Peterborough Public Health Activates Heat Warning Information System As Summer Weather Approaches

Peterborough Public Health has activated its Heat Warning and Information System (HWIS) to advise residents of the best way to protect their health when temperatures soar.

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Environment and Climate Change Canada will issue Heat Warnings in advance of the heat event. Forecasters will assess if two or more consecutive days of weather that meet either the humidex or temperature criteria (daytime highs or nighttime lows) are expected in the region.

If so, a Heat Warning will be issued. Information about these warning levels is available on the Extreme Weather - Heat webpage under Environmental Hazards on and outlined in the news release.

A Heat Warning is issued when two consecutive days are forecasted to have a daytime high temperature greater than or equal to 31°C AND a nighttime temperature greater than or equal to 20°C or a humidex greater than or equal to 40. This level of warning reminds residents of the following core messages: to keep their home cool, stay out of the heat, keep the body cool and hydrated, assist others, and recognize the symptoms of heat exhaustion.

An Extended Heat Warning will be issued for a heat event lasting three or more days. This level of warning reminds residents of the core messages above, in addition to providing details on how and where to stay cool, advising suspension of strenuous outdoor activities, reminders to assist vulnerable groups, and to watch for further information through the media and the Public Health website.

During heat warnings, One Roof Community Centre will extend its hours of service to 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 – 9:30p.m. One Roof will close between noon and 1:00 p.m. for meal preparation and cleaning; a lunch meal will be served between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.

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