DBIA Announces Final Early Bird Holiday Shopping Passport Draw Winner

The Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) announces final early bird draw Holiday Shopping Passport winner on Monday.

Photo Courtesy of the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area.

Helen Lovick’s completed Holiday Shopping Passport was drawn at Agave by Imperial, the new Mexican restaurant located at 376 George St.

Lovick’s winning passport came from Gentry Apparel, where she purchased some clothing items during the holiday season. She was granted her $500 Boro gift card prize by shop owner Andrew Damiany.

“I love shopping downtown for the people, quality and personal touch you experience. It’s important to support your community and neighbours,” said Lovick. “I have a deep respect for entrepreneurs, and what they are able to build for our community.”

The grand prize draw will take place on Jan. 11, where one lucky shopper will win a $1,500 Boro Card and Musicfest Diner’s Book.

Stamp collectors eager to finish their passport cards before the final grand prize draw can collect free stamps at the Peterborough Public Library and the Peterborough and the Kawarthas Visitors Centre.

Check out www.theboro.ca/holiday-shopping-passport-season/ for the full list of participating passport locations.

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DBIA Featured Post: Gentry Apparel


Looking back over the years at the history of Peterborough’s downtown, there have been few stores that have been as constant as Gentry Apparel. Located at 377 George St N., Gentry has the type of longevity that most stores can only dream of with over 37 years of experience at various locations in the downtown core.

Locally operated and owned (including the building) by Delor Damiany, Gentry is a high-end clothing authority in the community. The staff, including Delor's son Andrew and longtime employee Brian Hamilton, have been operating out of the current storefront location on George St. for just over two years now (prior to that, they were in Peterborough Square) and bring exclusive formal/business wear and great casual clothing to our community with an attempt to be as “Made in Canada” as possible.

Andrew & Delor

Andrew & Delor

The store offers a little bit of everything in a new laid back setting that is absolutely welcoming from their great open concept view onto George St. in Peterborough’s Fashion District.

Carrying trusted brand names such as Nautica, Olsen Europe, and Coppley, the store carries a combination of both mens and ladies wear. From suits and sport coats to casual polo shirts, hand bags, classic hats, and shoes, Gentry can have you dressed from head to toe for your next big event.

In the past, the store has taken part in local charity fashion shows and has been a part of the Festival of Trees. They are truly invested in the city’s downtown core and plan to be a mainstay for years to come.

The goal of Gentry is to offer its customers an experience found nowhere else. With specially trained staff that have an eye for custom fashion tailored to suit just about anybody, what you will end up walking away with is a product that is a step above the competition. If you want a product that is going to last, look great while you’re wearing it and perform up to standards, this is the store you should be looking to.

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For more on Gentry Apparel (377 George St N.), go to:

Website: Gentryapparel.ca

Phone: 705-743-9242

For more on Downtown Peterborough and the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA), click here.

By Aaron Elliott


PtboPic: Mayor Bennett At The Grand Opening Of Gentry's New Location Today

Gentry Apparel Is Moving Out of Peterborough Square

Gentry Apparel will be moving out of Peterborough Square in April and into SKIRT's old location as well as utilizing Walkwel's vacant store next door. Gentry has had contractors knock down the dividing wall between SKIRT and Walkwel to create more space.

SKIRT, a woman's clothing boutique, has been vacant with only mannequins visible through their window. They posted a little note to let customers know of the move. Keep tabs on their status via their Facebook page, I Love SKIRT.

And check out the sales currently happening at Gentry as part of their pending move.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

[photo via Gentry website]

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