Three Loonies On The Street Has Now Raised $1,076,000 Since Launching 14 Years Ago

According to a new media release from Darling Insurance, “Three Loonies on the Street” annual fundraiser (now in its 14th year) on behalf of Kawartha Food Share has now raised a whopping $1,076,000 since its inception, including $99,000 in 2014. The Three Loonies are composed of local business leaders Peter Blodgett of Darling Insurance, Bob McGillen of McGillen • Keay • Cooper Law Office and Robb Bennett of the Liftlock Group in Peterborough.

Bennett, McGillen & Blodgett

Bennett, McGillen & Blodgett

Simulcast live on local Corus Radio stations 101.5 The Wolf and Hits 100.5, the Loonies and their band of merry volunteers station themselves at the corners of King and George Streets each year, gratefully accepting donations from all passers-by to Kawartha Food Share.

Kawartha Food Share is a central collection and distribution warehouse, assisting more than 7,600 men, women and children every month through 36 member agencies in the City and County of Peterborough. With every $1 donated, Kawartha Food Share can purchase and distribute up to $6 worth of food. One Loonie really does make a difference!

We look forward to Three Loonies now entering its 15 Year!

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