United Way Peterborough & District Announces Upcoming Point-in-Time Count to Measure Homelessness
/United Way Peterborough & District’s upcoming Point-in-Time Count, part of a nationally coordinated effort to measure homelessness across Canada, will take place between Nov. 18 and 21, the organization announced on Monday afternoon.
Jim Russell, United Way CEO (left); Elisha Rubacha, United Way’s community impact officer (middle) and Betsy Farrar, United Way manager of community impact (right), Photo by dAVID tUAN bUI.
The Point-in-Time Count comprises of two parts: a 24-hour enumeration and an in-depth survey. The enumeration involves tallying the number of people that surveyors observe experiencing homelessness. Conducting an enumeration over 24 hours will provide Peterborough with a snapshot of the minimum number of people experiencing homelessness in our community says United Way. This enumeration is understood to be a minimum due to the different types of homelessness that cannot be observed, such as couch surfing, which is also referred to as hidden homelessness.
In addition to the enumeration, the in-depth survey will improve the understanding of who is experiencing homelessness in our community. The survey data will provide our community with information about the specific needs and circumstances of people experiencing homelessness in Peterborough at this time.
The survey will ask questions such as:
Demographics like age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and Indigeneity
Length and duration of homelessness
Reason for homelessness
Health factors
“The Point-in-Time Count is an opportunity to learn directly from those experiencing homelessness in our community,” said Elisha Rubacha, United Way’s Community Impact Officer. “As the PiT Count Coordinator, it is my hope that this research will support housing advocacy efforts, while also reducing stigma.”
This Point-in-Time Count marks the fourth one to have taken place in Peterborough, with previous ones taking place in 2021, 2018 and 2016. United Way expects the data to reflect a stark increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness and the complexity of their situations compared to the 2021 data, said Betsy MacDonald, United Way Director of Community Impact.
“As a community, we have been feeling the effects of rising costs over the last few years. It is anticipated that the 2024 PiT Count will provide us with data that indicates that more people are experiencing homelessness than previously,” she said. “This data is important for us to have as a community because it provides concrete justification for the need for increased resources to be put towards housing services and programs.”
United Way Peterborough & District wants the community to be aware of the Point-in-Time Count activities taking place next week:
Between the evening of Nov. 18 and the evening of Nov. 19, outreach workers will be walking and biking throughout the City to enumerate and survey people experiencing homelessness
Surveys will also take place inside of shelters on Nov. 18, as well as during the day on Nov. 20 and Nov. 21 at specific community locations
These surveyors will be wearing identification badges that indicate they are part of the Point-in-Time Count project affiliated with United Way Peterborough & District
Individuals being surveyed will be offered goods in exchange for their participation
Surveyors will approach individuals and ask them a screening question to determine their eligibility for the survey.