David Tuan Bui's Top 10 Photos of 2024

Every time I do this yearly article, I always say I’m not the best photographer in town but I always grow with every year.

But what can I say differently about this year?

It’s not a hobby that I pursue but I have started to take it a little more seriously as the years go on and I even have that approach when I take personal photos.

Again, this craft can take years to master and with my lived experiences as my only teacher for now, I have to make do with my ability and let it flourish over time.

It is nice to see that more professional organizations are using my photos for commercial, professional or social media use like Kawartha Food Share and Rotary Club of Peterborough, to name a few.

There could have been plenty of other photos that could have made the list; I took a ton, so I’m bound to have missed what would have been a great one for the list.

Here are my top ten photos that I have taken for PTBOCanada in no particular order:

Vanessa Oake Hogan (left) with her sister Renée Oake shortly after the latter did 146 laps in the swimming lane. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Somehow, the Carl Oake Rotary Swim always seems to crack the top 10.

The 38th edition held by the Rotary Club continues to be at the YMCA of Central East Ontario, raising money for Easter Seals and various Rotary projects.

Typically, like any professional photographer, you take multiple shots and then take the best one. Somehow, for this shot, I was preoccupied with something else at the event and rushed to sneak in one quick picture. Thankfully, that one shot was all I needed.

director Celeste Scopelites marvels at the piece, “Comfort, Eyes That Speak” by Don Kwan. pHOTO BY dAVID tUAN bUI.

To celebrate the Art Gallery of Peterborough’s 50th anniversary, they have launched their event lineup to commemorate the gallery’s founding in 1974.

Celeste Scopelites, AGP director had this really intriguing expression as she was looking at Don Kwan’s piece, ‘Comfort, Eyes That Speak.”

Art always some underlying tones, meanings or messages and I thought this picture kind of captures the mystery and marvel behind the piece.

(From left to right) The Growdens Tara, Teddy, Dan and Ambassador Sawyer sharing a moment as the 52nd Easter Seals Telethon Kicks Off. Sawyer is returning as a regional ambassador after being announced as a new one last year. She was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome, a genetic disorder which affects the 15th chromosome. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

The Growden family have always been ambassadors for the Easter Seals Telethon. Sawyer Grace Growden has Angelman syndrome, a genetic disorder which affects the 15th chromosome. She uses a wheelchair and a walker to help with her mobility.

With the launch of the 52nd year, it’s no secret that the program has helped benefit families like the Growdens and the event is a reminder of how much of an impact the Telethon makes every year.

(From left to right) Easton Howard, 12; Savannah Amos, 12; Mona Abokhashref, 12 and Zoey Tremblay, 12 were one of 180 Kenner students crunching into apples at Kenner’s auditorium. As one trivia question asked at the assembly, Macintosh is Canada’s national apple. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Grade 7 and 8 students from Kenner Intermediate School students and staff crunched into apples in sync at the ‘Great Big Crunch’ to highlight the need for sustainably funded school food programs across Canada.

I could hear the snap and crunch of every apple as I took this shot of these Kenner students. The students had fun with the event (or were happy to be out of class), and the smiling faces of the crunch were there.

Down With Webster guitarist Patrick Gillett (left) with vocalist Cameron Hunter (right) pumping up the Peterborough Musicfest crowd with "One In a Million." All photos by David Tuan Bui.

Toronto-based band Down With Webster brought their rap-rock musical stylings to a packed Del Crary Park for Peterborough Musicfest, keeping the crowd riled up throughout the concert.

This concert was definitely more high-energy than your typical Peterborough Musicfest event. There was a long of jumping, loud sing-alongs and Down With Webster knew how to keep the audience flowing with energy.

I credit the lighting on the stage to make this shot look way cooler than it should have been.

Samantha Hernandez with her children Micah (left) and Isaiah (right) enjoying the facilities of Peterborough child and family centre. PHOTO BY DAVID TUAN BUI.

The Peterborough Child and Family Centres got a technological infrastructure upgrade after an Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund of $23,800.

