountable to the changes I was making for myself.”

The 41-year-old began sharing his “Good Morning, Assholes!” videos regularly on social media in the spring of this year. With over 210,000 followers on social media, Hannah has established an online community of like-minded individuals and those looking for encouragement through his messages.

“When we began planning my first live show, there was no other city discussed. Peterborough was our only option as it’s my home.” explained Hannah. "I wanted to do it locally because of the support everyone in Peterborough has shown me.”

Hannah’s takeaway from his upcoming show is to help people suffering from mental health realize they are not alone. He will be sharing his story; from military service, divorce, fatherhood and being happily medicated to being true to yourself, living unapologetically and looking in the mirror every day saying “I decide."

“I want to present my message live and in person. I want to show people that you can be strong and heal but also be ‘Vulnerable AF,’” he said. “Speaking in this way has been something I’ve wanted to do my entire life.”

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New Online Reputation Restoration Business Serviced From Peterborough

Saving face has become easier than ever thanks to istopdefamation.com and their new reputation restoration service that opened locally last year.

Websites such as Reddit, 4Chan, forums and social media sites are popular locations for online bullying. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Websites such as Reddit, 4Chan, forums and social media sites are popular locations for online bullying. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

The home business is run by Chadwick Teate who has lived in Peterborough since 2017. It services anyone who has been a victim of online defamation either through online bullying, a rough breakup and more. It can also be used for reputation enhancement even with no libel or slander was involved.

IStopDefamation uses reputation restoring tools by building suppressive content, removing or burying the defamation source while building positive content that gets seen over the negative posts.

The business’s timing could not be any better according to Teate due to the spike in politics and the heightened online presence for businesses and personal use from the pandemic.

The local business owner’s idea came from a similar experience while losing a job as a bank data analyst in the States.

“An online perpetrator ended up putting up a risk to me which ended up as a conflict of interest,” Teate explained. “The same person also proceeded also to post 300 Twitter posts said I was a hacker on a continual basis. Anytime an employer looks at this and reads information, they believe things online.”

Businesses often use defamation to destroy other businesses according to Teate. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Businesses often use defamation to destroy other businesses according to Teate. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Other services that provide post removals can charge up to $4,000 claims Teate. Leaving the negative content can affect your life professionally and personally but the mental strain it leaves can be devastating according to the company.

“If you’re one being defamed, it has a negative effect on your psychology,” says Teate. “It does have an impact on one’s mental health.”

The website also offers free advice and educational content to help any clients going through his services.

“It’s not about the services, it’s about taking down online defamation,” said Teate.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Hometown PTBO: Wayne Hannah his TikTok Stardom, Calling PTBO Home and His Upcoming Ventures

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This week on Hometown PTBO, Pete Dalliday speaks with TikTok star Wayne Hannah about his success on the social media app, how Peterborough became his home after living in so many places and his future ventures such as the “The More You Know” podcast.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Local Comedian Inspires Huge Social Media Following On TikTok With His Humour

“Good Morning, assholes”, may sound insulting but local comedian Wayne Hannah has turned it into a funny and inspiring message for over 52,400 of his TikTok followers.

Hannah’s TikTok videos begin with his signature greeting often while drinking coffee in arbitrary locations. His intro is accompanied by words of wisdom to motivate and inspire his followers (known as the “Asshole Army”) to love and appreciate themselves.

“I have received thousands of direct messages and comments saying, ‘Thank you for lifting me up!’,” said Hannah. “I would be reading these motivational quotes and now I instead of talking to myself in the mirror, I’m telling people to love themselves while telling me.”

Hannah has been deployed in Bosnia and parts of Africa in 2000 and 2009 respectively during his military career. Photo Courtesy of Wayne Hannah.

Hannah has been deployed in Bosnia and parts of Africa in 2000 and 2009 respectively during his military career. Photo Courtesy of Wayne Hannah.

Hannah has lived his life serving the community as a firefighter for over 17 years in the military and is with the Pickering Fire Services.

During his off-time in the military, he would do stand-up comedy and a radio show. Hannah has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and his platforms constantly changing made it difficult for him to find his calling.

“When you’re a comedian with ADHD, you try to figure out what to do with your mouth and TikTok let me be funny again,” said Hannah.

The social media star started his account shortly after the pandemic put the world into lockdown last spring. He wanted to spread positivity during difficult times for everyone.

“There is a hugely serious message in there and when I call people assholes and when I say that stuff,” said Hannah. “I tell people we’re all human, we’re not perfect but you have to love the s**t out of yourself. It’s helping people love themselves because if you can love yourself now during the pandemic, imagine how you’re going to be when it’s all over.”

The “friendly welcome” came from a moment Hannah had with his eight-year-old daughter, Harper.

The young girl had allegedly given attitude when waking up her father on an Easter morning and he responded with, “Well good morning, asshole!” according to Hannah. The two shared a laugh with each other that sparked his signature catchphrase.

Hannah takes the greeting as a compliment saying both parties in the relationship or friendship are close and are comfortable either each other.

“I just think that asshole is the nicest thing that anyone can call you, I love it,” he said. “When you hear stuff like that and when you read that, it’s the most uplifting and humbling thing to hear.”

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Social Media Milestone: PTBOCanada Facebook Page Hits 5,000 Fans

Social Media Milestone: PTBOCanada Facebook Page Hits 5,000 Fans

We have 20,000+ social media fans between Twitter/Facebook/Instagram!

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Community Comes Together For Crestwood After Death Of One Of Their Students

Community Comes Together For Crestwood After Death Of One Of Their Students

Outpouring of support on social media & beyond...

