A Couple Guys From Bell Canada Just Saved A Peterborough Cat Stuck On A Roof For Days

A Couple Guys From Bell Canada Just Saved A Peterborough Cat Stuck On A Roof For Days

Heroic community effort...

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World, Meet Peanut And Butter

Here are Peanut and Butter, two of the newest additions to the Peterborough Humane Society shelter. These two brothers are absolutely adorable and would love for you to take them home.



Peanut and Butter are currently chillin' out together in the kitten room at the shelter waiting to meet their new forever family.



Presumably, they might like peanut butter sandwiches. Possibly with jelly.

Peanut & Butter

Peanut & Butter

Contact the Humane Society if you'd like to adopt these brothers.

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Agent Coulson & Other Cats Waiting To Be Adopted At Peterborough Humane Society

Agent Coulson & Other Cats Waiting To Be Adopted At Peterborough Humane Society

Please share...

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This Might Be The Best Selfie Cat Picture Ever Taken In Peterborough

Yep, Maya the Cat wins the selfie kitty internet with this...

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Peterborough Couple Saves Cat Named "Leia" Who Gave Birth To 6 Star Wars Kitties Yesterday

Leia pre-birth

Leia pre-birth

On April 9th, Jennifer Henderson was confronted in the driveway of her Peterborough home by a female cat. Alone, super skinny and full of affection (it was obvious she was "domesticated"), she followed Jennifer to her front deck. Already home to three cats, Jennifer and her husband Ray debated on whether or not to open their door. They did just that, named her "Leia"—Ray and Jen are HUGE Star Wars fans—and Leia immediately made it her home. "We wondered if she had been spade, but since she was showing no signs of being in heat, we assumed she was...little did we know, she was already carrying," Ray tells us, adding, "A month later, we couldn't decide if she was just getting comfortably 'fat' or if something was up. Once we determined that it was, in fact, babies in there, we started keeping her in." Sure enough, yesterday (June 10th) at around 6 p.m, in the couple's living room, Leia's water broke. At 6:48 p.m., the first born emerged, and by 11:28 p.m., six little Star Wars babies had been born, "Chewie" first, then "Padme", "Wicket", "Jango", "Lando" and "Oola". The couple currently have homes for two of the kittens and now need to find homes for the other four. Leia is now a proud mamma—see the pictures below from her birth. May the force be with Leia, the kitties, and the Hendersons.

Chewie is born

Chewie is born

Leia and Star Wars kitties resting comfortably today

Leia and Star Wars kitties resting comfortably today

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Here's Party King The Cat Reading PTBOCanada.com

It's not just humans that read us. The famous Peterborough cat Party King is learning about Frost Quakes by reading PTBOCanada.com. Send us your pics of your pet(s) reading PTBOCanada.com—email us here or tweet us here.


Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Look: The Lakefield Animal Welfare Society Desperately Needs You To Adopt Their Cats

The Lakefield Animal Welfare Society is in desperate need of your help. Their cages are full and they're running out of food. Learn more about adopting here, and donating here. Please spread the word if you know of anyone who would like to adopt a cat. Below are just some of the felines available there...

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[Lakefield Animal Welfare Society

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