Brealey Drive Is Now Open

Good news: After months of detours, construction has been completed on Brealey Dr., and the road is now open between Lansdowne St. and the Fleming Parkway.

Photo via @FlemingCollege

Photo via @FlemingCollege

There are new turning lanes and traffic lights at the entrance to the college, along with new signalized pedestrian crosswalks and new sidewalks/walking paths.

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There Is Road Construction Happening All Over The Patch Right Now

Lansdowne Street is not comfortable for driving right now

There is road construction everywhere right now in the city: on Parkhill near Monaghan, on Water Street between the Zoo and Trent. And then there is Lansdowne Street West, which is going to be very congested for the next little while as sections of the road are being widened and resurfaced. Currently it is down from four lanes to two lanes of access. The intersection of Brealey Drive and Lansdowne is also being worked on, which will hopefully alleviate it from being a high accident location.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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