A Day In A Wheelchair In Downtown Peterborough

Peterborough DBIA Executive Director Terry Guiel calls it a "big, eye-opening experience" to see things at this level in the downtown core.

Dave Tuck, Terry Guiel and Andrea Dodsworth

Dave Tuck, Terry Guiel and Andrea Dodsworth

Guiel was referring to his experience spending a day in a electric wheelchair—along with Peterborough Huskies General Manager Dave Tuck—in downtown Peterborough with local accessibility advocate Andrea Dodsworth, who lead the guys on the tour to show them what it's like to navigate stores and sidewalks.

Guiels spoke to 12 different business owners during the day about what they can do to make themselves more accessible, and met with Mayor Bennett to talk about the challenges and offer suggestions as to how to make the downtown more accessible. They also visited the Accessibility office at City Hall to discuss how they can work closer together on future accessibility projects.

After his experience, Guiel says it's important to be more pro-active when it comes to accessibility in the city. "It's the right thing to do to make yourself as accessible as possible," he says. "Our business community really wants to be accessible."

Guiels and Dodsworth realize there are a lot of costs associated with making older buildings and their architecture more accessible, but say there are smaller things that can be done right away—whether it's a ramp, the way that a door opens, the weight of a door. 

Guiel and Dodsworth with Mayor Bennett

Guiel and Dodsworth with Mayor Bennett

"Small changes turn into big ones," says Dodsworth. 

Watch the highly educational video below to see the day through Terry's eyes...

DBIA Executive Director Terry Guiel spends a day in a wheel chair to experience downtown Peterborough from an accessibility standpoint. Local accessibility advocate Andrea Dodsworth lead the downtown tour with Peterborough Huskies General Manager Dave Tuck.

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Read The Letter DBIA Executive Director Terry Guiel Sent To City Council

Terry Guiel (PTBOCanada file photo)

Terry Guiel (PTBOCanada file photo)

The letter below was sent to city council on the morning of June 19...

June 19, 2014

Mayor Daryl Bennett

and Members of Council

Corporation of the City of Peterborough

Your Worship:

The 'old' Shoppers Drug Mart property on Charlotte St. downtown has been sold and we are hearing that the new owner will use the site for a methadone clinic of considerable size. This is troublesome.  I know the importance of methadone in our community, that's not the point.

I further appreciate the ability of a business owner to buy a property and run such a business without discrimination. But this is a significant property for the downtown and the city.

I would argue simply that this is not a good location for such a use and that this could put into jeopardy the future of the Louis St. parking lot conversion to an urban park and further hurt Charlotte Street businesses.  Now we know what is planned for this property and it is not complementary to an urban park.

Council lost the ability to control the use of the site when it was not purchased by the city. Now that we know the potential future use, I would urge council to consider buying the property from the purchaser. Council has done this sort of thing in the past when they realized that it was in the city’s best interest to control the future use of a property.


Terry Guiel

DBIA executive director

[via DBIA website]

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Terry Guiel New Executive Director Of DBIA

Terry Guiel speaking at DBIA meet after being announced as new ED 

Terry Guiel speaking at DBIA meet after being announced as new ED 

It was announced this morning (September 18th) at the Fall DBIA meeting that Terry Guiel is the new Executive Director of the Downtown Business Improvement Area. Terry succeeds Executive Director Paul Raino, who is retiring. Terry is a professional entertainer with extensive event organizing experience. He has been employed as a law clerk at a downtown law firm the past 5 years. A former Peterborough city councillor, he has broad knowledge of city departments and procedures as well as extensive experience serving on numerous boards and committees. Of note, he organized the 2004 Flood Relief Concert featuring Gordon Lightfoot and Ronnie Hawkins, which raised $1.5 million for flood victims. 

"I feel honoured and privileged to be selected for this remarkable role and I can't wait to get started," says Guiel.  

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