Here Are Amazing Photos From Inside The Tunnels & Abandoned Attic At PCVS

There is an old tunnel between PCVS and the Armoury building dating back to the 1930s that was intended to facilitate cadets from the school "who would be saved outside movement in tough times," local historian Elwood Jones tells PTBOCanada.

Until now, we have never seen photos from inside the tunnel of this iconic building—or of the abandoned auditorium there. But former PCVS student Julie Douglas (2002-2007) did get inside both.

Photo by Julie Douglas

"I'd heard rumours about the tunnels and an abandoned auditorium above the science labs and had always wanted to visit (and even asked the science teachers if I could check it out a couple of times), but was always told no," Douglas tells PTBOCanada.

Photo by Julie Douglas

But all that changed in 2012 with the school's pending closure: "I'm a photographer who shoots a lot of abandoned buildings, so with rumours of the school potentially closing [it closed in June 2012 as a high school], I got in touch with a former teacher and the principal to see if I could document the space before it closed—and was granted permission," Douglas says.

Historical photo courtesy Trent Valley Archives: Armoury (at left) and PCVS (at right)

"It was an amazing experience to be able to revisit a building that I had spent so much time in, and finally access the off-limits areas," Douglas tells PTBOCanada.

These stunning photos below supplied to PTBOCanada by Julie Douglas were taken in May 2012...


Armchair in the abandoned attic/auditorium above the science labs

Auditorium: wide shot looking opposite to the armchair

Documents/images from Cadets 1939-1940

Old scantron tests lying in the attic

Chair in the tunnels

Around another corner in the tunnels

Detail of the controls for the elevator in the tunnels

 Looking up in the elavator

 Ladder in the tunnels

For more about the photography of Julie Douglas, go here.

—post by Neil Morton

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There Is A Tunnel Between PCVS And The Armoury Dating From The 1930s

We have heard over the years anecdotally about an old tunnel that exists under PCVS—that though not in use for many years, some have tried to access.

We decided to reach out to renowned local historian/archivist Elwood H. Jones from Trent Valley Archives to ask him about its existence.

Historical photo courtesy Trent Valley Archives: Armoury (at left) and PCVS (at right)

Historical photo courtesy Trent Valley Archives: Armoury (at left) and PCVS (at right)

"There was a tunnel between PCVS and the Armoury apparently dating from the 1930s that was intended to facilitate cadets from the school who would be saved outside movement in tough times," Elwood confirms to PTBOCanada.

"It is definitely blocked off now," Elwood adds. "I have seen similar tunnels that were used for steam heating conduits. As a university student at Saskatchewan, I used such tunnels to get across campus more quickly and without frost bite. When I viewed the PCVS site, my impression was of a large storage room."

Cool stuff nonetheless.

Also, the photo above Elwood sent us from the Trent Valley Archives office gives context for where the tunnel is between the Armoury and PCVS. It's also a really neat pic.

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