Best Thing Ever: Peterborough Girl Sarah Edge Celebrating Her 10th Anniversary With New Heart By Hosting Blood Clinic

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Sarah Edge was only six weeks old when she first begin experiencing heart problems. By the time she was 15 months, and her health in severe decline, she was placed on a heart transplant waiting list. Her family was afraid Sarah would not make it, and she was down to only 15 pounds. After weeks on the waiting list, Sarah’s mother received the miracle call that the family had been waiting for: A heart had been found!

At 18 months old, Sarah received the heart transplant she so desperately needed. Throughout her treatment, she also needed 66 units of blood products to help beat the odds that were not in her favour.

Ten years later after her miracle heart transplant and the generosity of blood donors, Sarah is giving back. In celebration of her post-transplant anniversary, the 11-year-old from Peterborough hopes that the blood donor clinic she and her family are organizing will bring out donors willing to help save the lives of children like her.

Sarah’s Celebratory Clinic is Tuesday, November 5th from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at  Peterborough Blood Donor Clinic (55 George St. at the corner of George and Perry St.). Members of the community are encouraged to come out and support Sarah and other children in need of blood and blood products, as well as organs. Call 1 888 2 Donate (1-888-236-283) or go online to to book an appointment to donate blood. In addition, it takes only minutes to register to be an organ or tissue donor. Visit to find out how.

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Riverview Zoo Holding Sloth Mania Fundraiser For Calgary Zoo


Riverview Park and Zoo is proud to announce a fundraising event in support of the Calgary Zoo’s 2 By 2 Rebuild the Zoo campaign. In June, Calgary Zoo suffered an estimated $50 million in damage due to a devastating flood when the Bow River overflowed its banks. The flood caused severe damage to most of the zoo and forced 34 animals out of their permanent exhibits. Within days after the flood, a call for help to CAZA (Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums) went out. Riverview Park and Zoo was selected to take Calgary’s two-toed sloths, Porsche and Ferrari.

“Sloth Mania” will be held on Saturday, October 19 from 11:00 am until 6:00 pm and will feature an afternoon schedule of special "Meet the Keeper" activities (including two sessions with the sloths), a barbeque, face painting, etc. There will also be raffles that  include opportunities to win a behind-the-scenes tour of the Park and Zoo as well as an up close and personal feeding encounter with Porsche and Ferrari. Donate online at here.

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