Peterborough Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Relocating as of July 12

The Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) has announced that the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) clinic, which provides expedited, barrier-free treatment for individuals experiencing withdrawal from opioids, alcohol and other substances, will be relocating to 432 George St. North as of Wednesday, July 12.

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The clinic will be co-located with the new George Street Pharmacy, operated by the Burnham Pharmacy team, allowing the RAAM Clinic to continue offering its services in an accessible downtown location. The clinic and pharmacy will each operate independently at this shared location, with ongoing support for RAAM clinic operations from our partners at Fourcast.

The RAAM clinic will continue to be staffed by PRHC physicians and registered nurses (RNs). No appointment or physician referral is necessary, although referrals from doctors, nurses, social workers, addiction counsellors and community providers are welcome. The clinic offers same-day counselling and medication for withdrawal and prescription therapies. This care model has been shown to help save lives by engaging clients with both short- and long-term therapies as soon as they are ready to pursue those treatments.

PRHC and the RAAM Clinic would like to thank the 360 Degree NPLC for its partnership and support over the last year. We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with the 360 Degree NPLC to provide excellent care to our community.

All RAAM Clinic partners share a vision for ongoing collaborative partnerships amongst healthcare providers to enhance services for our community. First opened in 2018, the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine model is designed to initiate therapy for withdrawal from opioids, alcohol and other substances and then triage clients to the most appropriate ongoing care provider. The RAAM Clinic works closely with other healthcare providers and resources in the community to ensure clients have access to additional supports following their initial treatment as they move through the continuum of care. The clinic is not intended to replace or duplicate the care provided by a family physician or other primary care providers.

The new RAAM clinic hours will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. No referral is necessary, and walk-in appointments are welcome.

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PRHC President And CEO Dr. Peter McLaughlin To Retire After 50 Year Career In Healthcare

The Board of Directors of Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) announced on Wednesday that Dr. Peter McLaughlin has decided to retire in 2023 after 17 years with PRHC, during the last eight of which he has served as the hospital’s President and CEO.

Dr. Peter McLaughlin. Photo courtesy of PRHC.

“The board is so grateful for Peter’s leadership, first as Chief of Staff and most recently as President & CEO of PRHC,” said Louis O’Brien, Chair of PRHC’s Board of Directors. “He has been an exceptional leader, and we are thankful for his vision and his commitment to providing the best possible care and support for our patients and community. His thoughtful, steady and compassionate leadership style has earned him a great deal of respect, and he will be deeply missed.”

During his tenure as President & CEO, PRHC has faced significant challenges and achieved many successes, including:

• Highest possible standing from Accreditation Canada in 2017

• An award for Leading Governance Excellence from the Ontario Hospital Association in recognition of

PRHC’s collaboration with Peterborough Housing Corporation to develop supportive, affordable housing for seniors

• National recognition by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) for work in safe handover and clinical cultural competence initiatives

• International recognition by the National Safety Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) for surgical safety standards

• Successful implementation of Epic, a new, regional clinical information system that will transform the way PRHC and its partner hospitals deliver care for generations to come

• Supporting the organization through the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

• Incorporating patient and family engagement into all levels of the hospital’s work and decision-making

• Creating a culture of continuous quality improvement, with a focus on patient and staff safety

• Providing leadership in the creation and continued growth of Peterborough Ontario Health Team

• Fostering more collaborative relationships with partners in the community and across the region

“It has been an absolute privilege to lead this team of dedicated people, who have worked so tirelessly to provide the highest quality of care to the people of our community and region, often in the face of incredible challenges,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “I am profoundly appreciative of the incredible support I have received over the years from our Board of Directors, the hospital’s leadership team, our healthcare workers, our community partners, the PRHC Foundation, our volunteers, and everyone else who has helped to shape healthcare in Peterborough and the surrounding region.”

The Board of Directors has struck a search committee and selected an external firm, Boyden Canada, to support a national search for a new President and CEO. Additional details will be shared in the weeks ahead.

Dr. McLaughlin has agreed to continue in his role until a successful candidate is selected, with a goal of retiring on or around May 31, 2023.

Plans to honour Dr. McLaughlin will be shared closer to his retirement date.

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Funding From Ontario Government Will Allow For 43 Additional Beds At PRHC

Dave Smith, MPP for Peterborough-Kawartha announced that Peterborough Regional Health Centre will receive funding that will allow for 43 additional hospital beds.

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PRHC will receive an additional $6,500,000 million, which represents an increase of 2.6 percent to funding in the last fiscal year as well as an additional $11,669,000 to support 43 hospital beds.

“This funding is another landmark investment in our hospital to end hallway health care and deliver better services for our region,” Smith said. “These funding marks a significant investment at Peterborough Regional Health Centre. Today, we have secured funding to support 88 health care beds at Peterborough Regional Health Centre and community partners.”

These new beds are part of a capital plan expansion with more than 50 major projects that will add 3,000 new beds over 10 years and support the continuation of over 3,100 acute and post-acute beds in hospitals and alternate health care facilities, and hundreds of new adult, paediatric and neonatal critical care beds in Ontario.

“As a regional hospital, PRHC is already bursting at the seams, with patient volumes at or above 100 per cent of our capacity at any given time, and we know that significant growth and expansion will be needed in the years and decades ahead,” said Dr. Lynn Mikula, Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff, PRHC. “As the population in Peterborough and the surrounding region continues to grow and age, our programs and services at PRHC must also grow to meet the needs of the communities we serve, and today’s investment is an excellent step in that direction.”

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Video: Fashion Show Raises Money For PRHC's "Closer Campaign"

More money was raised on Saturday night to help build a new cancer radiation treatment centre at our hospital at a fun fashion show in Lakefield for the Closer campaign.

[chextvDOTcom; Closer to Care: A Comprehensive Cancer Treatment Centre]

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PtboCanada Exclusive: A Day In The Life Of An ER Doctor at PRHC

PRHC Recently PtboCanada went behind the scenes at PRHC’s Emergency Department. Most of us have been there at one time or another as patients or to assist sick family members. But what’s it like for the doctors who work there? More importantly, while we wait, what are they doing back there? Turns out, seeing about 200 patients a day and dealing with a myriad of sick people. Thanks to Dr. Tony Jeffery, the ED staff, and his patients for letting PtboCanada photograph him on a shift and for keeping notes on his day for us.
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