However, the photo shows the happiness of Samantha Hernandez and her two children. I used this facility several times when my daughter was just a newborn so I understand how vital this facility is to Peterborough.

Daxton Whitmore, 8, Havelock Hawks left winger gets a signature from Petes forward Quinn Binnie during the team’s last practice before their last home game. All photos by David Tuan Bui.

What was an up-and-down season for the Peterborough Petes, they had their final practice before their final home game of the season in Havelock.

The kids certainly had fun as the Petes skated with the Havelock Hawks after the practice. Hawks left winger Daxton Whitmore looked like he was having a surreal moment when then-Pete Quinn Binnie signed a stick for him. That expression says it all!

(From left to right) Carrie Truman, Kawartha Haliburton Children's Foundation executive director; Tammy Thompson, Case Worker at Peterborough Bigs; Ava McQuade, 9, Little Sister and Robert Gauvreau of Gauvreau CPA. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Gauvreau CPA, for three straight years, has provided backpacks for children as they head back to school.

The children receiving the backpacks are affiliated with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peterborough (Peterborough Bigs) and Kawartha Haliburton Children's Foundation.

This picture always makes me smile; seeing kids get a head start, the community rallying for a good cause, and just being caught in a sea of backpacks looks cool for the camera. Every time I cover this story, it seems to be my angle of choice.

Nick Pellerin tosses a netful of trout into the Lift Lock to prepare for the fishing derby. Photo by David Tuan bui.

One event we are always invited to witness is the fish being thrown into the Canal to kick off the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Under the Lock Fishing Derby.

Just seeing a ton of fish fly through the air before they hit the water is always a cool sight to see and capturing a shot of them mid-air is quite the spectacle.

We have been assured that the fish are not harmed when thrown into the water in this matter.

Ivana Braithwaite, 4, gets a Merry Christmas and holiday cheer from Santa as Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation launches its Santa’s Sleigh program for 2025. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

I always have a soft spot for children. I became a father a year and a half ago so whatever I can to benefit my daughter and to make her smile, I’m all for it.

With that said, the joy of four-year-old Ivana Braithwaite hugging Santa during the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation 2024 Santa’s Sleigh Program really tugged a few heartstrings for me.

The program has the community take a child’s Christmas gift wish from a tree, purchase the gift and then drop it off in Santa’s Sleigh.

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Local Wildlife Photographer Dave Ellis Releases 2025 Calendars For Christmas Season

Local wildlife photographer Dave Ellis has released his calendars for 2025 depicting some of his best shots of nature taken throughout the year for the upcoming holidays.

“We have designed our 2025 wildlife calendars featuring some of our favorite photographs of Kawartha Lakes wildlife,” said Ellis. “The calendars are available now so that you can have them in time for Christmas and the New Year.”

There are three different calendar designs to choose from. Ellis requests that those interested in seeing a preview of the calendars or placing an order, email wildlife@eastlink.ca. They are hand-delivered throughout Peterborough and the Kawarthas.

The calendars have been printed locally to support Kawartha Lakes businesses according to Ellis.

“I really enjoy sharing my photos of our local wildlife with all of you and I look forward to meeting you when we deliver the calendars,” said. “We hope you like the calendars and thank you for your support.”

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David Tuan Bui's Top 10 Photos of 2023

As I mentioned in last year’s edition, I do not espouse the thought of calling myself one of the best local photographers in Peterborough.

But with each year comes experience, growth and maturity in every skill I honed in my young and short journalism career. We are only taught so much in journalism school and another great way to learn is to go into the world and try.

Again, like last year, my skills and Rome were not built in a day, much like the thoughts and reasoning behind great Roman philosophers I studied at Trent University, such as St. Augustine of Hippo and Cicero (okay, I’m getting a little carried away).

Nonetheless, my quest for knowledge and tenacity to learn has not stopped and rightfully so if I want to continue my journalism career.

However, it is flattering to know that some pictures I took have been used commercially for local organizations such as the Rotary Club of Peterborough, Peterborough Business Social Club and Hospice Peterborough. They are definitely signs of improvement for sure.

