Here's A Segment On The Save PCVS Concert At Showplace


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PtboPics: Save PCVS Support Can Be Seen Throughout The City

The next public meeting regarding PCVS's future is tonight at the Evinrude Centre starting at 7 p.m.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Large Crowd Of Students & Parents Gathered At KPR Office Last Night

A crowd of approximately 80 people gathered in advance of last night's regular meeting of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board trustees. Nerves would seem to remain raw from the recent decision to close PCVS. Students and parents greeted arriving trustees with signs and a message of concern. The largest group were clearly from the Save PCVS camp, while a few folks were present showing support for TASSS. During the meeting, passionate presenters from the community continued to speak out on this hot topic.

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