The 10th Annual ReFrame Film Festival Starts January 24th

The 10th Annual ReFrame Film Festival runs Friday, January 24th to Sunday, the 26th. Peruse the list of movies that will be playing this year, and purchase tickets for the shows (or a pass for the entire Festival).

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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ReFrame Film Fest Tickets Make A Great Christmas Gift

Reframe: Peterborough International Film Festival will be here before you know it! The festival runs from Friday, January 25th through Sunday, January 27th, 2013 with films being screened at various locations throughout downtown.

Early bird prices are in effect until January 1st so be sure to pop by Peterborough Green-Up, Green EyewearTrent University or Fleming College and pick them up!






[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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Here's Deets On The 2012 ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival

ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival takes place Friday, January 27th through Sunday, January 29th, 2012 at Showplace, Market Hall and The Venue.

Advance tickets and info on what films are playing when is now available through the ReFrame website.

You can also purchase tickets and a festival pass at the following locations:

Peterborough Green-Up Store – 378 Aylmer Street
Kawartha World Issues Centre, Trent University, ERS Building RM B101
Titles Bookstore – 379 George Street
Trent Central Student Association – Trent University
Champlain College Fleming Bookstore – 599 Brealey Drive
Happenstance Books and Yarn – 44 Queen Street, Lakefield

Contact 705-933-4222 or for more info on the 2012 ReFrame Festival.



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Video: Film Canister Rolls Through City Streets To Showplace For ReFrame Film Festival