Nonetheless, these are my top ten photos that I have taken for PTBOCanada in chronological order:


The 37th annual Carl Oake Rotary Swim held by the Rotary Club was back at the YMCA of Central East Ontario, raising money for Easter Seals and various Rotary projects.

This event has fundraised over $1.32 million since February and saw 19 teams try to raise over $50,000 for this year’s event.

A similar picture made my top five list last year with Renee Oake and her father Carl Oake. This year, it was her and her son Oscar Weinstein. You could see the jubilance of the two after Renee’s swim.


Immediately looking at this picture, you could tell Burton Lee, former Peterborough Petes executive director of business operations, had the charisma to capture the attention of the young students.

Junior Achievement of Northern and Eastern Ontario and their World Choices program had students listen and learn intimately about the day-to-day lives of various careers.

We were also invited as guest speakers for this event too.


We got a good look at ‘Walter’ from this shot as Ben Bumstead caught him just 30 minutes into the derby. He’s also the stepson of Justin Desbarbieux who caught it last year.

Walter is the top prize at the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Under the Lock Fishing Derby held every year at the Peterborough Lift Locks.


Peterborough Child & Family Centre marked their 40th anniversary with a new Playscape for their facility and Phoebe (pictured) was enjoying every second of it.

You can tell she’s enjoying the new playground, and all the parents in the background are enjoying watching their children play.

The PlayScape features a repurposed downhill slide, a circular track for walking and biking, a play kitchen, a canopy and other playground equipment. It replaced a tall climber that had occupied the outdoor space for several years.

Kelli Marshall of Hiawatha First Nation (pictured) dances in a fancy shawl at a pow wow at St. John Catholic Elementary School. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

St. John Catholic Elementary School had a pow-wow to celebrate Indigenous culture in mid-May.

Many students and faculty had Indigenous roots and saw Members of Hiawatha First Nations, Haudenosaunee and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation come together for the sacred event.

Kelli Marshall put her beautiful shawl on display and you could see all the colours and its design with this shot.


The third-annual "Be a Saint" St. Joseph's at Fleming golf tournament raised money to upgrade the facility’s infrastructure.

It turns out that celebrity golf entertainer and instructor Todd Keirstead was at the event performing trick shots and I got a solid shot of what he could do.

Apparently, I may have been off my rocker that day, and I wanted to be a part of it myself.

Rhaelynn Gaspari, 5 (left), celebrating her friend Charlotte Miller’s birthday, 5 (right), during the grand opening. All photos by David Tuan Bui.

It may have been the grand opening for Rollz Ice Cream but these two cute little girls stole my camera’s attention.

It was a way to kick off Charlotte Miller’s fifth birthday with her friend and being surrounded by balloons is a great way to tell the world that it’s your day!

The parlour serves rolled ice cream, milkshakes, waffles, falooda, cheesecake (from the Cheesecake Factory), popping soda and ice cream burgers.

Big Wreck consists of Ian Thornley (pictured), Dave MacMillan, Chris Caddell and Sekou Lumumba. photo by David Tuan Bui.

I always look forward to at least one show every year at Peterborough Musicfest. This year, it was Big Wreck.

I got close to Ian Thornley and got a good shot. You could see everything on him down to every detail.

Of course, I got to enjoy the concert after I was done taking my photos for the night.

An unexpected champagne cork pop leads to a bubbly surprise for Dani Guppy (left) and Pete Dalliday (right). photo by David Tuan Bui.

Pete Dalliday and Dani Guppy of 'Fresh Mornings With Pete & Dani,’ recorded their 1,005th episode with 100.5 FM Fresh Radio, a huge milestone for these two.

The celebrations had an unexpected pop of a champagne bottle as Dalliday was unravelling it and I got a shot of their reaction, especially Guppy’s. Her face says it all.

Erica Evans (left), Lou Warner (middle) and Payton Crough (right) celebrating the first-ever LAXNAI Women's tournament. All photos by David Tuan Bui.

