Parkway Corridor Public Information Centre #4 is Tonight

The Parkway Corridor: Public Information Centre #4 is being held tonight (September 26th) at the Evinrude Centre from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. 

Come see the latest proposals to route traffic through our city. 

The purpose of PIC #4 is to present the recommended preliminary design and associated mitigation measures that are being proposed for the Parkway Corridor. A drop-in format is being utilized for this PIC to allow members of the public to review the proposed design treatments and mitigation measures proposed within each area and discuss their comments with members of the Study Team in an interactive forum. Given the focus on design and mitigation details, and opportunities for one-on-one discussions with project team members, there will be no formal presentation as part of this meeting. Members of the public are invited to drop in at a time that is convenient for them. Additional presentation material providing an overview of the study recommendations and how comments received to date have been considered will be available at the PIC and will be posted on the study website.


[Related: Some Findings And Input From The Parkway Road Meeting On Impact On Community]

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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