Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation 2025 Butterfly Run Slated For April 27 at Millennium Park

The Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation’s (GPHSF) 2025 edition of its Peterborough Butterfly Run 5K Run/Walk is returning to Millennium Park on April 27, announced on Wednesday.

Since 2018, 800 bereavement kits have been created to be provided to families and individuals by health care providers. Photo by David Tuan bui.

We are happy to welcome Ashley Hickson and Kori Zwarych as the new Co-chairs of the Peterborough Butterfly Run Executive Committee. 

Ashley and Kori have been involved for a number of years (you may have seen them cheering on the runners at the half way point each year) and had this to say about their new role

“After years of involvement on the backend of things, curating and distributing bereavement kits in the community, we are excited to have a more prominent role on the Executive Committee for the run itself this year,” said Ashley Hickson and Kori Zwarych, Butterfly Run co-chairs in a joint statement. “We are working on furthering initiatives with the money raised to help support families with their grief. We are looking forward to another successful event.”

“Since 2022, GPHSF has taken the lead role in organizing the Peterborough Butterfly Run, which has been a great privilege. It is both humbling and gratifying to see the impact that it has made,” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director. “We look forward to working with Ashley and Kori as they take on a more prominent role this year. We are excited to bring everyone together again on April 27 in Millennium Park.”

The following is the run’s schedule:

  • 9 a.m.: Registration opens

  • 10 a.m.: 1K Kids Fun Run

  • 10:20 a.m.: 1K Memorial Walk starts

  • 10:45 a.m.: Opening ceremonies

  • 11 a.m. 5K chip-timed run/walk starts

The Memorial Walk will remain free as in previous years, with 1km Kids Fun Run registration at $5 and the 5K Run/Walk registration at $45 (plus applicable fees). 

All registrants receive include a medal and customizable race bib. All 5km Run/Walk participants who register before the April 4 deadline will also receive a race shirt and other items in their race kit.

Registration is available online or in person at Runner’s Life at 174 Charlotte St. Runner’s Life’s Dave Dame is this year’s race director.

Proceeds will provide ongoing specialized education in Perinatal Bereavement Care to healthcare providers across Peterborough City and County according to GPHSF. It will help establish more than 10 lending libraries for individuals and their families located across Peterborough City and County, as well as the development of bereavement kits for families and individuals who experience early and later pregnancy loss and infant loss. 

GPHSF also states that money raised at the race also keeps costs affordable for participants, continuing to offer the free 1km Memorial Walk/Run, providing memorial bibs to all runners to write a personalized name or message.

Donations to an individual or team can be made online.

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Registration Open For Third Annual GPHSF Charity Bonspiel Closes On Sunday

Registration for the third annual Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) Charity Bonspiel, held on Feb. 15 at the Peterborough Curling Club closes on Sunday.

Photo courtesy of GPHSF.

Funds raised go towards broadening healthcare and its accessibility for Peterborough, the County, Curve Lake and Hiawatha First Nations.

“We are really excited for our third Bonspiel in partnership with Imprinted Apparel Store. This event continues to grow each year. The response remains incredibly positive. We have a great time putting it on and being part of this event” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director. “Funds raised from this event will continue our mission to broaden health equity and access to healthcare for the residents in Peterborough City and County as well as Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations.  Funds will support our partnership with the Peterborough Family Health Team, along with many other community organizations we work with.”

Registration is $300, with a $60 tax receipt. The day includes two games along with breakfast and lunch. There are $2,000 prizes to be won provided by Imprinted Apparel Store and $500 in prizes provided by Goldline. Other activities such as trivia challenges, raffle draws, cornhole boards and many other opportunities to win prizes will be at the event.

Participants can register online. Only 24 teams are available. GPHSF notes that participants should have some experience with the game and their equipment. They will not be able to provide on-ice training for beginners.

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Tebey Golf Classic Raises and Donates $34,400 For Youth Mental Health In Peterborough

The 2024 Tebey Golf Classic, held May 30 at Wildfire Golf Course, donated $34,400 to youth mental health services in the Peterborough area in December.

Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation held the event. Peterborough Youth Services and YES Shelter for Youth and Families each received $17,200 to continue their work supporting youth in our community.

“This donation would not be possible without the golfers, sponsors and donors who support the event each year. To you, we are grateful. We are also grateful to Tebey, his family, and his team for being a face and a voice for youth mental health. Thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm. Since the event’s inception in 2017, over $250,000 has been raised to support youth mental health in the Peterborough area,” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director.

