Several employees at the firm have grown up benefiting from the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and the backpacks were a way to help the next generation of children.
“We have a team dedicated to helping advance our community,” said Robert Gauvreau, Gauvreau CPA CEO. “We have a few people on our team who are connected with the Peterborough Big Brothers Big Sisters so it's got a special spot in our heart.”
Students attending high school or elementary school and part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program were eligible for the free backpacks.
Backpacks were filled with supplies such as a lunch bag, sandwich containers writing utensils, glue sticks, scissors and erasers.
Children and parents picked up the supplies throughout the afternoon and were able to select what bags they wanted on a first-come,first-serve basis.
“Everything isn't just about business all the time but the fact that our team is positively influencing the outcomes of our community to me, that is the biggest win,” said Gauvreau.