Hank The Blue Jay Has Died #RIPHank



Sad news to end 2014. The Doritos loving Blue Jay Hank, who was rescued earlier this year by the Williams family from certain death and became Peterborough's most popular and beloved pet—getting attention far and wide, including the Weather Network—has died after escaping from the Williams home earlier this week on Boxing Day. The domesticated bird's escape sparked a #FindHank hashtag that trended locally, with the community rallying to find him and bring him home safe. Hank, we'll miss you buddy and we'll never forget you. You made our Awesome list this year because you truly are that. This whole city fell in love with you. Our thoughts are with the Williams family.  [UPDATE: Add your condolences on our Facebook post.]

Hank loved Doritos and Fresca

Hank loved Doritos and Fresca

Hank as a baby

Hank as a baby

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Fall In Love With A Blue Jay Fledgling Named Hank Rescued From A Cat's Mouth

[UPDATE July 16th] Chris Williams informs us Hank is doing well and getting somewhat independent now: "He now understands how to eat on his own if food is left in his cage and will strike out at flies and mosquitos when he is outside," says Chris. "I have tried to transition him slowly into the wild with him spending hours sitting on the gate listening to the sounds of other birds and mimicking their calls. Unfortunately due to the cat attack or a birth defect, it looks like his one wing has not developed properly which limits his ability to fly more than a few feet, so for now he is overly dependent. He may be able to compensate his wing issues but it is going to take some time. For now, Hank spends his days sitting on top of one of his two cages practicing his short flight patterns." Here's new pictures of Hank...


Chris Williams—head coach of the Peterborough Huskies—told us this beauty story. His son Conal found a blue jay hanging out of a cat's mouth on Weller St. this week. "Hank", as they call the blue jay (they've rescued 12 birds over the years and call them all Hank—so technically this is "Hank the 12th"), is a young fledgling about 2 weeks old and is unable to fly right now, eating a diet of kitten chow soaked in water to a mushy consistency. "Hank squawks every 20 minutes to be fed," says Chris, who has a number of years working with an avian rescue agency. "I expect to hand feed him for at least another two weeks and then try to release him in my backyard to live a happy life."

Here are more pictures of Hank the 12th...

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