John Connolly Appointed to Serve In Trustee Role for City of Peterborough

The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington (PVNC) Catholic District School Board has selected John Connolly as a new trustee to fill a vacancy on the board.

Photo courtesy of PVNC.

Connolly filled the vacancy following a special public Board meeting held on Tuesday at the Board office where six candidates were heard from.

Connolly holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Geography (Environmental Management and Urban Planning) from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and a Master’s Certificate in Public Sector Management from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (now Ontario Tech University).

He has served more than 16 years in senior management roles providing professional leadership and expertise in community building, housing, land use planning and economic development for all levels of government and the private sector. He has extensive leadership experience serving on executive boards in the Peterborough area including the Kawartha Haliburton Children’s Aid Society, the Peterborough Utilities and the Peterborough Regional Health Centre.

Connolly is currently Executive Director, Planning, Building and Economic Development for the Township of Cavan Monaghan. He and his wife have lived in the Peterborough area for more than 25 years and raised their family of three children, all of whom were educated in PVNC Catholic schools. 

“In all aspects of my life, I believe that I not only have an obligation but a personal responsibility to contribute to my community through public service. I have done this through my chosen career path as well as through my volunteerism and family commitments,” said Connolly. “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in the role of trustee and help PVNC Catholic succeed in its mission to accompany students and to educate students in faith-filled, loving, safe, inclusive schools.”

The Board began advertising for interested trustee candidates in mid-July following the resignation of Peterborough trustee Mike Ayotte. 

“We heard presentations from six strong and passionate candidates and we were impressed by the quality of candidates who put their names forward to serve Catholic Education in this jurisdiction,” Kevin MacKenzie, board chairman said. “We are happy to welcome John and I know we will all benefit from his experience and passion for service at the Board table.”

Connolly begins his role effective immediately.

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