A Painted Paddle Installation Is Launching In Downtown Peterborough

The Downtown Vibrancy Project will be launching a new outdoor public art exhibit to celebrate community connection during lockdown with its February 1st Painted Paddle debut—a series of paddle art installations in Peterborough’s central entertainment and shopping district. 

During the month of February, locals will be able to safely tour the Painted Paddle art exhibit by visiting a number of storefront windows scattered throughout the downtown, as part of a new art crawl experience.

Places providing window space for the art installation include: Peterborough & the Kawartha Tourism’s Visitor Centre, Le Petit Bar, St Veronus, The Boardwalk Game Lounge, Sam's Deli, Black Honey Bakery, Cork and Bean, B!KE, Watson and Lou, Cottage Toys, By The Bridge, GreenUp Store, Night Kitchen, DBIA Office, Meta4 Gallery, Avant Garden, Sustain, Bluestreak Records, and Peterborough Social Services.

Kelleigh Traynor-Hartnett, a retired Police Officer, painting the Peterborough Police Service’s paddle for the Painted Paddle project. (Photo courtesy DBIA)

Kelleigh Traynor-Hartnett, a retired Police Officer, painting the Peterborough Police Service’s paddle for the Painted Paddle project. (Photo courtesy DBIA)

Each paddle will be as unique as the artist, generating a distinctive visual story of our community’s history, and its connection to the common paddle.

Notable featured paddle artists and organizations contributing art for the Painted Paddle include: Mayor Therrien, Hiawatha First Nation, Wiigwaas Hiawatha Store, Peterborough Police Service, DBIA, GreenUP, Trent Gzowski College, Trent Veg Garden, Peterborough Pollinators, Princess Gardens Retirement Residence, Empress Gardens Retirement Residence, St Anne's School, VegFest, B!KE, City Councillors Zippel and Akapo, Art School mother and daughter team, Eileen and Kendron, local Anishinaabe artist Kyler, and local artist Tiphaine Lenaik. 

The Painted Paddle exhibit will be on display until March 5th. Exhibition paddles will be available for auction from Febrary 19th at 8 pm to March 4th at 8 pm ahead of the First Friday event on March 5th, with proceeds going towards the One City Employment Program. For the virtual auction, click here.

To participate in a self-guided tour of the Painted Paddle, community members can access a full map of paddle exhibit locations here.

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City of Peterborough Setting Up Curbside Pick-Up Zones In Downtown

To support local businesses during the provincewide shutdown, the City of Peterborough has announced it is setting up curbside pick-up zones in the downtown core.

Signs will be installed to designate areas as a “15-minute curbside pickup zone”.  Each block in downtown Peterborough will have a zone on both sides of the street. 

During the shutdown, more customers are making quick stops for curbside pick-up rather than visits that require longer-term parking. The pick-up zones will ensure convenient, high-turnover parking access for customers.

"Local businesses are the backbone of our community and it's important that we support them, especially during this challenging time," says Mayor Diane Therrien.

Photo courtesy City of Peterborough

Photo courtesy City of Peterborough


-> To ensure curbside pick-up zones are available for customers to conveniently access businesses, a maximum time limit of 15 minutes will be enforced.

-> Drivers using the new curbside pick-up zones will not have to pay for parking in these zones as long as they comply with the 15 minute time limit.

-> While stopped, drivers should turn off their vehicle in order to avoid idling as required under the City’s anti-idling by-law.

-> Parking longer than the 15 minute window could result in a parking ticket with a fine of $25.

Existing commercial loading zones, accessible parking spaces, bus stops and no-parking zones adjacent to intersections will be maintained, and drivers are reminded that enforcement of existing parking restrictions in these areas will continue. Theses spaces are not to be used for regular parking or for curbside pick-up zones.

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Bollards To Be Removed In Downtown Peterborough

Bollards that were installed on some downtown streets to create additional pedestrian space for physical distancing will be removed over the next two weeks to prepare for winter maintenance, according to a City of Peterborough release. 

The installation on Water Street, between Simcoe Street and Hunter Street, will be removed the week of October 13th and the remaining installations on other streets will be removed over a few days starting Wednesday, October 21st.

PTBOCanada file photo

PTBOCanada file photo

With the removal of the bollards, the sidewalks and streets and parking will revert to their typical spaces. Businesses with agreements with the City are able to have patios in assigned sidewalk spaces until October 20th. 