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Fourth-Annual Darkness to Light Event Brings Community Members Impacted By Suicide Together In Sunrise Gathering

Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) is hosting its fourth-annual Darkness To Light for community members impacted by suicide and overdose on Dec. 21 at Rogers Cove.

Photo courtesy of Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation.

The outdoor sunrise gathering marks brighter days ahead after the solstice which is the day with the smallest amount of daylight.

Julie Brown — who led last year’s event — is returning to lead the group with a message of support and a moment of silence as the sun rises on the winter solstice morning.

The event will be held rain, snow, or shine and is free to attend thanks to the support of Seven Hills Developments. Those wishing to attend can show up the morning of the event but are encouraged to pre-register. Organizers ask guests to arrive by 7:30 a.m., as sunrise is expected at 7:45 a.m.

“The holidays can be a difficult time for those struggling with bereavement. After feedback about how impactful the last three ceremonies have been, we are glad to be able to offer once again some comfort for people impacted by suicide and overdose in our community.” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director. “All are welcome to join us at Rogers Cove on the morning of December 21st and we would encourage people to come for 7:30 am, have a coffee and join us in a moment of silence as the sun rises over the lake.” 

Donations can be made to the event and proceeds can be used to support the Suicide Bereavement work at Hospice Peterborough.

“Our community has been significantly impacted by suicide and overdose and we hope that this gathering will help create a space where those directly touched can come together for a quiet moment.” said Julie Brown.

“We are very grateful to GPHSF, Your Family Health Team Foundation and Seven Hills Developments for enabling this event to take place again and offering the opportunity for people impacted by suicide and overdose deaths to come together in this meaningful, safe way.” Said Hajni Hős, Executive Director of Hospice Peterborough.

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GPHSF Accepting Registration For Inaugural Charity Volleyball Tournament to Support Concussion Education and Awareness For Youth Sport

In support of concussion education and awareness for youth sport, the Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) has announced its inaugural Charity Volleyball Tournament at Adam Scott CVI on Feb 1.

Photo courtesy of GPHSF.

Only 12 teams are available for the recreational coed tournament. Teams are $240 with a $50 tax receipt. Registration includes prizes and swag, six guaranteed games (sets) plus playoffs (single elimination knockout), referees, 50/50 and activities throughout the day. Register before Jan. 26 by clicking the link to register online.

“Concussion education and awareness is something that our Foundation has funded for a very long time” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director. “Over the past few years, we have been able to provide funding to two very important initiatives; PACA (Peterborough Athletics Concussion Awareness) and the H.O.P.E Bursary in Honour of Steve Montador. This recreational coed tournament will be a fun day that helps us continue supporting these important concussion programs.”

Sponsorship opportunities are also available. If you would like to sponsor or learn more about the event, please email or call 705 740 8074 ext.101.

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Registration Open For Third Annual GPHSF Charity Bonspiel

Registration is now open for the third annual Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) Charity Bonspiel, held on Feb. 15 at the Peterborough Curling Club.

Photo courtesy of GPHSF.

“We are really excited for our 3rd Bonspiel in partnership with Imprinted Apparel Store. This event continues to grow each year. The response remains incredibly positive. We have a great time putting it on and being part of this event” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director. “Funds raised from this event will continue our mission to broaden health equity and access to healthcare for the residents in Peterborough City and County as well as Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations.  Funds will support our partnership with the Peterborough Family Health Team, along with many other community organizations we work with.”

Registration is $300, with a $60 tax receipt. The day includes two games along with breakfast and lunch. There are $2,000 in prizes to be won provided by Imprinted Apparel Store and $500 in prizes provided by Goldline. Other activities such as trivia challenges, raffle draws, cornhole boards and many other opportunities to win prizes will be at the event.

Participants can register online. Only 24 teams are available. GPHSF notes that participants should have some experience with the game and their equipment. They will not be able to provide on-ice training for beginners.

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GPHSF Announces New Senior Care Microgrant

The Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) has announced its new Senior Care Microgrant program to support senior care projects and healthy aging initiatives in the Peterborough area.

These grants have been made possible due to funding provided by the June Towle Trust. She passed away in 2023. Photo courtesy of GPHSF.

Two grants are available with the application deadline on Sept. 30. Find out more about the grants and criteria below. 

The new Senior Care Microgrant program is meant to be a low-barrier applicant process according to GPHSF. The grants can be used as seed money to address a new need or as financial support to an existing program in Peterborough, County, Hiawatha First Nation and Curve Lake First Nation. 

