Peterborough GreenUp Shifting Gears Program Presents the May Challenge

The GreenUp Shifting Gears Program presents the May Challenge from May 1 to June 2; helping the Peterborough community make shifts towards using more active and sustainable transportation.

Shifting Gears is for anyone in the Peterborough Region who wants to take less solo car trips, in favour of walking, cycling, taking transit, carpooling and telecommuting.

What is included:

- Trip Tracking: participants are encouraged to track their sustainable trips online. You can follow overall community statistics via our email newsletter and also sign up for workplace leaderboards. Shifting Gears loves some friendly competition!

- Prizes: tracking trips leads to prizes! Each week participants who tracked their trips are eligible for multiple prize draws. The more weeks you track, the more chances to win.

- Resources and workshops: Shifting Gears runs exclusive workshops to support transportation shift, as well as, online resources for individuals and employers. Workshops run seasonally, but you can find resources available all- year round.

Sign up and gain access to community news, challenge reminders, workshops and program resources, as well as tracking your trips for the month of May and be entered into weekly prize draws.

To learn more and register, click the link.

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Check Out The Bicycle Museum Pop-Up Documenting City's Storied Cycling History

The public is invited to see a collection of a dozen historical photos from the late 1800s and early 1900s alongside a replica Penny Farthing bicycle at the Peterborough Public Library starting on December 3rd at noon. The free exhibit showcases Peterborough’s rich cycling history and will run until the New Year.

Photo courtesy Peterborough Museum and Archives

Peterborough was at the centre of the cycling craze in the 1890s and held the first ever Canadian Wheelmen’s Association provincial meet on July 1, 1898, where big wheel—or Penny Farthing—bikes raced around the track at Morrow Park to the delight of almost 7,000 onlookers.

Photo courtesy of Peggy Brownscombe

“Peterborough has a long tradition of cycling excellence and that tradition needs to be acknowledged—and it needs to continue,” says Tammy Thorne, the creator of and the pop-up exhibits here in Peterborough, which first launched last month. 

“There’s so much heritage that needs to be preserved in Peterborough, and it’s not just buildings. There are many great stories from this city’s illustrious industrial past that need to be told, and cycling is just one part of that,” adds Thorne.

Photo courtesy Peterborough Museum and Archives

The images in this must-see collection are largely from the Peterborough Museum and Archives but part of the collection comes from Peggy Brownscombe, the daughter of the former owner of one of the city’s earliest bike shops, White’s Cycle and Sporting Goods. 

“Many of the images have stories behind them that are yet to be discovered,” says Thorne. “For example, we have this lovely photo of Alex Gibson with his high wheel bike and medals. He was a member of the Peterborough Cycling Club, even the treasurer for a time, and his father was likely a watchmaker.”

Photo courtesy Peterborough Museum & Archives

“Cycling is a large part of the Peterborough community and has been for some time,” says Jennifer Jones, Peterborough Public Library CEO. “This pop-up exhibit gives us the opportunity to glimpse into the rich history of bicycles in our neighbourhoods. The Library is thrilled to be able to provide the space to bring some of that history to light."

There will be a book to sign at the library where you can add your bicycling history story and contact information. You can also email if you have information about this exhibit or historic bicycling artifacts you would like to share for a future exhibit. will produce new exhibits in 2019 featuring CCM artifacts and bicycles, and another exhibit featuring service bicycles and stories.

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Downtown Peterborough Is Now Designated Bicycle Friendly Business Area, One Of Only Five In Province

Awesome news for Downtown Peterborough as it has now been designated as a Bicycle Friendly Business Area by Ontario By Bike—one of five in the province.
The designation was presented to the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area by Ontario By Bike at the Shift into Summer event at Market Hall on Thursday (June 14th).

Mr. Downtown Terry Guiel with the bike-friendly designation

The award is in recognition of the DBIA’s commitment to building partnerships that value not only the safety of cyclists but also the economic opportunity of creating a welcoming and safe environment for cyclists and cycle tourists.

“We encourage everyone to explore downtown Peterborough and I’m glad we’ve been able to make it easier to explore the heart of our city by bike,” says Terry Guiel, DBIA Executive Director.

“The real credit here goes to our businesses who see the benefits of cycling and having cyclists visit their establishments. We also have an active cycling community here and organizations like Peterborough GreenUp, B!KE, Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee, the City’s Transportation Division and Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism have put in countless hours toward making our community more bike-friendly.”

