Kinsmen Minor Football League Season Opens With the Largest Season In History

The Kinsmen Minor Football League kicked off the largest season in League history this past Saturday at Thomas A Stewart Secondary School.

KMFL President Bryan Junkin addressing a record number of players during the Senior Evaluation Night. Photo courtesy of KMFL

The was between the Senior Argonauts and Roughriders. Hayden Phair for the Roughriders took a long run to score a TD on the game’s first play. Late int he game, Max Ytsma intercepted a pass in the Argos endzone and returned it for a pick six to tie until the final buzzer.

The Junior Division games kicked off at 11am with the RedBlacks defeating the TiCats 28-6. Easton Schenk (two touchdowns), AJ Galloway and Cody Laurant scored for the RedBlacks. Schecnk and Galloway also added a convert each. Tai Scott scored the touchdown for the TiCats.

The second Junior game was a high scoring game with the Roughriders defeating the Argos 44-36. Alex Ward, Reid Graham and Brycen Moore all scored two touchdowns for the Argos. Mason Earnshaw (two touchdowns), Jacob Cahorn (three touchdowns) and Cameron Yanuziello scored touchdowns for the Roughriders. Cahorn also made four converts.

The final game saw the Senior RedBlacks defeat the TiCats 45-6. Levi Paige (three touchdowns), Brock Hendren (three touchdowns) and Brody Munnings scored touchdowns for the RedBlacks. Munnings also converted two converts. Harrison Anchor scored the lone touchdown for the TiCats.

Former Peterborough Wolverine and Winnipeg Blue Bomber of the CFL, Owen Hubert, made an appearance. Hubert grew up in Norwood and was home for his bye week. He signed autographs, pictures and to chat with the young players about his football journey.

Next weeks action starts at 9 a.m. at TASS with the Argos facing the RedBlacks and the TiCats taking on the Roughriders.

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