Two grants are available, with up to $5000 in funding available with each grant.

Applications are open to community and not-for-profit organizations, including medical organizations, that run programming and services or propose to run programming and services within the boundaries of Peterborough City and/or Peterborough County, Hiawatha First Nation and Curve Lake First Nation.

Proposed projects must be general in scope (including and impactful on as many people as possible). Project completion must occur within one year of approval unless GPHSF grants an extension. Grant funding can be applied to existing projects or used as seed money for new projects.

A maximum of $5,000 is available for each gran, and a maximum of $10,000 is available across all grants (two total).

The project timeline and budget must be provided.

Senior Care Microgrant projects may include.

  • Research

  • Equipment

  • Nutrition

  • Physical Activity

  • Mental Health

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Have a lasting impact on our community.

  • Support emerging needs in our community.

  • Improve the quality of life for seniors in the community.

Applications can be submitted online.

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Petes AA Assistant Captain Named Recipient of H.O.P.E. Bursary 2024 Steve Montador Bursary

Peterborough Petes AA assistant captain Jack Crawford has been named the recipient of Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation’s (GPHSF) and Helping Others Participate Equally’s (HOPE) 2024 Steve Montador Bursary.

(From left to right) Vince Bierworth (GPHSF), Amanda McInnes (St. Peter’s Secondary), Laura Kennedy (H.O.P.E.) Jack Crawford and Dave Crawford. Photo courtesy of Susan Owen and GPHSF.

The H.O.P.E. Bursary, in honour of Steve Montador, was established to support students transitioning from high school to college/university who suffer the long-term effects of a sports-related concussion and require a reduced academic course load due to injury.

Crawford has been suffering long-term ramifications of a concussion but he has remained a positive influence in his community according to his coach, Scott Hartwick.

“(Jack) was always willing to help when asked and who tried his best with everything he did. He is an extremely dependable and trustworthy individual and was made assistant captain of the team on numerous occasions.”

Crawford is graduating from St. Peters Catholic Secondary School this year and has been accepted to attend the University of Guelph in the fall.

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1,000 Participants Help Peterborough Butterfly Run Raise Over $92,000

Over 1,000 people got their feet moving for the Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation’s (GPHSF) Peterborough Butterfly Run, raising over $92,000 at Millennium Park on Sunday.

Since 2018, more than 800 bereavement kits have been created to be provided to families and individuals by health care providers with the Peterborough Family Health Team and PRHC. Photo courtesy of GPHSF.

Participants could participate in the one km Kids Fun Run, one km Memorial Walk or the 5 km Run/Walk. The run was in support of anyone who has experienced a loss during pregnancy, the loss of a child, or is unable to conceive.

The proceeds were used to provide ongoing specialized education in Perinatal Bereavement Care to healthcare providers across Peterborough City and County, establish more than 10 lending libraries for individuals and their families located across Peterborough City and County and develop bereavement kits for families and individuals who experience early and later pregnancy loss and infant loss.

“It was great to feel the fellowship, support, and comradery of the crowd which is what the event has always been about,” said Vince Bierworth, GPHSF executive director. “No matter what format the event has taken, there are so many that support its mission. For that we are very grateful.”

The top three fundraising teams were: Macks Pack, The White Family and Team Bene’s Buddies. 

The top three individual fundraisers were Stephanie Sutton, Rebecca Mcevoy and Cally White.

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Applications Open For 2024 Steve Montador H.O.P.E Bursary For High School Students With Sports-Related Injuries

Applications for the Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) H.O.P.E. Bursary in honour of former NHL defenceman Steve Montador are open with the deadline on May 1 at midnight.

(from left to right) Mike Martone (H.O.P.E.), David Graham , Eliza Graham and Chad Cavanagh (H.O.P.E.). Eliza was last year’s recipient of the bursary. Photo courtesy of Vince Bierworth and GPHSF.

The bursary is for high school students who have a reduced academic workload due to the suffering effects of sports-related injuries and are transitioning into college or university.

A committee consisting of H.O.P.E., Team 55, GPHSF, Your Family Health Team Foundation and the Canadian Mental Health Association will review all applicants. Applicants will be notified of their status by May 20.

To be considered for the Bursary, you need to be:

  • A student at a Peterborough City/County-based high school and registered in a first-year program at college/university

  • Suffering from post-concussion syndrome sustained from a sports-related injury

  • Be in satisfactory academic standing

  • Have financial need

Students can apply for the bursary by downloading the registration form online.

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