Receiving official bike-friendly designation from Ontario By Bike helps to promote downtown to a growing cycle tourism market and gains access to the resources and expertise of Ontario By Bike.

Downtown Peterborough is an ideal basecamp for exploring the Kawarthas by bike, as cyclists can go from city to county in no time. Riders have access to long distance road routes and trail loops with more than 300 kilometres of wayfinding signage.

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New Decorative Bike Racks Installed In Downtown

Last winter, after hearing from Councillor Dean Pappas that there is an appetite for artistic bike racks in downtown Peterborough, staff at “City Welding” got to work creating some unique designs.

The resulting prototypes impressed City staff, who included some of the decorative racks as part of the regular annual order. Now, these custom bike racks are adorning City Hall, the sidewalk in front of Spa Euphoria and the sidewalk on Charlotte Street just west of George Street.

“I’ve had this idea for a while and it is great to see it come to fruition, and even better that these bike racks are designed and manufactured in Peterborough," says Councillor Pappas.

There are three designs so far: one depicting Market Hall, one of the Lift Lock and one of the Quaker building. This winter, City Welding plans to create additional designs.

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PTBOCanada Sponsored Post: Win An E-Bike This Summer From Kawartha TV & Stereo!

Kawartha TV & Stereo wants to help celebrate the fun that is Peterborough in summer! They're giving away an E-Bike valued at more than $1,000 so you can cruise around to all of the great places that make our awesome city awesome, and be a tourist in your own town! The Tokyo E-Bike from Daymak has a 500W motor and a top speed of 32kph, ensuring you’ll make it to your destination in plenty of time. Kawartha TV & Stereo has an extensive E-Bike and scooter collection at the store, and they are always happy to pair somebody up with their dream-green-electric-machine!

Toyko E-Bike from Daymak

Toyko E-Bike from Daymak


To enter Kawartha TV & Stereo's Awesome Summer E-Bike Giveaway and have a chance to win the Tokyo E-Bike from Daymak (pictured at right and below around town), simply go to and sign up for their newsletter before July 31st. It's as easy as that. You’ll not only be entered to win the E-Bike by signing up—the draw is on July 31st—but you’ll also be automatically entered into every monthly draw they have for as long as you stay subscribed to the newsletter.

"Like" Kawartha TV & Stereo on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for more information and updates as they get closer to the big draw on July 31st!

Enter now, and have a look at the E-Bike that could be yours...

Remember to enter Kawartha TV & Stereo's Awesome Summer E-Bike Giveaway by going to and signing up for their newsletter! The draw is July 31st from that list of names.



For more info on Kawartha TV & Stereo (188 Park St. S) go to:

Facebook: KawarthatTV
Twitter: @KawarthaTV
Contest/Newsletter Signup:
Phone: 705.740.0000

***If your business/organization is interested in a PTBOCanada Featured or Sponsored Post Advertorial, email for info!

Grand Opening of Harold Town Conservation Is Saturday

The Harold Town Conservation (see Peterborough Now Has a Mountain Bike Destination) at 2611 Old Norwood Road is celebrating their Grand Opening on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Wild Rock Outfitters will be on hand with Specialized and Trek bikes during the bicycle demo day (bring your helmet and cycling shoes).

The Otonabee Conservation will also be there to celebrate International Trails Week and the Grand Opening at 12:30.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Lend A Hand With The Trails At Harold Town Conservation


Peterborough has a fantastic network of Mountain Biking trails at 2611 Old Norwood Road hosted by the Otonabee Region Conservation Authority. Announced early last year, Harold Town offers trails for all skill levels, and thanks to the wonderful help of the riders, it is constantly evolving. Today (November 9th), IMBA Canada will be dropping by to teach a course on trail building, offering both an in-class tutorial and a hands-on workshop. You have to register to attend, so be sure to sign up as space is limited.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Scenes From The Fall 2013 Peterborough Police Auction


The Peterborough Lakefield Community Police held their bi-annual Police Auction today at 500 Water Street. Seized items were auctioned off and money earned from the auction will go to a number of charitable causes.

Bicycles are always a popular draw to the auction

Bicycles are always a popular draw to the auction

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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PTBOPic: Footbridge Chalk Sign


Looks like we're not the only ones who were looking forward to the downtown footbridge re-opening. Someone wrote in chalk on the pavement next to the bridge...

"Open it
Open it

[Photo by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Take A Mountain Bike Ride In The Haroldtown Conservation Area

Learn more about the conservation area from this write up on Trail Swag last year.

[via Rick Dolishny]

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