Watch This Interview With The Owner & Chef Of La Hacienda On Hunter St.

[Shari Darling on YouTube]

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A 16 Year Old Boy Was Stabbed On Hunter Street Last Night

From a Peterborough Police Media release today....

On the 17th of November 2012 at approximately 10:50 pm, a 16 year old male and 2 of his friends were walking east on Hunter Street East at Rogers Street.  As they were about to cross the street 4 youths in their late teens were walking south on Rogers Street and started to call the victims names and challenge them to fight.  The victims ignored the 4 males, but 2 of the males proceeded to engage the victims resulting in one of them being pushed and the 16 year old male being stabbed in the lower back.  The 4 teens then ran back northbound on Rogers Street.  The victim’s friends rushed the victim to hospital and called police.  The victim was then transported to Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto for further examination and potential surgery.  Although serious, the injury is not life threatening. The only description for the 4 suspects is that they were in their late teens, possibly high school students, wearing dark clothing and straight peak ball caps.  This was an unprovoked incident and the suspects are not known to the victims. 

Anyone with information is asked to contact Peterborough Lakefield Community Police at 705-876-1122, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or


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PtboPic: Local Mural Artist Justine Landry On Hunter

There is a new mural going up on the side of the Lillico Bazuk Kent Galloway Barristers & Solicitors Building at 163 Hunter Street. Local artist Justine Landry, who recently graduated from P.C.V.S., worked with them to find a fresh new design and is currently painting it.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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The Corner Of Hunter & Burnham Is Coming To Life Again

The lot which laid vacant for so long at the corner of Burnham and Hunter streets in East City across from Quaker Oats has officially been re-done with the completion of a new Shell station and Mac's store, which will open for business tomorrow.


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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