Run to Live Launch Party Is This Sunday In Peterborough
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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Hutchison House rolled in the New Year in Scottish fashion today by celebrating Hogmanay.
Hogmanay is the Scottish word for the last day of the year, where the festivities usually last well into the first day of the New Year.
Today from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., the community was invited to share in this celebration by sampling traditional Scottish eats including the Scotch Black Bun, Clooty dumplings, Scotch eggs, oatcakes, and haggis.
It was truly wonderful to have the opportunity to wander through the Hutchison House museum, one of the many places throughout the city that have been on my bucket list to visit. I enjoy so much learning more about the history of the former residents and families of our community.
Great conversations and New Year's greetings were shared amongst the visitors as fiddle and bagpipe music played throughout.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris - Pictures by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]
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Clockwise from left: Graham Hart, Wally Macht, Jay Scotland & Dave Devall
The Salvation Army have been setting up their Christmas Kettle Campaign annually for the past 118 years, with the first kettle in Canada operating from St. John's, Newfoundland in 1906.
On Saturday (December 18th), CHEX TV's Jay Scotland and Graham Hart, along with former broadcaster Wally Macht and former CTV weatherman Dave Devall, were on hand at Lansdowne Place encouraging donations to one of the many kettles throughout the city.
Many folks gathered and listened to the festive music from The Salvation Army Canadian Brass Band, and placed a donation in the kettle. (You can also donate online.)
[Words by PtboCanada's Julie Morris; picture by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]
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The Christmas Toy Drive wraps up this Saturday (December 11th) with the Christmas Miracle Broadcast live at Lansdowne Place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is still time to donate your new, unwrapped toy at drop-off locations throughout the Patch.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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There will be two screenings of It's a Wonderful Life playing at Galaxy Cinemas in the Patch this December:
Wednesday, December 8th @ 7 p.m.
Sunday, December 12th @ 1 p.m.
This Christmas classic should not be missed this holiday season.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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The past few years, I have made it a tradition to fill a Samaritan's Purse: Operation Child shoebox. A well thought out trip to the dollar store along with some knitted slippers and my shoebox was quick to overflow this year.
I dropped off my box at the Peterborough EMS Headquarters on Saturday. When I went there to deliver it, I was greeted by a friendly paramedic. As he led the way to where the boxes were being collected, I could not believe my eyes when I saw boxes upon boxes ready to be shipped. What an overwhelming community response to such a wonderful cause.
I will continue to do this donation every year, as I can only imagine the smiles on the children's faces on the other side of the world on the day those boxes that were packed with such care arrive for them to open.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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Yet another duo from Peterborough took their idea to the den in last night's episode of Dragons' Den. The father and son owners of Bucking Bronco, Kevin and Ray Lubsen, were asking for $98,000 for a 33 percent stake in their monster truck biz. Unfortunately, the Dragons weren't convinced and said it was nothing more than a hobby, so no deal was made.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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Season 5, Episode 7 has been posted to CBC's website. The Peterborough pitch starts at 16:00 (the second notch in the timeline).
We don't realize sometimes how much we clutter our lives with "stuff". Think about all the items in your house that are tucked away in the basement or closet or cupboard that you know you'll never use but yet hang onto.
Not too long ago, I was on a big cleaning blitz to make some extra room in my apartment. So with my car packed up with a number of boxes and overflowing garbage bags full of no-longer-wanted items, I was off to the donation bin to drop the goods off.
Upon arrival, I noticed the bin overflowing and things scattered all around below. I began to unload my car when a man approached and began to sort through the treasures that surrounded him. Wide-eyed, he watched me as I unloaded my car full of things that I no longer wanted but were in perfect condition.
In a polite voice and such sincere curiosity, he asked me, "Why does everyone throw this stuff away?" As he spoke, he held up various items to see if they would be a suitable fit for himself. It stopped me in my tracks to see someone who had such an appreciation for things that we are so lucky to have and often take for granted.
I replied by telling him that people sort through their homes and decide what they no longer need, and likely have bought something new and in turn pass along the "old". He seemed in complete shock to think people would part with such things without thinking twice. As I turned to leave, I told him to have a good afternoon and he wished me the same.
I drove away and in my rear view mirror watched him continue to ponder the new items which I had just left, along with the abundance of other items that had already been donated. This truly was a reminder for me to be so grateful for all I have.
I'm sure you've all noticed the large red bins located randomly throughout the city. The Canadian Diabetes Association and Value Village have been in partnership for many years, and because the CDA is important to me personally, it is where I always make my donations. Click here to find out three ways to donate items to the Canadian Diabetes Association, and click here to find a bin location near you.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris, @cupcakeJu]
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[Habitat for Humanity Peterborough; Habitat for Humanity ReStore Peterborough]
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