Peterborough Police Will Increase Traffic Enforcement In School Zones After Labour Day

In partnership with Peterborough County and Township of Cavan Monaghan, Peterborough Police Services will be increasing traffic enforcement in school zones this fall.

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As children and staff return to school in September, school busses, cars and foot traffic will increase in school zones.

Drivers are reminded to take extra precautions including slowing down in school zones, planning to leave early, giving at least one metre’s clearance to cyclists, and stopping for school buses.

Peterborough Police Services would like to remind motorists of the following:

1) You must stop for stopped school buses with lights flashing.

2) Speeding in a school zone can result in fines and demerit points.

3) Crossing guards have the right to stop traffic at crosswalks – abide by their direction.

4) Distracted driving can cost you up to $3000 in fines, 6 demerit points and a 30-day

license suspension.

To keep school children safe, Peterborough Police will be monitoring and issuing tickets as required for offences in school zones and/or community safety zones.

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Peterborough Police Service Remind Residents On What to Do In Case of Bear Sighting

After a black bear was reported wandering through the west end of Peterborough on Monday, Peterborough Police Service is reminding residents what they can do if they spot a bear in their area.

A black bear digs for grubs at the edge of the water. Photo courtesy of Dave Ellis.

Call 9-1-1 if it is an emergency situation, otherwise, call the toll-free Be Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30.

The police consider emergency situations when the bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety and exhibits aggressive behaviour such as:

  • entering a school yard when school is in session

  • stalks people and lingers at the site

  • enters or tries to enter a residence

  • wanders into a public gathering

  • kills livestock/pets and lingers at the site

Non-emergency encounters include:

  • roams around or checks garbage cans

  • breaks into a shed where garbage or food is stored

  • is in a tree

  • pulls down a bird feeder or knocks over a barbecue

  • moves through a backyard or field but does not linger

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Trent-Severn Waterway Partially Closed Due to High Water Levels and Flows This Friday

Parks Canada is partially closing navigation of the Trent-Severn Waterway due to high water levels and flows starting Friday until further notice.

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Over the past 15 days, Trent-Severn’s watersheds have received significant amounts of precipitation, equal to no more than double the normal amount expected. Parks Canada advises anyone to exercise extreme caution near the water.

The list of stations that are open and closed during the partial closure occurring on Friday. Updates are provided regularly. Photo courtesy of Parks Canada.

This partial closure is meant to protect boater safety and help to prevent shoreline erosion and property damage experienced by local residents and businesses according to Parks Canada. They recommended all boaters lower their speeds and watch their wake.

Residents around Lock 19 – Scotts Mills will see a controlled breach of the construction site at the dam over the weekend to aid in the movement of water down the Otonabee River. The breach is not a danger to public safety.

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Peterborough Fire Services Urges Residents To Prioritize Safety When Using Fireworks

Peterborough Fire Services has asked residents to respect their neighbours and fellow residents when using fireworks in the City of Peterborough. 

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City by-laws allow for the use of family or casual fireworks in the City on private property. Fireworks cannot be discharged on City property. Larger exhibition-style fireworks displays require a permit. 

While fireworks displays are permitted, residents who use fireworks must follow the Noise By-law and be aware of safety precautions when using fireworks. Fireworks can also startle pets. 

Peterborough Police receive a number of complaints about fireworks, mostly regarding noise. Between May 1 and Sept. 15 of last year, there were 80 such complaints made to the Service. Peterborough Police reminds residents to be respectful of other residents' lawful right to enjoy their property and to be safe.

Peterborough Fire Services reminds residents that using fireworks can be dangerous, causing injury or property damage. Fire Services provides the following safety tips when using fireworks: 

  • Only adults who are aware of the hazards and have read the label should handle and discharge fireworks.

  • Always keep a water hose or pail of water close by when discharging fireworks.

  • Discharge fireworks well away from combustible materials like buildings, trees and dry grass.

  • Keep onlookers a safe distance away, upwind from the area where fireworks are discharged.

  • Do not discharge fireworks in windy conditions.

  • Keep sparklers away from children, as they are extremely hot and can cause burns and eye injuries.

The City of Peterborough by-law regulating fireworks displays and the Noise By-law are available online at

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Peterborough Fire Services Highlights The Importance Of Keeping Hydrants Clear Of Snow

Peterborough Fire Services reminds residents of the importance of keeping snow away from fire hydrants and maintaining access.

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The co-operation of homeowners and businesses in maintaining a clear path to fire hydrants on or near their property helps emergency personnel to access critical water supplies and minimize property damage in the event of a fire.

Residents are asked to be mindful of any fire hydrants on or near their property when clearing snow, keeping hydrants clear of snow and other obstacles.