I was selected to be a play-by-play commentator for the North American Invitational (LAXNAI) for a third-straight year in Utica, N.Y. and it was the inaugural women’s tournament.

Peterborough’s Erica Evans, Lou Warner and Payton Crough were playing for BP Lawyers and became tournament champions. Evans was also named MVP, so getting my shots and interviews was an opportunity I could not pass up.

Look at the size of that trophy. It was not small by any means. The expressions of the women, coupled with that championship, showed the prowess of lacrosse in Peterborough and the genuine hard work of winning an event.

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Local Wildlife Photographer Dave Ellis To Release 2024 Calendars For Christmas Season

Local wildlife photographer Dave Ellis has released his calendars for 2024 depicting some of his best shots of nature taken throughout the year for the upcoming holidays.

Photo courtesy of Dave Ellis.

“It is that time of year when we start looking ahead to the coming of the New Year,” said Ellis. “Astrid and I have designed our 2024 wildlife calendars featuring some very special photographs of our Kawartha Lakes wildlife.”

The calendars have been printed locally to support Kawartha Lakes businesses according to Ellis.

There are three different calendar designs to choose from. Ellis is requesting that those interested to see a preview of the calendars or to place an order can email wildlife@eastlink.ca.

“I really enjoy sharing my photos of our local wildlife with all of you and I look forward to meeting you when we deliver the calendars,” said Ellis. “We hope you like the calendars and thank you for your support.”

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube and LinkedIn. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Dave Ellis: June Photography Recap

Dave Ellis is an Omemee-area wildlife photographer. PTBOCanada often features his work in our Good Morning PTBO posts, where a single shot captures a moment of time in nature.

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Streetscape Imagery to Be Captured in the City of Peterborough Starting July 17

The City of Peterborough has contracted iLOOKABOUT to capture streetscape imagery- a panoramic visual representation of a street consisting of aspects such as the road, buildings, street furniture, trees and open spaces using a camera-mounted vehicle from July 17 to July 28.

photo courtesy of the city of peterborough.

The imagery will be captured for all City-owned right of ways where vehicle access is permitted such as on roads, trails, parking lots and facilities.

The project is scheduled from Monday, July 17 to Friday, July 28 with weather permitting.

The City will provide vehicle escorts when the capture is taking place on City owned trails and facilities.

The imagery will be used by City staff to view urban forest vegetation, identify changes over time, view and analyze property related elements, and locate features. The imagery will not be released to the public because elements are not blurred to protect privacy.

For more information or additional inquiries, contact Kristine Muma, Geomatics/Mapping Division by email.

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May Photo Recap with Dave Ellis

Local wildlife photographer Dave Ellis shares his captures from the month of May; featuring many different environments and species of wildlife all over Peterborough and the Kawarthas.

PTBOCanada often features his work in our ‘Good Morning PTBO’ posts, which you can find on our social media accounts.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

April Photography In Review With Dave Ellis

Omemee-based wildlife photographer Dave Ellis shares some of his captures from the month of April. You can see his work featured in our daily ‘Good Morning PTBO’ posts.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here.

Photos: Moose Spotted Roaming Bobcaygeon Neighbourhood

Local man Frank Cairns shared photos of a moose in his Bobcaygeon neighbourhood.

Cairns shared his unique captures of the moose on his street in Perfectus Point, Bobcaygeon to social media.

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Photo Series of Unbelievable Dave Ellis Captures Prove Otter and Smallmouth Bass Are Not Photoshopped

A ‘Good Morning PTBO’ picture by Dave Ellis posted to our social media platforms Thursday morning stirred up some speculation.

photo by dave ellis.

The one of a kind capture shows a local otter eating a smallmouth bass on the Otonabee River.

“When you shoot at a fast shutter speed the camera freezes the action and it sometimes looks unnatural,” Ellis explains. “I can assure you that the otter did catch this fish and the picture is not photoshopped.”

The series of captures below shows the otter catching the bass.

“Thank you for all of the nice comments on my photo. I really appreciate them and I am glad you enjoyed the photo. It was phenomenal to watch the otter catch this fish,” Ellis adds.

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