Here Is Santa On A Jet Ski On The Otonabee River Because Why Not

Catherine Brown spotted Santa on a jet ski Saturday evening (May 28th) cruising the Otonabee River in Peterborough. This is not a common occurence.

Photo by Catherine Brown

"I was with my parents and grandparents," Catherine tells PTBOCanada of seeing Santa on a jet ski. "We were all surprised to see Santa and my mom's reaction was, 'You never know what you'll see on the river!' My grandma's reaction was, 'We should tell him we've been good!'"

Photo by Catherine Brown

It is off season for Santa so we guess this sorta makes sense—plus Peterborough and the Kawarthas is a great tourist destination. No word where Rudolph is (probably in the woods somewhere)...

Here is another picture below of Santa with a couple other jet skiers...

Photo by Catherine Brown

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Look At These Perseid Meteor Shower Pictures Over The Otonabee River

Niki Allday captured these stunning pics Sunday night (August 9th) of the Perseid Meteor Shower. They were taken in Lakefield with the Otonabee River as a perfect backdrop...

photo courtesy Niki Allday

photo courtesy Niki Allday

photo courtesy Niki Allday

photo courtesy Niki Allday

photo courtesy Niki Allday

photo courtesy Niki Allday

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Great Beaches Near Peterborough

The view from Jones Beach. Photo: Evan Holt
One of the many sweet benefits of living in the Patch is the proximity to beaches. A hot day—and we've had a lot of those this summer—practically commands a trip to one of the many great swim spots that pepper the area.
While the beaches located within the city limits are nice for evening strolls, I can’t really condone swimming at them. Little Lake is a visual gem, but I wouldn’t dip more than a toe into it. As for the Otonabee River? Pretty much the same rules apply, especially south of Little Lake. Short of those taking part in the annual Peterborough Triathlon, you will not see many folks dipping beyond their waists.
My family talks about installing a pool each and every spring. Yet, we’ve avoided taking the plunge. Why would we go to that cost when we can jump into the car and in under 15 minutes be kicking off our shoes and jumping into Chemong Lake. Frequented by a selection of regular faces, a little known beach called Jones Beach is located at the north end of Bridgenorth (on Jones Beach Road), just as the road turns out of town towards Lakefield. Jones Beach is small, but features a nice sandy area, a gentle slope into the deeper water and a solid platform to swim and jump from. Yeah, people will say that Chemong is full of weeds, making swimming less than delightful. They are wrong. The weeds of Chemong Lake are present, but far enough out that most folks will not likely feel their tickling tentacles.
Another beach, Lakefield Beach, lies on the south-west shore of Katchewanooka Lake, within the town of Lakefield. It’s a larger beach than Jones, and far more populated. The swimming in my opinion isn't as good as Chemong Lake, but for kids and teens, this is a great hangout. A grassy park lies adjacent, giving shade to picnickers and those who prefer to be out of the hot sun.
Stray a little farther from town, and other wet, refreshing locations await. Sandy Beach, west of the town of Buckhorn, is a prized destination both for its Caribbean blue shallow waters and its people watching. Most people make a day of it and bring all the necessary gear to get them through their adventure.

We are all very lucky to have these beaches nearby. Now, get out there and take advantage!

Jeffrey Macklin, PtboCanada contributor

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