GPHSF Announces New Senior Care Microgrant

The Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) has announced its new Senior Care Microgrant program to support senior care projects and healthy aging initiatives in the Peterborough area.

These grants have been made possible due to funding provided by the June Towle Trust. She passed away in 2023. Photo courtesy of GPHSF.

Two grants are available with the application deadline on Sept. 30. Find out more about the grants and criteria below. 

The new Senior Care Microgrant program is meant to be a low-barrier applicant process according to GPHSF. The grants can be used as seed money to address a new need or as financial support to an existing program in Peterborough, County, Hiawatha First Nation and Curve Lake First Nation. 

Two grants are available, with up to $5000 in funding available with each grant.

Applications are open to community and not-for-profit organizations, including medical organizations, that run programming and services or propose to run programming and services within the boundaries of Peterborough City and/or Peterborough County, Hiawatha First Nation and Curve Lake First Nation.

Proposed projects must be general in scope (including and impactful on as many people as possible). Project completion must occur within one year of approval unless GPHSF grants an extension. Grant funding can be applied to existing projects or used as seed money for new projects.

A maximum of $5,000 is available for each gran, and a maximum of $10,000 is available across all grants (two total).

The project timeline and budget must be provided.

Senior Care Microgrant projects may include.

  • Research

  • Equipment

  • Nutrition

  • Physical Activity

  • Mental Health

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Have a lasting impact on our community.

  • Support emerging needs in our community.

  • Improve the quality of life for seniors in the community.

Applications can be submitted online.

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