Kait Dueck Welcomed as ReFrame Film Festival’s New Festival Director
/The ReFrame Film Festival welcomes new festival director Kait Dueck to their team, announced Tuesday.
Photo by Theresa James. Photo courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival.
Photo by Theresa James. Photo courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival.
ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival takes place this month, from Friday, January 25th to Sunday, January 27th at Showplace Performance Centre, Market Hall and The Venue. The festival includes 63 films from around the world.
A festival pass costs $30 and rush tickets are $8 per film. Ticket passes are now available online, and at Peterborough Green-up, Green Eyewear, Kawartha World Issues Centre, Trent Central Student Association, Fleming Bookstore in Peterborough and Happenstance Books and Yarn in Lakefield.
For more info, call 705.933.4222, go to the ReFrame Facebook page or email info@reframefilmfestival.ca. If you're interested in volunteering at the festival, click here.
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ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival takes place Friday, January 27th through Sunday, January 29th, 2012 at Showplace, Market Hall and The Venue.
Advance tickets and info on what films are playing when is now available through the ReFrame website.
You can also purchase tickets and a festival pass at the following locations:
Peterborough Green-Up Store – 378 Aylmer Street
Kawartha World Issues Centre, Trent University, ERS Building RM B101
Titles Bookstore – 379 George Street
Trent Central Student Association – Trent University
Champlain College Fleming Bookstore – 599 Brealey Drive
Happenstance Books and Yarn – 44 Queen Street, Lakefield
Contact 705-933-4222 or info@reframefilmfestival.ca for more info on the 2012 ReFrame Festival.
Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.
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