Peterborough Fire Rescue Just Saved A Drowning Dog In The Icy Otonabee River

It was a surreal turn of events for CHEX Newswatch reporter Sarah Deeth on Thursday (January 12th). Deeth was on assignment as Peterborough Fire Rescue was doing ice rescue training on the Otonabee River.

She tweeted about it here...

But just moments after the training session wrapped, things got real when fire rescue responders got word of a dog that was in the icy river, and that would surely drown without an immediate rescue.

Deeth tweeted about it, along with a dramatic still from one of her camera shots for CHEX Newswatch of the cold, wet dog wrapped in a blanket after being rescued...

"I got to the scene as firefighters were bundling this little guy up," Deeth tells PTBOCanada. "He was shivering something terrible. And the firefighters were so kind, wrapping this little soul in blankets and speaking softly to keep him calm. It was just really nice to see."

Photo by Sarah Deeth, CHEX Newswatch

In a message on her Facebook page, Deeth had this to say about the rescue... 

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Millbrook Man Facing Impaired Driving Charges After Crashing Vehicle & Killing His Dog

Another tragedy from drinking and driving, an animal's life lost. See below from Peterborough Police release on Thursday (December 29th)...

On December 27, 2016 in the early afternoon a Millbrook man was driving his vehicle on Zion Line in Cavan Monaghan Township when he lost control and left the roadway. The vehicle entered the ditch, struck a tree and culvert. The driver was injured in the crash but managed to flag a passerby down for help. The man’s dog was in the vehicle at the time of the crash and was unfortunately killed as a result.
Emergency crews responded to assist the man who had been taken to another location for treatment. The subsequent investigation determined that at the time of the crash the man was impaired by alcohol.
Kyle Reininger 24, of Main Street, Millbrook is charged with Drive while Ability Impaired and Drive with more than 80 mgs.
The accused is to appear in court on January 19, 2016.

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Peterborough Man Charged With Assault After Dispute Over Babysitting Dog & Birthday Cake On Day Before Christmas

We can't make this stuff up—see below from Wednesday's Peterborough police release (which also includes a Break and Enter where the suspect didn't flush the toilet)...

"On December 24, 2016 the accused in this matter was looking after a neighbour’s dog. When the neighbour returned to get their dog a dispute arose over the length of time the dog had to be watched. The accused followed the neighbour home and demanded they turn over a birthday cake that was being stored there. The accused then assaulted the neighbour in their home.

Dwayne Ireland 46, of Hunter Street, Peterborough is charged with Assault. The accused is to appear in court on January 19, 2017."

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Watch Lizzie The Dog Help Moe The Rabbit Out Of A Pool In Peterborough

Peterborough's Chris J-Boy Williams posted this awesome short video of their pet rabbit—Big Moe—getting help out of the family pool by a dog named Lizzie.

Seven seconds of amazing cuteness below...

Big Moe going for a swim!

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Here Is A Dog Wearing A Life Jacket Sitting In A Canoe On A Frozen Lake Near Peterborough #WeAreWinter

Doggone it, we love this! This gives new meaning to doing the dog paddle.

Photo credit: Alex Webster, Alex Webster Photography.

Photo credit: Alex Webster, Alex Webster Photography.


This Amazing Video Of A Blind Peterborough Dog Named Kellar Has Gone Viral

A Peterborough dog named Kellar has become a YouTube sensation. As reports, his owners, Marcy Stapley and her fiance Mike Miller, posted a video of him on the weekend using voice commands to fetch a toy. It already has 41,000 views. Watch for yourself and share...


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Here's Rosie The Dog Wearing A "I'd Rather Be In Peterborough Tee"

This is Mike Melnik's famous dog, Rosie, below. When Rosie's not reading Maclean's magazine—scroll down here to see the evidence—she is wearing this tee. Order one of these tees from Pete Dalliday. They're going viral, even pets are wearing them.


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A Dog Named Bailey Was Stolen At The No Frills On George Street Yesterday

From Peterborough Lakefield Police...


On Thursday (June 28), 2012 the victim tied up his dog outside the No Frills located on George Street North and went inside the store to pick-up a few items. The victim reported to police that while inside the store his dog Bailey, a three-year-old Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix, was stolen. Bailey is described as brown with white spots on his face, nose and chest and was wearing a green scarf tied to his neck. The dog is valued at approximately $400. Anyone with information is asked to call the Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service at 705-876-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.


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