PRHC President And CEO Dr. Peter McLaughlin To Retire After 50 Year Career In Healthcare

The Board of Directors of Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) announced on Wednesday that Dr. Peter McLaughlin has decided to retire in 2023 after 17 years with PRHC, during the last eight of which he has served as the hospital’s President and CEO.

Dr. Peter McLaughlin. Photo courtesy of PRHC.

“The board is so grateful for Peter’s leadership, first as Chief of Staff and most recently as President & CEO of PRHC,” said Louis O’Brien, Chair of PRHC’s Board of Directors. “He has been an exceptional leader, and we are thankful for his vision and his commitment to providing the best possible care and support for our patients and community. His thoughtful, steady and compassionate leadership style has earned him a great deal of respect, and he will be deeply missed.”

During his tenure as President & CEO, PRHC has faced significant challenges and achieved many successes, including:

• Highest possible standing from Accreditation Canada in 2017

• An award for Leading Governance Excellence from the Ontario Hospital Association in recognition of

PRHC’s collaboration with Peterborough Housing Corporation to develop supportive, affordable housing for seniors

• National recognition by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) for work in safe handover and clinical cultural competence initiatives

• International recognition by the National Safety Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) for surgical safety standards

• Successful implementation of Epic, a new, regional clinical information system that will transform the way PRHC and its partner hospitals deliver care for generations to come

• Supporting the organization through the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

• Incorporating patient and family engagement into all levels of the hospital’s work and decision-making

• Creating a culture of continuous quality improvement, with a focus on patient and staff safety

• Providing leadership in the creation and continued growth of Peterborough Ontario Health Team

• Fostering more collaborative relationships with partners in the community and across the region

“It has been an absolute privilege to lead this team of dedicated people, who have worked so tirelessly to provide the highest quality of care to the people of our community and region, often in the face of incredible challenges,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “I am profoundly appreciative of the incredible support I have received over the years from our Board of Directors, the hospital’s leadership team, our healthcare workers, our community partners, the PRHC Foundation, our volunteers, and everyone else who has helped to shape healthcare in Peterborough and the surrounding region.”

The Board of Directors has struck a search committee and selected an external firm, Boyden Canada, to support a national search for a new President and CEO. Additional details will be shared in the weeks ahead.

Dr. McLaughlin has agreed to continue in his role until a successful candidate is selected, with a goal of retiring on or around May 31, 2023.

Plans to honour Dr. McLaughlin will be shared closer to his retirement date.

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