A Look At Upcoming Parkway Meetings This Month

November looks to be a busy month for Parkway news...


On November 13th at 6:30 p.m., a special Committee of Whole meeting will be held at the Evinrude Centre (911 Monaghan Road) for a presentation of the Parkway Corridor Class Environmental Assessment.

The meeting is open to the public, however due to a Peterborough Procedure By-law the public is not allowed to speak.

But you will have your chance on November 20, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. when a special public City Council meeting will be held at the Evinrude Centre.


Parks Not Parkways: A Concert for Greenspace is on November 17th at Market Hall and features The Three Martinis, Rick Fines, Kirsten Addis and Al Black and the Tonemasters. It is a benefit concert for the Peterborough Greenspace Coalition, who are devoted to the protection of green spaces in our city. Tickets are $20.


There are two Change.org surveys that you can take part in to vote FOR or AGAINST the parkway.

More here in this video of Jackson Park. 


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Parkway Corridor Public Information Centre #4 is Tonight

The Parkway Corridor: Public Information Centre #4 is being held tonight (September 26th) at the Evinrude Centre from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. 

Come see the latest proposals to route traffic through our city. 

The purpose of PIC #4 is to present the recommended preliminary design and associated mitigation measures that are being proposed for the Parkway Corridor. A drop-in format is being utilized for this PIC to allow members of the public to review the proposed design treatments and mitigation measures proposed within each area and discuss their comments with members of the Study Team in an interactive forum. Given the focus on design and mitigation details, and opportunities for one-on-one discussions with project team members, there will be no formal presentation as part of this meeting. Members of the public are invited to drop in at a time that is convenient for them. Additional presentation material providing an overview of the study recommendations and how comments received to date have been considered will be available at the PIC and will be posted on the study website.


[Related: Some Findings And Input From The Parkway Road Meeting On Impact On Community]

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

 Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.


Losers Deliberately Set Fire To Garbage Bins Behind Winners

From a Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service Media Release today...

On the 14th of August 2011 at approximately 3:00 am Police were called to a suspicious fire in behind Winners on the Parkway.  Unknown persons deliberately set fire to several garbage bins located behind the business. Peterborough Fire Department were able to extinguish the fire before any damage could be caused to the building.  Total damage to the garbage bins is estimated at $3000.00. Police are asking anyone with information on this fire to contact Police or Crimestoppers.


Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter @Ptbo_Canada.

New Gas Station MacEwen Coming To the Patch

After the recent demolition of the vacant building at the corner of the Parkway and Lansdowne, a new gas station will be moving in.

MacEwen are new to the area (the nearest one is almost 200 kilmetres away), as they have been focusing on Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.

MacEwen will have a small store and coffee shop, and will focus on ethanol-blended gasoline.

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