Local Photographer Has Nature Come Alive In Spring Wildlife Gallery
/A big black bear digging for grubs along the edge of the water. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
A family of young raccoons out explore their new world. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
As soon as the great blue herons return they go to the rookeries and start their nesting season. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
As the loons come back to the north, they are quite hungry and catch whatever fish they can. This one swallowed this fish whole. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Bald Eagles are caring for the young eagles by now. They began nesting earlier in the year. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Beautiful young fox kits are out exploring. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
By late spring, the young eagles have gotten quite large. It will not be long before they are ready for their first flight. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Common mergansers play around as they catch fish under the last of the ice remaining in the coves of the lakes. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Eagles began nesting earlier in the winter but now they are bringing fresh straw to insulate the newly born young ones. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Fritillary butterflies are busy feeding on fresh flowers. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Great horned owls are spectacular raptors that are fiercely protective of their nests. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Great numbers of swans pass through southern Ontario as they head north this time of year. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Mom is returning from a day of hunting and greets her young ones. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
The Ospreys get right to work rebuilding and repairing their nests as soon as they return from the south. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
The young Canada geese are always a beautiful heartwarming sight. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
The young herons grow fast. In a short time they will be ready to leave the nest. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
There are as many as 21 turtles on one log here in the Kawarthas. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Wild turkeys are going into their mating season and the toms are strutting their stuff. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Wood ducks are pairing up and looking for nesting spots. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.
Young fox kits playing in the sunshine. Photo Courtesy of Dave Ellis Photography.