PtboCanada Review: Save PCVS Art Auction & Gala

Last night at the Art Gallery of Peterborough, the Peterborough Needs PCVS campaign had its first official event of the new year, an Arts Auction and Gala.

There was a silent art auction featuring a wide array of work donated by local artists. As well, a live auction took place where some very special works of art went to some very lucky folks.
A lively oil painting by John Climenhage was auctioned off, as well as one by Marilyn Gosselin, which was so new the paint was still wet.

The Save PCVS Art Auction and Gala was a great success having raised $11,000 for the Save PCVS Campaign. A few pieces from the PCVS Foundation Collection were on display as well, and will be for a few more weeks. Drop by and have a look at work by A.J. Casson, among others.

Text and pic by PtboCanada's Jeffrey Macklin]

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PCVS Continues To Do Everything In Its Power To Keep Its School Alive

PCVS, which has been by far the most aggressive and vocal school in launching various public awareness campaigns to keep its school afloat (one of Adam Scott, Kenner, TASSS or PCVS will likely be closing), has now added a new poster campaign to the mix.

The posters—"Closed Doors At PCVS Means Closed Doors At Downtown Businesses"—are showing up in windows of stores downtown in support of keeping PCVS open.

PCVS's Peterborough Needs PCVS Facebook page now has more than 2,000 fans.

[Peterborough Needs PCVS]


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PCVS Start Website And Facebook Page To Bring Attention To Its Possible Closure

With the recent news that one of Adam Scott, Kenner, TASSS and PCVS will likely be closing due to plummeting enrollment at those schools, it should come as no surprise that the schools would try to build awareness—and drum up support—for why their school should remain open.

PCVS has recently launched both a Facebook page and website, Peterborough Needs PCVS, to educate the public about what's happening, and what they can do to get involved. 

This will most certainly be a controversial, heated process determining the fate of one of our schools—and one of the biggest stories in Peterborough this year—so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. The school board has a series of community meetings starting next month that are sure to be packed.

[Related: One (Or More) Of Peterborough's High Schools May Close]

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