YWCA Announces the Hazel Education Bursary Call for Applications Opens on International Women’s Day
/YWCA Peterborough Haliburton Education Awards Committee has opened the applications for the 2022 Hazel Education Bursary, on Tuesday, International Women’s Day.
YWCA Hazel Education Bursary is intended to help women who have experienced gender-based violence reach their goals through education or training.
The Hazel Education Bursary was created by friends the friends and family of Hazel, a local woman who had a vision of helping women pursue their dreams and overcome barriers related to their experiences of violence and abuse.
“While battling the bout of cancer, she took us — my brother, sister, and I, from a life of domination and violence. We were faced with nothing, but what we were leaving behind posed such a threat that ‘nothing’ was better than how we had lived,” Hazel’s daughter noted on the YWCA website. “Alongside Mum, many have faced overwhelming battles and carried on. Rebuilding our lives through such hurdles as court, lawyers, house seeking, and remaining safe, she found ways to deal with her own pain on the side and showed us how to live this new life. These experiences she used later to give a chance to friends, colleagues and acquaintances.”
YWCA Peterborough Haliburton Board of Directors, through the Education Awards Committee, and with the generosity of donors in our community, offers bursaries of $1,500 or $2,500 to women who:
have experienced barriers related to the impact of violence and abuse;
have a dream to strengthen their economic security;
are a resident of Peterborough or Haliburton County;
seek to further their formal or informal education, or develop skills.