PTBOCanada file photo

PTBOCanada file photo

The bollards need to be removed to get ready for winter. Residents and visitors are reminded that public health measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 remain in effect, including:

  • Maintain physical distance of 2 metres from others not in your household

  • Wear a face covering in indoor and outdoor settings where physical distancing may be a challenge

  • Stay home if you do not feel well

  • Wash or sanitize your hands frequently

Restaurants are taking reservations, which helps ensure there are no lineups on sidewalks as a barrier to physical distancing.

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The Next Phase Of Downtown Street Modifications Has Begun

The City of Peterborough says in a release that the next phase of implementing the downtown street modifications to help people stay safe with physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic will be completed by Friday, June 26th, with the installation of signage currently underway.

Delineators marking the new divide between roads, on-street parking and expanded pedestrian space were installed last weekend. By modifying the road layout, the City is creating more space for pedestrians to provide an opportunity for physical distancing—staying at least two metres apart from others—in the downtown, where narrow sidewalks would typically make that challenging.

Photo by Neil Morton, PTBOCanada

Photo by Neil Morton, PTBOCanada

To do this, some former parking lanes have been converted to temporary sidewalks and new parking bays have been created in the closed through lane. Signs being installed this week will clarify the parking bay locations, the locations where new loading zones have been established, and new accessible parking spaces.  

The changes are temporary during the pandemic. They were designed in collaboration with Peterborough Public Health and the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area. Along with the road design modifications, the speed limit in the affected areas has been reduced to 30 kilometres an hour.

Photo by Neil Morton, PTBOCanada

Photo by Neil Morton, PTBOCanada

Even with the changes, there are still about 385 on-street parking spaces in the downtown, with 100 of these spaces located within areas affected by the downtown street modifications. 

In addition, there are almost 1,200 parking spaces in municipal parking garages and about 400 parking spaces in municipal parking lots in the central area. Click here to view the parking map.

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Enforcement Of The Two-Hour Limit For On-Street Parking Resumes

To support commercial activity in the downtown with stores re-opening for curbside pickup, enforcement of the two-hour limit for on-street parking will resume on Monday, May 11th in downtown Peterborough.

The two-hour limit for on-street parking helps ensure the spaces are used for short-term parking, which increases the availability of parking for customers. Enforcement of regulations for other parking infractions, such as no stopping zones, no parking areas and commercial loading spaces will also continue to support downtown businesses and promote safety.


While enforcement activities are resuming, free parking for on-street parking and surface lots in the central area will continue for now as a temporary measure to reduce the potential for spread of COVID-19.

Convenient access to parking is important to restaurants offering take-out and retailers reopening for curbside pickup following the Province of Ontario Orders and associated guidelines.

"The DBIA appreciates the steps taken by the City of Peterborough to provide free parking downtown during this crisis,” says Terry Guiel, Executive Director of Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area. “We believe it important to keep spaces open for our businesses so that they can do quick pick-up and deliveries which are essential for them right now.”

Peterborough Public Health recommends following these guidelines for safe curb-side pickups:

• Only send one person and stay in the car if possible
• Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before and after the pickup
• Maintain a 2-meter distance from others
• Wear a face covering, required if you have any COVID-19 symptoms
• Avoid idling your car

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Businesses In Downtown Peterborough Responding To Opioid Crisis By Keeping Naloxone Kits On Hand

Businesses in downtown Peterborough are responding to the local opioid crisis by keeping Naloxone kits on hand and having staff trained on how to identify and respond to an opioid poisoning or overdose.

The Downtown Business Improvement Area is partnering with Peterborough Public Health and Harm Reduction Works @ PARN to provide Naloxone kits at no-cost to a number of strategically located downtown businesses. Naloxone is a safe lifesaving medication that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose, buying time for a person to get the necessary medical attention they may need.

Photo of Naloxone kit courtesy DBIA

“We’re in the midst of an opioid crisis in Peterborough,” says Terry Guiel, DBIA Executive Director. “We see first-hand people struggling with addiction and sadly, we’ve already lost too many members of our community. If helping local businesses know what to do when they see an opioid poisoning saves one life, it’s worth it.”

“We know that people working downtown are experiencing the impact of the opioid crisis on a daily basis and want to do what they can to help,” adds Kim Dolan, Executive Director at PARN. “This initiative increases our collective response to opioid poisonings in our community and sends a strong message that people in Peterborough are prepared to step up and save lives.”

“This program reflects the caring attitude of the local business community towards people with addictions and the growing awareness that this issue affects us all,” says Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, Medical Officer of Health at Peterborough Public Health. “In some ways, this demonstration of compassion is just as effective as the Naloxone itself because it reduces the terrible stigma faced by people who struggle with addictions.”