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Social Media Branding On Full Display To Attract People To Downtown Peterborough

More and more businesses are getting on Twitter in the downtown core as they recognize the value of social media, but also the downtown and its streets. The DBIA has run a terrific Twitter account for some time @downtownPtbo. More recently, Hunter Street is being represented @hunterstptbo and now George Street is on Twitter @georgestptbo. Email us—or better yet, tweet us—when other street accounts get activated downtown.

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Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

The City Of Peterborough Embraces Social Media By Joining Twitter @CityPtbo

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The City of Peterborough has taken a big step—they are on Twitter and tweeting  @CityPtbo. We wanted to find out why they took this step now, and the back story on how it came together. Heather Watson, Councillor Services Assistant with the City of Peterborough, explains in this interview.

PTBOCANADA: This is a big step for the city. How much planning and logistics went into deciding to activate this account? Has it been in the works for a while? Many internal conversations? What were your main concerns in joining Twitter?

WATSON: There has been a group working on a social media policy since the Mayor was elected in 2010. After much collaboration, a social media policy was adopted by Council in the Spring of this year. The policy and accompanying procedure explored the use of various social channels by each of the departments within the City. Concerns discussed and addressed were the timely responses to postings, regular monitoring and security (password management, who has access etc.).
The Mayor's Office was not involved in the working group, however we did have input once a draft policy was presented. Our concern was to ensure that members of Council would be free to maintain social media profiles and respond to their constituents in a way that they saw fit. We also wanted to know that staff who managed the accounts were able to respond to requests made through social channels in a timely way to provide good customer service.

PTBOCANADA: Who will be looking after the account and will it be monitored during weekdays only? Will there be interaction with Tweeters (aka "tweeps") who have  questions/concerns?
WATSON: Any City department or program can start a social profile. As in the case of the City of Peterborough Twitter account, staff are assigned to be responsible for the management, monitoring and responding to queries. The @CityPtbo is managed through Corporate Services staff member Sharron Hayton. The account will be monitored Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. The purpose of the account is to relay messages as it relates to media releases and information that is already public. Interaction with tweeps will be responsive to questions and to refer them to the right channel.

PTBOCANADA: What is the main "mission" of the account?
WATSON: To get messages out to City residents in a timely way and to respond to customer service inquiries.

PTBOCANADA: Do you see this as another step in the city embracing the age of social media? Mayor Bennett, of course, has been on Twitter for a while.
WATSON: Yes. This is something that Mayor Bennett has been encouraging since being elected. Now that a policy has been adopted by Council, citizens can expect to see more engagement through social channels. He was the first Mayor to tweet in the City of Peterborough, has held two Twitter Town Halls to engage citizens and he proclaimed June 30, 2013 as Social Media Day in the City to recognize the important role that social media plays in our community.

PTBOCANADA: Will it be used in times of emergency for the city?

WATSON: This account will be used to get timely information out to citizens during times of emergency.


Note: Watson notes there are a number number of City departments/programs that currently maintain Twitter sites. Here they are:
Peterborough Airport: @PtboAirport
GPA EDC: @PtboEcDev
Peterborough Fire Services: @PtboFireRescue
Peterborough Museum & Archives: @OntheHill3
Peterborough Lakefield Police: @PLCPS
Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre: @PSWC1
Peterborough Transit: @PeterboroughTr1
Peterborough Utilities: @ptbo_utilities
Riverview Park & Zoo: @RiverviewZoo

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook. 

Crowdsourcing A Haircut In Peterborough On Social Media


When it comes to deciding on where to get my haircut, I rarely stray. With a great local barber located less than a block away in my neighbourhood, all it takes is a quick walk and I’m in and out. No harm, no foul.

Recently, I was faced with an unexpected dilemma: my barber had taken holidays! And I needed a haircut bad.


Naturally, I turned to Twitter. Social media in Peterborough is always buzzing, and I thought if I sent out a quick tweet asking for suggestions, I might get a few replies. I wasn’t expecting much, but boy was I ever surprised when my mentions feed started to blow up! Within minutes, I had so many responses with people sending me names and salons that I just had to check out in the city.

This told me a few things. 1) We have an awesome city filled with a ridiculous amount of selection, and 2) I need to get out a little more. These shops were all locally owned and operated.


Just a few of the responses I received: Bloodline Parlor, Tonic, Henry’s Barber Shop, Kouture Hair Studio, and Salon 5thirty1. The best part about these shops are that they’re located within walking distance of each other!

With so much choice, it came down to personal preference because from what I can tell, each shop offers a unique atmosphere and style. No two places are alike, and they are all obviously doing quite well, because let’s face it: a haircut is something everyone needs at some point or another. You can only avoid the scissors for so long!

In the end, I ended up taking @jacksoncreek's advice and took my hair to the great chaps at Henry’s Barbershop to deal with. It had such a welcoming down to earth feel and I would recommend them to anyone.


This was a great first step in experiencing the world of haircutting outside of my safety net. I know I can’t be the only guy in this boat and suggest you all get out and try someone new!

Peterborough is filled with a lot of talented hair dressers, so what are you waiting for?

—By PtboCanada's Aaron Elliott

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Royal Wood Invited Local Singer Natalie Hughes On Stage To Play After Seeing A Tweet

The power of social media showed itself again last night (August 8th) as Royal Wood invited local musician Natalie Hughes up on stage to play with him at Peterborough Musicfest after earlier seeing a tweet from PMZ suggesting she play. Royal had never done anything like this before. Check out the video here PMZ captured of Royal introducing Natalie... 

[h/t PTBOCanada's Aaron Elliott]

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