Peterborough Museum and Archives to Fund Signage Project Through Tourism Relief Fund Grant

The Peterborough Museum and Archives (PMA) received $100,000 from Regional Tourism Organization 8 (RTO8) through FedDev Ontario to attract visitors and support future growth through its Signage Project.

File photo.

This is part of the Government of Canada’s Tourism Relief Fund, delivered by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). RTO8 received a total of $3 million from FedDev Ontario to help local tourism organizations and businesses safely welcome back visitors, recover from the impacts of the pandemic and prepare for future growth.

The investment will help the PMA adapt and recover to attract new visitors and drive economic growth in Peterborough City and County.

“The generous support of FedDev Ontario allows the PMA to move forward on refreshing its public image and expanding its capacity to better serve visitors, from near and far,” says Susan Neale, Peterborough Museum and Archives director.

The Signage Project is intended to augment the identification of the PMA within the community, and improve the visitor experience. The scope of the project will include a re-brand of the PMA’s visual identifier, campus way-finding on the PMA’s grounds and sign revitalization.

To learn more about this project visit the City’s website.

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Peterborough's Humour On Display From "Sign Wars" One-Year Anniversary

One year has passed since Peterborough and the surrounding area playfully poked fun at each other with the “Sign Wars” phenomenon that began last April.

The original friendly feud started as Anden Kitchen & Bath Centre called out Friendly Fires and Merrett Home Hardware Building Centre. Both businesses responded to Anden and the trend took off in Peterborough.

Businesses such as Trent Valley Honda, Whelan’s Flooring and Trent Security Systems Ltd., Peterborough Police Service and Pete & Dani of 100.5 Fresh Radio quickly joined in on the teasing among hundreds of participating businesses.

The trend began in Christiansburg, Va. where Jim Bohan, owner of music store Bridge Kaldro put up a sign challenging Super Shoes — the next-door shoe store — to a sign war on April 16 last year with a message, "Hey Super Shoes! Wanna start a sign war?"

Hundreds of photo submissions were given to PTBOCanada to showcase over eight days since the war began.

A running gag of “Aisle 15” being a party at Home Hardware was sparked by Whelan that inspired a fundraising t-shirt containing the same reference.

There was $6,360 raised that went towards the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation (KHCF) to fund their “Soaking Up Summer” program.

“When the call came through was just so thrilled that it’s going towards helping kids who are in need of our community,” said Deb Aben, Executive Producer of KHCF.

Anden was voted the best sign of all the wars with Home Hardware as the runner up and Franz's Butcher Shop & Catering as the third-best.

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Sign Wars Take Over Local Businesses in Peterborough

UPDATED POST (April 29):


Day Four: The momentum of #PtboSignWars has not stopped as day four comes to a close on Thursday.

The usual suspects such as Anden Kitchen & Bath Centre, Trent Security and more are going strong but several places including neighbouring townships have got in on the fun.

Great Canadian RV Ltd., McKnight's Flowers Plants Gifts, McThirsty's, Peterborough Public Library, Blue Diamond Window Cleaning, Printhub and Craftworks at the Barn were the newcomers who got in on the action.

Lakefield and Selwyn have started to join on the friendly feuds that have trended in Peterborough. Places like Lakefield Cemetery & Crematorium Inc. St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church, Selwyn Public Library and Lakefield Animal Welfare Society got into the sign-war spirit.

Day Three: The sign-war bug has not stopped biting other businesses as day three gets more participants as well as past ones keeping up.

100.5 FM Fresh Radio and The Wolf 101.5 FM opened the morning with a huge front-lawn message thanks to Card the Yard.

Trans Canada Nissan and Russelle Toyota have joined in with fellow car dealership Trent Valley Honda.

Several places called out Paris Marine and Dairy Queen but neither has yet to issue a response.

Newcomers include Peterborough Appliances, Franz’s Butcher Shop, Kawartha Lakes Construction, and St. Martin’s Catholic Elementary School have joined in the fun.

Day Two: Day two of the sign wars have got more businesses involved, continuing the trend of poking fun at each other lightheartedly on Tuesday.

Day One: Trent Valley Honda, Whelan’s Flooring and Trent Security Systems Ltd. have joined in on the second day after Anden Kitchen & Bath Centre provoked some of them into the war.

The trend is branching out quickly as participating businesses and organizations are trying to work up others to join. Merrett Home Hardware Building Centre called out the Peterborough Police Service while Trent Security referenced Pete & Dani of 100.5 Fresh Radio. Both callouts have yet to publicly respond with their own signs.

The original friendly feud started on Monday. Anden calling out Friendly Fires and Home Hardware with the latter responding on day two but the former quickly responded to the challenge. All three day-one businesses have participated on day two.

The trend began in Christiansburg, Va. where Jim Bohan, owner of music store Bridge Kaldro put up a sign challenging Super Shoes — the next-door shoe store — to a sign war on April 16 with a message, "Hey Super Shoes! Wanna start a sign war?"

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If A Peterborough Sidewalk Is Closed, Please Us & Use Another Sidewalk

Reader Shani Vee spotted this funny sign and tweeted us along with the below picture: " I cracked up when I saw this sign by on Lansdowne. Never thought I'd see a sign like this lol."

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Clever "Danger Due To..." Construction Sign Lines In East City

There is quite a bit of construction happening right now in parts of East City (and other parts of the city, of course), and some creative type(s) has filled in some of the "Danger Due To:" signs with clever punchlines. How would you finish the sentence in this summer of construction?

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Spot The Typo Here: It's the 4th Line Of What?

It's not just Lakefield signs.

Yes, "Duoro" should be spelled "Douro". Ugh.

[submitted by @/PTBO_Y_U_NO]

If you see a typo on a sign or funny signs, email pictures to

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Spot The Typo On This Home Depot Sign

[via @/PTBO_Y_U_NO]

If you see a typo on a sign or funny signs, email pictures to

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Sign Says "Watch For Children" But Image Conveys "Classy Gentlemen"

We haven't seen any of these in Peterborough, but spotted this in Minden.

If you see a typo on a sign or funny signs, email pictures to


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Spot The Typo On This Sign Along Highway 7

If you see a typo on a sign—here's an example—email it to

—photo via PTBOCanada reader Gabriela Revak.

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