Terry Guiel New Executive Director Of DBIA
/Terry Guiel speaking at DBIA meet after being announced as new ED
It was announced this morning (September 18th) at the Fall DBIA meeting that Terry Guiel is the new Executive Director of the Downtown Business Improvement Area. Terry succeeds Executive Director Paul Raino, who is retiring. Terry is a professional entertainer with extensive event organizing experience. He has been employed as a law clerk at a downtown law firm the past 5 years. A former Peterborough city councillor, he has broad knowledge of city departments and procedures as well as extensive experience serving on numerous boards and committees. Of note, he organized the 2004 Flood Relief Concert featuring Gordon Lightfoot and Ronnie Hawkins, which raised $1.5 million for flood victims.
"I feel honoured and privileged to be selected for this remarkable role and I can't wait to get started," says Guiel.
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