The home business is run by Chadwick Teate who has lived in Peterborough since 2017. It services anyone who has been a victim of online defamation either through online bullying, a rough breakup and more. It can also be used for reputation enhancement even with no libel or slander was involved.
IStopDefamation uses reputation restoring tools by building suppressive content, removing or burying the defamation source while building positive content that gets seen over the negative posts.
The business’s timing could not be any better according to Teate due to the spike in politics and the heightened online presence for businesses and personal use from the pandemic.
The local business owner’s idea came from a similar experience while losing a job as a bank data analyst in the States.
“An online perpetrator ended up putting up a risk to me which ended up as a conflict of interest,” Teate explained. “The same person also proceeded also to post 300 Twitter posts said I was a hacker on a continual basis. Anytime an employer looks at this and reads information, they believe things online.”