Hank The Blue Jay Has Died #RIPHank



Sad news to end 2014. The Doritos loving Blue Jay Hank, who was rescued earlier this year by the Williams family from certain death and became Peterborough's most popular and beloved pet—getting attention far and wide, including the Weather Network—has died after escaping from the Williams home earlier this week on Boxing Day. The domesticated bird's escape sparked a #FindHank hashtag that trended locally, with the community rallying to find him and bring him home safe. Hank, we'll miss you buddy and we'll never forget you. You made our Awesome list this year because you truly are that. This whole city fell in love with you. Our thoughts are with the Williams family.  [UPDATE: Add your condolences on our Facebook post.]

Hank loved Doritos and Fresca

Hank loved Doritos and Fresca

Hank as a baby

Hank as a baby

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