Parenting Expert Ann Douglas To Deliver Presentation At Queen Mary Public School

Peterborough-based parenting author/expert/writer Ann Douglas has a new book out Parenting Through the Storm—a definitive guide to parenting a child with a mental health, neurodevelopmental or behavioural challenge.

Douglas will be giving a presentation based on the book Thursday (June 4th) at Queen Mary Public School from 6:30 to 8 pm. It is a FREE community event.

***Topics to be discussed include parenting strategies, advocacy skills, self-care, self-compassion, creating a support network, and lifestyle matters (nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management, and making time for fun).

This is a presentation that will be of interest to all parents, whether they have children who are struggling or not.

More info here.

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Queen Mary Online Auction Wraps Up This Wednesday

Queen Mary Public School is running an online auction that wraps up tomorrow. Put your bid in for some awesome items for Mother's Day and help the school and its food program.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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A Day in the Life of the Breakfast Program At Queen Mary Public School

Queen Mary Breakfast Program The Queen Mary Breakfast Program is a free program available to all of the close to 400 students who attend the school. The program, which has been running for more than 10 years now and continues to evolve, provides nutritious foods to students right in their classrooms. The program's motto: By having full tummies, kids’ minds are engaged in the classroom, making the most of their time there.
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