A Couple Guys From Bell Canada Just Saved A Peterborough Cat Stuck On A Roof For Days



Jason Hartwick told us this amazing story about a community who came together to rescue a cat—and a Hollywood ending.

"Holly is my wife's cat. I got Holly for my wife in the Christmas of 2012 (thus the name). She has been an indoor cat since, and is extremely patient with our young children. Monday night, my stepson Dylan came home from a friend's and saw her outside. He tried to get her to come in, but she ran away. We watched for her and watched for her, but didn't see her. The next day, our neighbours asked us if our cat was missing, and proceeded to tell us she was on the roof of the house on the other side of them, and that they had heard 'a ruckus' the night before that sounded like a raccoon. The house has been unoccupied for a couple weeks, and is a 3-storey house. At that time, we figured she would come down on her own, and gave her a day to do so. Last night (Wednesday), after my wife worrying about Holly for three days—and the neighbours just not being able to take watching her up there any more—we decided to try to get her down. The whole neighbourhood got involved, people climbing up ladders and dragging their own ladders over. The Fire Department came out, their ladder wouldn't reach high enough, and were concerned due to trees and wires in the area. We just could NOT get her down. This morning, the neighbour on the other side of us, Chris Villeneuve, decided he was going to climb the tree that actually touches the roof she was on. Before getting to that, a Bell truck went by and Chris flagged them down. These Bell guys were nice enough to bring their 'bucket truck' over and lift up to the roof, where Holly came over, let them pick her up, and got down off the roof."

Here are the pictures Jason took of the rescue...

The Cat on the Roof is happy to be The Cat on the Ground again.

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