"There are over 2,000 fire hydrants in the City of Peterborough," said Amanda Nichols, Public Educator for Peterborough Fire Services. "We really appreciate residents keeping hydrants accessible by ensuring snow doesn't get dumped or blown on top of them. Precious time can be lost in a fire emergency if hydrants are not visible and accessible.”

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PTBOCanada Featured Post: URide Is Celebrating Their One Year Anniversary With Up To 50 Per Cent Off Rides

PTBOCanada Featured Post: URide Is Celebrating Their One Year Anniversary With Up To 50 Per Cent Off Rides

Sponsored post by URide Peterborough

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Peterborough Fire Services Asks Residents to Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms When Changing Clocks

Clocks will fall back one hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday and Peterborough Fire Services is reminding residents to check their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms when they change their clocks.

Photo courtesy of Peterborough Fire Services.

“In order for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to do their job, they need to be working,” said Fire Chief, Chris Snetsinger. “When you change your clocks this weekend, we recommend that you take the time to check the expiry date on all alarms and test every alarm in your home.”

It’s the law to have working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in every home.

When purchasing new alarms, Peterborough Fire Services recommends purchasing a 10 year worry-free smoke and carbon monoxide combination alarm.

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New Online Reputation Restoration Business Serviced From Peterborough

Saving face has become easier than ever thanks to and their new reputation restoration service that opened locally last year.

Websites such as Reddit, 4Chan, forums and social media sites are popular locations for online bullying. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Websites such as Reddit, 4Chan, forums and social media sites are popular locations for online bullying. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

The home business is run by Chadwick Teate who has lived in Peterborough since 2017. It services anyone who has been a victim of online defamation either through online bullying, a rough breakup and more. It can also be used for reputation enhancement even with no libel or slander was involved.

IStopDefamation uses reputation restoring tools by building suppressive content, removing or burying the defamation source while building positive content that gets seen over the negative posts.

The business’s timing could not be any better according to Teate due to the spike in politics and the heightened online presence for businesses and personal use from the pandemic.

The local business owner’s idea came from a similar experience while losing a job as a bank data analyst in the States.

“An online perpetrator ended up putting up a risk to me which ended up as a conflict of interest,” Teate explained. “The same person also proceeded also to post 300 Twitter posts said I was a hacker on a continual basis. Anytime an employer looks at this and reads information, they believe things online.”

Businesses often use defamation to destroy other businesses according to Teate. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Businesses often use defamation to destroy other businesses according to Teate. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Other services that provide post removals can charge up to $4,000 claims Teate. Leaving the negative content can affect your life professionally and personally but the mental strain it leaves can be devastating according to the company.

“If you’re one being defamed, it has a negative effect on your psychology,” says Teate. “It does have an impact on one’s mental health.”

The website also offers free advice and educational content to help any clients going through his services.

“It’s not about the services, it’s about taking down online defamation,” said Teate.

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Roadmap to Reopen: Highlighted Rules for Step Three

With the province moving to Step Three this Friday beginning at 12:01 a.m., the Ontario Government has released guidelines on their official website last week Friday.

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The plan is based on the province-wide vaccination rate and if there were significant improvements made in key public health and health care indicators according to the Ontario Government.

Step Three focuses on expanding access to indoor settings, with restrictions, including where there are larger numbers of people and where face coverings can’t always be worn.

The province wanted 70 to 80 per cent of adults vaccinated with one dose and 25 per cent vaccinated with two doses to be moved into Step Three.

Ontario will remain in Step Three for at least 21 days and until 80 percent of the eligible population aged 12 and over has received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 75 per cent have received their second, with no public health unit having less than 70 per cent of their eligible population aged 12 and over fully vaccinated.

Other key public health and health care indicators must also continue to remain stable. Upon meeting these thresholds, the vast majority of public health and workplace safety measures will be lifted.

The following are key highlights of eased restrictions going into Step Three:

  • Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events for up to 100 people

  • Indoor social gatherings and organized public events for up to 25 people

  • Indoor dining with no limits to the number of patrons per table

  • Retail with capacity limited to ensure physical distancing of two metres

  • Indoor religious services, rites or ceremony gatherings with physical distancing up to two metres

  • Indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities with capacity limits

  • Personal care services with capacity limited to ensure physical distancing

  • Museums, casinos and bingo halls with capacity limits

  • Cinemas, concert, theatres, and other performing arts venues with capacity limits

For a fully comprehensive list, please visit the Ontario Government Website.

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PTBOCanada Featured Post: Need a Job or a Ride? URide Is Here to Give You a Lift

PTBOCanada Featured Post: Need a Job or a Ride? URide Is Here to Give You a Lift

Sponsored post by URIDE

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