Photo of Naloxone kit courtesy DBIA


-> Peterborough Public Health and PARN will be providing brief training sessions along with the free kits in the front lobby of Venture North at 270 George Street North on June 27th and 28th from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., and July 4th and 5th from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

**Stickers will be available for any business that would like to display one in their window to let people know they are trained on how to respond to an opioid poisoning.

"Having been in business for 43 years downtown, we see a crisis at the moment with overdoses and addiction and we feel we need to help the community and those in need of help anyway we can,” adds Andrew Damiany, manager of Gentry Apparel.

As well as DBIA members, the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce is inviting its members to be trained and equipped with Naloxone kits. The kits are being provided by the DBIA, PARN, Peterborough Public Health and the City of Peterborough

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27 Downtown Peterborough Retail Shops Open Until 8 PM Thursday and Friday This Summer

From June 13th through to the end of August, 27 retails shops in downtown Peterborough will be open until 8 p.m. every Thursday and Friday evening as part of a “Open Late ‘Til Eight” initiative.

“Shopping today is all about convenience and it’s important for our local shops to be open when it’s convenient for their customers,” says Terry Guiel, Executive Director of the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area.

“We know it’s important to be open when our customers are wanting to shop,” adds Holly Butler, manager at Iceman Video Games in the downtown. “Staying open late keeps people shopping local.”

(Left to right) Aldana Casado, Kate Storen, and Chelsea Boyd pose for the launch of Open Late ‘Til Eight, a new shopping initiative in Downtown Peterborough.

Not only are the hours convenient, but parking downtown is free after 6 p.m. So take advantage of the extra hours, and support your local downtown businesses. Shop, and then stay downtown and grab a bite at one of your fave restaurants.


• Bluestreak Record

• Charlotte’s Web

• Cottage Toys

• Dodrio

• Flavour

• Grey Guardian Games

• Hi Ho Silver

• Iceman Games

• John Robers Clothiers

• K&C Costumes

• Lift Lock Escape

• META4 Gallery

• Minh’s Chinese Grocery

• Next Level Mobile

• Pipe Dreamz

• Providence

• Ritual Apothecary

• Runner’s Life

• Running Room


• The Peace Pipe

• The Toy Shop

• Tiny Green

• Tribal Voices

• Under One Sun

• You’re Welcome

• Zap Records

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Help Shape The Future Of Downtown Peterborough

Want to have your voice heard as to the future of downtown Peterborough? Join Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area on Wednesday, April 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Shaping Your Downtown Open House event.

DBIA is seeking to gain valuable input from the community on the future of their work as they develop their five-year strategic plan. They need your help in finding the best path towards a strong, safe and vibrant downtown.

The Open House is Wednesday, April 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Peterborough Public Library (Friends of the Library Community Room).

They will be seeking your input on…

-Potential DBIA initiatives planned for the future
-Key factors affecting the success of downtown
-How you can play a role in helping downtown grow and thrive

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Downtown Peterborough Is Now Designated Bicycle Friendly Business Area, One Of Only Five In Province

Awesome news for Downtown Peterborough as it has now been designated as a Bicycle Friendly Business Area by Ontario By Bike—one of five in the province.
The designation was presented to the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area by Ontario By Bike at the Shift into Summer event at Market Hall on Thursday (June 14th).

Mr. Downtown Terry Guiel with the bike-friendly designation

The award is in recognition of the DBIA’s commitment to building partnerships that value not only the safety of cyclists but also the economic opportunity of creating a welcoming and safe environment for cyclists and cycle tourists.

“We encourage everyone to explore downtown Peterborough and I’m glad we’ve been able to make it easier to explore the heart of our city by bike,” says Terry Guiel, DBIA Executive Director.

“The real credit here goes to our businesses who see the benefits of cycling and having cyclists visit their establishments. We also have an active cycling community here and organizations like Peterborough GreenUp, B!KE, Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee, the City’s Transportation Division and Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism have put in countless hours toward making our community more bike-friendly.”

Receiving official bike-friendly designation from Ontario By Bike helps to promote downtown to a growing cycle tourism market and gains access to the resources and expertise of Ontario By Bike.

Downtown Peterborough is an ideal basecamp for exploring the Kawarthas by bike, as cyclists can go from city to county in no time. Riders have access to long distance road routes and trail loops with more than 300 kilometres of wayfinding signage.

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PTBOCanada Featured Post: Downtown Peterborough Is Rocking This Spring/Summer With Events Galore

PTBOCanada Featured Post: Downtown Peterborough Is Rocking This Spring/Summer With Events Galore

Sponsored post by DBIA

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